Still, the rain keeps on falling

Still, the rain keeps on falling

A Poem by BBP

I have made my peace and paid my debts

Still, the rain keeps on falling

I have buried pain and burned regrets

Still, the rain keeps on falling

They say the righteous path 
will lead you home again

But God ain't heard a word I've said,
and to me that ain't friend

'Cause the devil answers all my calls
and shows up now and then

So tell me man, why should I repent?

Why should I drop to bended knees?

'Cause kicking up dust don't seem so bad, 
when it just floats away in the breeze.

Because no matter what I do,
until I hear that final calling
The dirt always settles in the end, 
because the rain just keeps on falling

© 2017 BBP

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What an interesting notion! Your write stirs all sorts of thoughts
(1) You mention the Devil and God, so I'm assuming you see the dilemma of how ethical to be, how good a citizen, etc in these terms. I might argue that you're starting from an unproven premise - I'm not saying I would, but I might!
(2) As you can tell, I'm somewhat sceptical about the whole religion thing, and the notion of repentance is very odd, I think. It almost implies you can live a wild and wicked existence and then repent when you know the time is nigh, just so long as the repentance at that point is truly genuine. Sort of the direction the poem takes. I could argue these are constructs put in place by religious leaders thousands of years ago whose mindset and motivations back then are by no means clear; again not saying I would but I could. And meanwhile, sure I do some bad stuff now and then but hey, I'm still here breathing, eating, doing more bad stuff, so what's the big deal?

Very thought-provoking. I like the repeat of the rain line, especially its return at the end. Your line spacing confused me somewhat. Personally I would arrange it in 3 stanzas - (1) first 4 lines, (2) They say ...up to ... now and then, (3) So tell me ...


Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank Nigel. It's really just a scribble about whether or not it's worth living the way you want or.. read more
Ahh no matter what we do, seems like things have a way of getting fucked up in the end lol
Loved the last stanza the most! I wonder where this came from though :P nicely penned, Bev :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

Hahah I'm still diggin' 😛 there might be at least one who ain't shady lol 😉😂

7 Years Ago

Most likely not lol
Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

Lol yeah I couldn't think of any 😛😛
There sometimes seems no end to it...this really sheds all layers and leaves only the raw and visceral wanderings/wonderings...great piece...

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thanks poppy
I can see the writer looking up and cursing the sky here asking it what the f**k it wants now. A great picture and a gutty write. nice!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thanks mercy

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14 Reviews
Added on May 23, 2017
Last Updated on May 23, 2017




By day I am a nine to fiver to pay the bills. I am a full time daydreamer and I need to be creative to keep my sanity. Writing, pinstriping, sketching, whatever I can let my artistic aggression .. more..


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