The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
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A Poem by Closed Account

She’s fragile.

That’s what they all say,

as they walk past her in the halls.

She’s just skinny,

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But they don’t know the truth.

They don’t know that she cant hold down anything.

They don’t know that she fakes a smile and runs to the bathroom.

Just to stay skinny, she throws it all back up,

And then she goes back out, and pretends it never happened.

No one knows what goes through her head all day long.

No one’s heard what they called her at her old school.

Fat and ugly were the nicer things they said.

And ever since she left, she’s tortured herself,

Not letting herself eat.

But, every night she prays to God,

That someone will come along and help her out of this.

That someone will save her from herself.

Day after day, she waits,

But no one comes.

And, so now she’s slowly fading away.

All that’s left is thin skin and bones.

She didn’t mean for it to get this far,

But now it has, and it’s controlling her life.

She’s withering away, and nothing can save her.

© 2010 Closed Account

Author's Note

Closed Account
I don't really know about this. The ending isn't very good, cuz I was rushing to finish it, so please tell me what you think. Any advice/critisism/etc.???? Please review!!! Thanks for reading! (:

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This is defiantly true for a lot of women who do this. It becomes a habit they can't break and they're scared to go for help. So they just let it happen and soon they'll get sick because their bodies don't have the vitamins to keep their bones strong and their systems functioning properly

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow, very sad, very sad, but it was very good and fluent

Posted 13 Years Ago

when i think of anorexia, i used to think of girls who prided themselves on being the best, looking the best...but your poem shows the other side of the two-sided story that is, anorexia. Sometimes girls feel that when one person says something to put them down, it's like millions of people are standing with this person, taunting along and agreeing with them. We as teenage girls can't see past our insecurities. We turn to what will make us finally feel like we fit in. And sometimes, anorexia is the only place to go. Thanks for sharing, because it really did open my eyes :)

xoxo Caitlyn xoxo

Posted 13 Years Ago

any light shed upon this malady is a means to help lessen the numbers that are plagued by its existence. Well done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like this alot. its true and i like it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is anorexic/bulimic because an anorexic person will never eat while a bulimic person will binge eat and then throw up. They are both very dangerous, but this is a good poem. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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16 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 6, 2010
Last Updated on September 22, 2010

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