Chapter Two: Changing Forever

Chapter Two: Changing Forever

A Chapter by Lettie

It was large, about the size of a water melon, and as black as charcoal. It rested carelessly in the sand at the bottom of the stream. Partly buried, so I guessed it had been in there awhile.

My feet pounded the soggy landscape, as I made my way as far away possible from my house. The air whistled though my ears, and stung at my eyes. I desperately tried to hold the tears back, because I was never one to cry at all. I was the strong girl, who kicked boys in the shin if they got on my nerves and who never backed down from a fight.

Crying was something that I didn't do often. I think the last time I had tears in my eyes, was ten years ago, back when I was six years old, and I skinned my knees racing with the big boys. I was fast, and I managed to beat them by two and a half seconds and the biggest boy was angry a little girl was faster them him, and he pushed me to the ground. My knees were all scarped up but it was worth it, because I saw my brothers protect me and beat the kid up. Nobody really messed with me afterwards, not when they found out they had eight older brothers to answer to if I got hurt.

I didn't need my brothers to fight my battles, though. After that incandescent, I learned to watch over myself, and became well known in Bloom. I didn't become very friendly with the girls, who thought I was weird, and the boys were rather afraid of me, but nevertheless I became my own person and I have no regrets. Who needs other people, anyway?

So maybe that's why it came to such a surprise to me, when the salty moisture filled my eyes. My mother knew how to hold her tongue, but she also had the sharpest tongue I had ever heard.

Usually I was good at ignoring what she said. Disrespectful... Blah blah blah... Out of control... Blah blah blah. Seriously, I heard all those words spoken more than once in my sixteen years of like, but for some reason today they actually found a way to hurt.

My mother had a way of making people to respect her, just by being in the same room. While I had to speak to be heard; my mother could just stand there silently and grab everyone attention. She was also stunningly beautiful, a trait I didn't seem to inherit. She was tall and slender, her skin was pale like any good lady, but it didn't look illness pale. Her hair was long, and a golden blond, framing her heart shape face. Her eyes were a dark blue boarded with long black lashes.

I on the other hand was tiny and delicate, barely reaching a height over five feet. My skin was an icy pale, despite the hours I spent in the sun. My hair was much lighter than my mothers, showing the abnormal color of a silvery blond. Like my hair, my eyes also happened to be shades lighter that were neither blue nor gray. The only good trait I got from my mother was her long lashes that always made me look tired.

My father said I looked like a little angel, I just think I look weird.

It took me a moment to realize where I was. Trees were all around my location, and I could hardly see the gray sky when looking up. To a normal person this would probably mean defeat and that they were lost, but I knew the village of Bloom as well as the back of my hand. The distance sound of flowing water told me that I was by the stream on the outskirts of the village.

Every time I ran away from home, and trust me when I said it happened often, I always ended up by the Bloom stream. I don't know why, but it was like my safe little heaven there, and to this day nobody knows anything about it. The sound of the running water was so relaxing, and everything was just peaceful there. I've even caught a fish by stabbing it with a dagger, which was not an easy thing to do.

I wasn't ready to go home yet. I knew that once I went back, my mother would apologize and I would have to pretend to forgive her to make everyone happy, and everything would probably happen tomorrow, all over again. My mother still treated me like a little girl even though time after time I tried to prove to her I am not a kid. Actually I didn't even like being a girl. Sometimes I think it would just be easier if I was born a boy.

Today the stream was even more lovely than usual. Maybe because the sun was faintly out today, and it shined down on the stream making it sparkle. It was a rather beautiful sight, and if it was possible I wished I could stay here forever.

Stepping over to the shinning water, I knelt down by the edge. Little minnows swam away as my shadow loomed over the stream's edge and there were no sign of any bigger fish. Darn. Trying to catch one again would make me day.

However, there was something else in the water. It was large, about the size of a water melon, and as black as charcoal. It rested carelessly in the sand at the bottom of the stream. Partly buried, so I guessed it had been in there awhile. Of course curiosity always got the best of me, so I just had to pick it up.

It was heavier than I thought, and wasn't hallowing as it looked. I pushed it neatly on the wet grass, and examined it. To be honest, I had no idea what it was, but my best guess was a rock. Even if, it was a rather pretty rock, black like the night dappled with tiny silver flecks that sparkled in the minimum sunlight. Gently, I cupped the stone in my hands. It was warm and cold at the same time and I was not prepared for what happened next.

Everything went white and I mean literally white. It was like being in pitch blackness, only it was about ten times worst. I couldn't see a thing, and couldn't move. My hands felt as if they were on fire, yet I could not remove them from the source of the flame. It was like I was frozen in the middle of a bonfire and it felt as if I was about to die.

I guess I have to forgive my mother before she even says she is sorry. My last thought was, about how this was a good way to die. Everything after that went black.

© 2010 Lettie

Author's Note

So because I got so many positive reviews on chapter one (thank you by the way) I decided to write chapter two. I hope you like it ;)

EDITED: 5/3/10

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Um.... Intrigued!!!!!!! lol.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Again, another good chapter.

I like how you describe the stream and its beauty and how when Gwen looked into the water the minnows swam away. It's a beautiful and vivid imagery.

An inconsistency that I noticed: first you said that Gwen didn't know what the black rock was, and then a few lines further you wrote "I cupped the egg in my hands". So, she did know what it was--an egg.

Look forward to read the next chapters. :-)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

Good chapter. Mistakes here and there but still it was a great chapter.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

Great Chapter. Some tweaks to make it flow better, but it didnt sway me from reading. Great Job. Your character Scarletta is Awesome.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love it! The chapter is great, but it needs to flow a little better. Both of the chapters are great, and I'm glad that I read them because this is a story that I like!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

I absolutely LOVE this character, Scarletta!! Characters who run away from home, are among my all-time faves! N' I love how you define her, in the 2nd paragraph, alongside her rough-n'-tough brothers! Your set-up of the character finding the egg in the water is superb. N' your descriptions...well, they just plain gorgeously ROCK!

"My father said I looked like a little angel, I just think I look weird.".....FABULOUS WRITING!

Keep it up, Scarletta! You are creating something special here! ㋡

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

this is a great chapter

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on April 27, 2010
Last Updated on May 3, 2010
Tags: gwen, dragon, dragon rider
Previous Versions



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