I murdered a child

I murdered a child

A Poem by Adelise Eclair

that child was me....


Child, fallen slain to my silver blade

Stained is your vest, such deathly shade....

My tears are wasted on sins and pride....

As I kneel in death, at your very side....


Fire that glows in the dim of cold....

What prayer sent, does tomorrow hold?

What innocence within your eyes

But stone hearts and shattered lies...


Your blood the truth to humanity...

Trampled by a cruel reality...

What pride is stained by innocent red?

That tramples roses till they’re dead?

My veil is white yet shattered…

It’s scorned yet so tattered…

Tainted by your demise…

I weep your sacrifice…

Oh child, of the far off skies…

You pain me, with your eyes…

And how they shed tears

Like a little child’s fears…


          Your soul now shaken and gone…

     Yet your memory will live on…



© 2013 Adelise Eclair

My Review

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Near as I can figure this is a story
about the death of innocense and how
you killed it.
Well, I don`t think you killed anything, you
just developed into an intelligent young lady
who is a brilliant writer and looks like an Eclair.
Thanks for a great poem.
------Eagle Cruagh

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Adelise Eclair

11 Years Ago

Thank you :D


From the moment I read the first line, I smiled because I knew it was going to be great! Thank you so much for this excellent read! :D

Posted 10 Years Ago

Wow, really well written :)
Yes, my memory will live on...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Near as I can figure this is a story
about the death of innocense and how
you killed it.
Well, I don`t think you killed anything, you
just developed into an intelligent young lady
who is a brilliant writer and looks like an Eclair.
Thanks for a great poem.
------Eagle Cruagh

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Adelise Eclair

11 Years Ago

Thank you :D
So tragic in ways yet I think as all of us grow we shed the child we once were....very good write

Posted 11 Years Ago

Adelise Eclair

11 Years Ago

Thank you :)

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4 Reviews
Added on May 28, 2013
Last Updated on May 28, 2013
Tags: I, used, to, love, everything, blinded, by, what, was, really, right, in, front, of, me, lived, like, an, ignorant, fool, warned, given, advice, but, too, stubborn, pay, heed, needed


Adelise Eclair
Adelise Eclair


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