Backstabbing For Fame

Backstabbing For Fame

A Poem by Alicia Hirshey

Heartfelt remembrance

Play on words
Hopelessly clinging
To the wrong girl
Call me names
Crush me if you’d like
Nothing will hurt me
It’s all in spite
Jaded confusion
I could care less
Call me a back stabber
But whose knife was it
Best friend is a word
Not w***e as a friend
Easily replaced
When remembering sin
Judgment remarks
Long over due
Speak as you may
Nobody is listening to you
You messed up once
It won’t happen again
You expected the fall
Then why not let it end
Nobody judged you
You jump so easily
Timeless expressions
Begging on your knees
What can you say to make it right
How do you live with yourself
Face your fight
Friendship is nothing
If they never cared
Holding on to something
That never was there
Play your mind games
You don’t hold my strings
Life was better
Before you appeared to me
Photo’s in albums
I should replace
Instead I’ll light them
Send them in flame
Knife in my back
Easy to see
Nothing is important
Your not on your knees
Evil nightmares
Not my burden to bare
Nobody did this
You drove us there
Stabbing pain
Won’t go away
Wishing for nothing
But for you to go away.
Friend to your face
Hate to your spine
Turn you around
Web of lies
Change is nothing
You can’t change a b***h
All you can do
Is falsely cover it.
Trust me alone
I’m not the one to blame
He did this to us
I was there
I played the game
How can we trust
The one who we can’t stand
Hiding alone
Behind a pillar of sand.
Heartfelt remembrance
Play on words
Hopelessly clinging
To the wrong girl
Call me names
Crush me if you’d like
Nothing will hurt me
It’s all in spite

© 2011 Alicia Hirshey

Author's Note

Alicia Hirshey
I can't stand for somebody to be friends with you and then turn around and stick there knife into your back. It is bad when you have a best friend who stabs you but it is even worse when she tries to take everything you have, Then try to play victim. I cannot stand for somebody to play victim.

With that said, I was playing nice, I was trying to forgive but with current poems being posted and people making me out to be something that I am not so that nobody would read my writing is immature. This are high school games that I will not play. When she can be woman enough to take blame for what she did instead of turning everything around so she can play the poor me card I will unblock her. Until then, It is best that people just grow up, get a life and stay out of mine.

My Review

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I like the rollercoaster of emotion. So many of the stanzas shot out with knives of thier own. I love when people write with emotion, especially anger and sorrow. And you have done just that. Good job.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I really liked the thought and part of your life you took this from, it really makes it that much more speacial. Betrayal and hate are strong emotions, and you can take out a lot out of them. I really agreed to everything you said. A backstabber, and person who cares for ones self than others. An amazing write. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow. Really good. I've been through it too.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Betrayal is the worse, especially from those you love and who don't take credit for their actions. It's okay Ali. I promise. Your life will be far more richer.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Posted 13 Years Ago

You never cease to amaze me with you talent. You put your emotions into it and it gives it that raw feeling. The way this poem was written, it reminds me of my high school drama. Very well written

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow. I felt the rage secreting from this. In a way I can relate(not directly) for backstabbers are nothing new to me. Anyway greatly worded poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

outstanding poem...i think i could almost hear the bitterness on every word that you wrote!
you capture quite a scene for me!
great write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

good for you and your ability to stand up for yourself .

Posted 13 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Added on May 18, 2011
Last Updated on May 18, 2011


Alicia Hirshey
Alicia Hirshey

Hartford City, IN

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