Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Black

Chapter 3


I wake up with a cosy feeling. I can see the sun rise through the windows. I´m sure I´m up at time, because it is spring, and the sun rises at 6 here.


I come out of bed, and look around. Look in my closet, and see al my clothes are unpacked. There are even more clothes in the closet then I brought. I´m sure I didn’t bring any expensive clothes, but there are known brands, like jimmy shoe´s, gucci, prada and more to mention. Then there I´ve ever seen. How did they come here? Why is it my size too? While I wonder about that I take a quick shower and put on a pink top with a black skirt. I take a new panty and put it on. Then take some red jimmy shoes and put those on too. I look in the mirror and see my curly black locks. My sparkling blue eyes, my red stifted thick lips. My long legs, I´m about 1 foot 6. My little nose, and my red coated nails.


´´I look okay for today´´ I mumble to nobody in particular.


I shake my head and close the closet door which made it possible to conceal the mirror which was in the closet door. It really is a beautifull closet with the flowers, the roses and the curly pattern.


I looked focused to it for a few minutes. It´s a waven pattern. It all looks like one an the same. Though it was all different. Real craftmenship. I smile and walk out the door.


´´Hey! Look out!´´ I shout.


´´You look out yourself!´´ edward shouts.


Oh.. it´s edward. I didn´t thought it would be edward. Though he is. I bumped into him. We already couldn’t get along that well. Then this happens. Something tells me it won´t be easy to get along with him.


´´I´m sorry.´´ I mumble without knowing why.


´´I´m sorry too.´´ Edward says.


´´Pish pash.´´ Eric says with an accent.

´´let´s get along and go to class.´´ he says with an convincing enthusiasm.


´´Yes indeed. We don´t have time to argue all the time. Edward, Vallerie, you guys are classmates. Get along already!´´ peter says.


At that time I knew for sure he would be the peace carer of the group we formed. Willingly or unwillingly, we would be a group. We just had to deal with that.


We walk along side each other across the hall. Open the door across. Which is also from carved wood. Open it and practicly fall into a dark room, because there is a stair right after the door.


The stairs are carved out of stone. It is that dark, you can only see the first 3 steps you need to make. A little window shines a little light on the staircase. Further it´s dark.


´´Are you sure we should be here?´´ Eric asks.


´´Well, I don’t know for sure.´´ Peter answers with a doubtfull look in his eyes.

He sure look frightened, or something else. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Something was going on. That´s for sure.


´´We sure should trust our gut feeling. Which led us here. There is no other place I feel we should be then down there.´´ I say.


´´Ha, and you´re always right Vallerie?´´ Edward says with a loud shout. That hard, that it almost scares me and fall forward.


´´Does that need to be that loud Edward?´´ I wonder while asking it out loud.


´sure it does!´´ he responded with a smirk on his face. Knowing I almost fell down.


´´Sush! I don´t want to hear any of you.´´ peter says convincingly.

´´You are both to loud. I thought we would get along together? We can´t always fight. That just can´t be done. So move on already. We all know we have to go down there. You know it to edward! Or don´t you? We all feel it. We also feel that there is something hidden. That is a gift of the white magicians I think. We all automaticly feel what we need to do. There for stop bikkering you to. Get along and lets go downstairs!´´


´´Thank you for that monologue prince genious.´´ I hear Eric mumble.


I assume Peter didn´t hear that. He sure acts like he didn´t. Me and edward  both nodd I see.


´´Fine lets go´´ is my conclusion.


´´That is just what I was thinking.´´ Edward mumbles.


He takes carefully the first step on the stairs. I hope it´s save. For some reason, it feels like a test.

´´Watch out Edward! Come back.´´  I shout.

Just to loud. Edward panics of my shout out and almost stumbles further. Peter is quick enough to catch his hand, and pull him back.



´´You did that on purpose!´´ he shouts to me.

´´I almost fell down.¨

right after that happened. The stairs that was just there dissapears. There instead is a pile of pillows.


´´Huh?´´ peter says.  He is the first one to notice this.


´´Bravo Vallerie.´´ I hear simon say behind us.


We all turn around and look astouned at simon. 

´´What are you doing here? ´´ We say in choir

© 2011 Black

My Review

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You have create a entertaining story. You can go in many directions with the story. I like the girl attitude. I like the pace and the new characters in the story. I look forward to reading more. A excellent chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Once more a new chapter means more questions. There could be a very neat storyline developing here. I'm looking forward to read more!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Funny ending, saying things in choir is always funny. I like this. It is getting better. Mind you capitalation and grammar though. The spell check on Word might help with that. Otherwise, great.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on July 31, 2011
Last Updated on July 31, 2011




I'm now a 19 year old :P (cough so old cough :P) For the once who didn't figure out, I am of course a girl I love writing, In english though i'm dutch, That probably makes me crazy! I always en.. more..

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