![]() Chapter 1.A Chapter by Brutis140![]() The king is murdered and the princess exiled. Tirtiri then adopts a "New Order of Governing"![]()
Glistening stars shot through the night sky over the castle. A young woman gazed out over the court yard, it looked very different than it had just eleven years ago. She found it hard to believe that the attack happened when she was six years old. The tower which stood hundreds off feet above her into the sky was now gone, replaced by a memorial statue in memory of the fallen. She sighed and looked to the stars, tonight was the first since before the Orb had been created that the world was bathed in a river of shooting stars.
"Ashley, its getting late, you should come inside and lay down your head." The old voice came from just inside the balcony door. "But father, this is the night of the Lunar Cleansing, the ceremony is tomorrow." The girls voice argued to persuade her father to let her enjoy her evening under the stars. "Tomorrow we have to present our speech to all of Tirtiri and its travelers. I don't wish to have my daughter exhausted during such a magical day." Her father's words held strong to her. She knew that no matter the argument, he was in no mood to debate. The young princess gathered her things and took one last glance at the shimmering stars against the blood moons. "Good night father." She spoke as she moved to her bed. Day had just set in, mild wind blew through the castle of Tirtiri. Ashley knew nothing of the time and was not prepared for her fathers booming voice as it shot through her room. "Ashley! Still sleeping?" She stirred slightly. "Wake up girl, we do not have the time to spare for your laziness." There seemed to be a slight sound of annoyance echoing the room now as he paced back and forth at the foot of her bed. "I'm awake father, I was just resting my eyes." She spoke to him softly with nervous resistance. "Of course you were. Now, come you must get prepared for our speech today." Sounding more pleased with her, he left the room to let her dress. She had only a few hours to prepare. The ceremony was to be started as soon as the sun reached the town's bell tower. The King chose his finest garments and jewels for this presentation and had his barber and trusted advisers suit him for today's appearance. "Why does he always speak at these ceremonies?" Ashley asked herself in the mirror while brushing her long brown hair. "Why can't he just act upon his words? I would be happy to destroy the demons that stole our freedom." Her blazing green eyes stared at themselves in the oak-lined mirror. "I swear, some day I will sink my spear into the throat of those beasts!" Now angered, she moved to her bed. On top lay the dress chosen for her to wear to the ceremony. She stared in disgust, wondering why she even had to be present. She understood its meaning, but at the same time wondered if it had brought her father to his senses. Would he now see it fit to send his Elite Knights in packs to find and destroy the Demokin King. It had been eleven years, its time the orb was returned to us in Tirtiri. "Its time we stood up for what we want, for what the whole world needs. Its been eleven years and not one allied soul knows where that devil may be hiding." Thoughts of why the Demokin army had not attacked lingered in her mind. "Their spies could be anywhere. What extent would the enemy go to gain control of the world?" Strange feelings began to rise in her. "It only makes sense. They have been waiting for this day. It is the Ceremony of Cleansing, the one true hope that Tirtiri may one day be saved and today is the day they will choose to attack." Her heart gave a great thud as she whispered the last words to herself. She gasped, for the first time she was fully aware of the Demokin's entire plan. It was the only explanation as to why they had waited so long to attack. "I have to stop father from attending the ceremony." She said aloud as she stood to walk towards the door. "Stop me, why?" Again her father's voice shot across the room, this time startling her as she walked while tying her dress. "Father I believe we are in danger if we attend this ceremony today. The feeling sickens me and cannot be lifted from my thoughts. Please listen to me, I beg you not to attend." Hearing her plea alarmed the King as he stood and watched her emerald eyes begin to shed tears. He paused, looking into her eyes and spoke. "It is done, I too had strange feelings about this. What you say daughter makes complete sense. I have arranged a stand in. From the balcony I was to give the speech no soul will tell the difference." The kings words brought joy to her face. "Thank you father. I only hope that I am wrong and nothing will happen today that will throw the city into chaos." "As do I, come we will be watching with the crowed." He replied. All appeared to be normal in Tirtiri, the smell of baking bread and other goods lingered in the square. Peddlers played their music and villagers moved past them, occasionally pitching in a few spare coins. “All seems well daughter,” the King spoke. “Yes, but we will see when the time comes,” her reply sounded bitter, almost too confident that she was right. “Come,” said the King ignoring her reply. “We must follow the villagers to blend in.” They took a step forward and merged with the traffic, becoming literally unseen being mingled with the common folk. The time had come. The sun had reached the peak of the bell tower. The bell had begun to chime and the villagers gathered at the foot of the Castle's balcony. Trumpets sounded and the mock King and Princess walked from behind the curtain. The crowd began to cheer and clap for a few minutes and then the stand in King raised his hands to signal silence. “You were right,” said Ashley, “"You can’t tell it isn’t us.” “Yes daughter, it’s amazing what a barber and a little bit of light can do.” He whispered back to her. The two of them silenced as well as the crowd. The mock King lowered his arms, a massive silence spread across the city and his booming voice was propelled from the balcony. “Today is a great day. We have seen hope in times of darkness. The predictions of our prophets were indeed correct. I stand before you today not only to tell you that there is light where we see dark, but that we will stand and fight against our enemy and regain our freedom as people of Tirtiri! It is our duty to fight for this privilege that was taken from us years ago. As you know, this is the eleventh year since that horrible night and we have been anticipating a move on our enemy’s behalf, yet none has been made. At dawn, Tirtiri will send its Elite Knights to find where the enemy is hiding. Tomorrow we prepare for war. Our first move will not only prepare us, but will also put us a step further by locating the Demokin hide away. I only hope that this is for the best interest of Tirtiri’s citizens and that all will live to see the day that the Orb is returned and that everyday life will be as it was.” An awkward silence fell upon the square, as the stand in had finished his speech and waited for a response. Slow clapping soon began echoing through the square, followed by cheers and whistling. It appeared that the town's folk were satisfied with the King’s speech. The fake King and the Princess turned and retreated back into the Castle. Ashley watched as the people in the crowd turned to walk away. Chatter of the speech filled the air as the peddlers returned to work and others returned home. She felt relieved that her sense had not been correct but it was still there. The day was not over, in fact the sun had not even reached its high and the day still was at its half way point. Her father did not know what to say to comfort her, it seemed as though nothing would make her believe that they were safe. “Do not worry child, we will be fine. We will carry out the plans as you heard.” He tried to reassure her but the look she gave him showed that this attempt was useless. She left for her room. It was a long afternoon for her. She sat in her room waiting for the time the Knights would be leaving to search for the Demokin. There was no doubt that they would find the enemies, but not all are allied with evil. Some even provide Tirtiri with food and drink by running nearby farms. She thought to herself, no doubt this is going to turn out bad. Down the hall, the King’s quarters were full of activity. The King was talking to his advisers of the predicted treachery. “At all costs, we must make sure my daughter is safe. All precautions must be taken, sweep the halls, barricade the doors, and have the guards on duty!" He exclaimed. The adviser understood the alarm in the king’s voice, he set our immediately to do as he commanded. “Why must she be born with this power, the same as her mother? Seven, rest her soul. Why did she have to have this gift of foresight? I fear for us all if her predictions are true.” The King sighed as he took a seat on his balcony. He watched the birds as they danced against the orange sky. The stars were starting to reveal themselves. At each corner of the horizon the tips of the moons began to rise. The King wondered to himself, 'Why on such a peaceful day, do I torture myself with thoughts of despair?’ His only concern was for his beloved daughter. He spoke to the Seven, “I only hope that she goes unharmed whatever the outcome. Seven, if you are listening do not let harm come to her, please hear my plead.” Great sadness filled his mind and he bent his head, tears began to stream down his face and were lost in his bushy gray beard. Loud crashing filled the halls, it seemed over whelming to her ears. She could not help herself as she crawled from bed. Like a ghost, she seemed to drift towards the door. The creek it made seemed louder than usual. As though she was amplified by an unknown force. She found herself drifting towards the Throne room, unable to control her actions. Following the crashing as it seemed to be growing louder and louder until it was almost unbearable. She moved through hallway upon hallway. Her heart beat was growing louder, mingling with the crashing. The anxiety of the situation created such a fear in her. She only wished to turn and run, but her legs wouldn’t let her. The crashing sound became familiar to her. Like the heat of battle, swords clashing together in hatred or fury. She knew now that whatever she was meant to see, was not anything she would want to. The pillars of the Throne room now came into view, a magnificent blue rug shot from the doorway to the King’s Throne. Three figures came into view as she drew nearer. Her heart gave a great thud, as all the hurt she had ever felt drew up through her body and to her mouth. She tried to force a scream but no sound was made. She tried to talk but she was unable, all she could do was watch as her father engaged in battle with the enemy. Two of the most terrifying creatures she had ever seen. Their skin was fiery red, swirling horns jutted from their skulls. Their eyes were blazing and looking right through her. Their tails were equipped with their own jagged horns, and their jet black armor seemed only to make them appear more evil. ‘Demokin!’ She thought to herself, ‘I was right, they're here to kill my father!’ She could only watch as the beasts fought her father. The match was not fair in her eyes, two unholy beasts with endless power against none. Her father an old man, the skill with his blade was the only thing keeping him alive. The battle tore her heart apart, knowing the whole day that she had been right. Her father would soon be dead, and she would be left on her own. She could now tell that her father was growing tired and his old body could not keep up to these creatures, if he made one wrong move he would be dead. The thought bolted through her mind and sorrow now built inside her, she knew that she must find a way to stop it from happening. The move took all her concentration, she now flew faster than she thought she ever could towards them. She saw her father look up towards her just as she crashed with tremendous force into his body. “Ashley,” he spoke, “I love you.” His eyes closed, and she let out a booming cry. Looking down, she saw that the demonic blade had barely missed her and entered her father’s body, just below his ribs. Blood seeped from the wound and she stood. The monsters seemed not to care for her, but only for her father’s bleeding body. They quickly went to work, stringing rope around his neck and pulling him to the massive chair at the head of the room. Ashyla turned away, she could not bare to see her father dragged to his throne by his neck, the act itself seemed twisted and she didn’t know what their plan was. Her eyes shooting open and she sat straight up, tears and sweat littered her face. Not yet coming to her senses, she began to cry again. She sat for a long time with her face buried in her hands, soon the tears would all dry up and the moment of sadness would pass. It was dark outside, one big blood moon shone in the sky. It had been many hours before she crawled from her bed to explore. Her head was full of the memories she had experienced. They filled her head, as she started to cry again. Fear built up inside her as she took a similar path approaching the Throne. Not knowing what she would find. The blue rug was missing, replaced with crimson red. She moved towards the Throne, noticing that another detail had changed. Three massive chairs sat against the wall. She now knew that what she remembered was only a dream. She turned away from the Throne and took a step forward, only to have her foot plunge into something cold and wet ahead of her. A shiver ran up her body it was too dark to see the floor or her foot, silence fell upon her, she held her breath and turned back towards the Thrones. Moving towards the Thrones now, her heart began to beat louder and the fear had returned. She examined the Throne thoroughly. Unsatisfied with her find she turned her gaze to the upper windows. The moon's light cast shadows on the far walls. She followed the shadows but there was something blocking one of the windows. She went to the window to see what it was. Finding nothing, her heart started to beat fast. She didn’t know what could possibly be blocking this window. Suddenly a breeze came through the room and she felt something small hit her shoulder. She slowly strained her neck to look at the ceiling, something was dangling. Squinting her eyes she tried to get a better look. Moments later it swayed into the moonlight, helping her see. She almost fainted, it was then she realized what it was that was blocking the window. A scream escaped her lungs, a screech so deafening her own ears popped. It was her father, strung from the ceiling in the Throne room and dripping blood and staring off into nothingness. Hearing her screams, dozens of servants ran to her aid, seeing the horrifying sight. Whispers filled the room as guards and maids gazed upon the hanging body of their former King. “Move out of the way, make a hole.” Sir Garth, a short plump man commanded. An intelligent man, and very trusted by the crown. “What is the meaning of all this…?” Just as he entered the room he was cut off, he could not believe what he was seeing. “What treachery is this? Guards! Get him down immediately,” his words were harsh and gleaming of anger. Moving away from the crowd, Garth started muttering to himself quietly, “in times like these how could he do this to us!” Garth's anger started to show as he paced back and forth in front of the Throne. “I want everyone out, call forth the Elite Knights.” The servants knew the anger and did not think twice. In a matter of minutes the servants were gone from the room and the Knights were entering. They were surprised to see their King like this, they stopped breathing, waiting for Garth to say something. “As you can see, our King is dead, even more obvious, by his own hand.” Ashley was sitting on the ground by his body crying, but she heard quite clearly what he had said, and she was outraged. “No! I saw it, murder made to look as though he took his own life.” Her plead to Garth didn’t seem to reach him. “Silence child, you and your family are damned. Your plans to desert Tirtiri will not make us fall. For now more than ever, I realize we must take action and stand up for this city.” The seriousness in his face sucked her in, she did not know how to reply. Tirtiri would fall and nothing would stop sir Garth from taking the city as his own. Something crumpled in her hands as she clung to her father. Looking down she saw that it was a piece of paper place just inside of the pocket on her fathers shirt. She took it and put it in her pocket quickly before anyone could see it. “Guards, gather the towns folks at dawn. I have to reveal the horrible news and explain our new plans for Tirtiri.” Garth commanded. Ashley became alarmed at what he had said and wondered what would come of this. “Lock the girl in her quarters, make sure she doesn’t escape, I have much to prepare.” With those words, he left. "Princess." A man spoke. She recognized him, one of her father's generals. Zack, was his name. She had always thought he was charming and handsome. A young distinguished man with brown eyes and short brown hair to match. He was good with a sword and taught her how to fight with a spear. "Princess, I will escort you to your room. You'll remain safe, I promise." Zack said and put out his hand for her. She smiled and reached for it. "Also, I'll be needing that paper." He smiled and her heart sank. Sunrise had set in, the guards charged around the city announcing the town meeting. “All citizens report to the Castle court yard, an urgent matter needs attending.” By the dozens, the town folks gathered where they had the previous day. “What is the meaning of this?” One villager yelled at the balcony. The villagers were outraged. Sir Garth moved into position on the balcony, and like the King the previous day, raised his arms to signal silence. The crowd obeyed, and he began to speak. “Citizens of Tirtiri, I come to you now, with tragic news. The entire royal family has betrayed us,” whispers began to move through the crowd. “Before you protest, hear me out. Early this day, we discovered the King and his beloved daughter dead.” Ashley heard this and started beating at the door and screaming, wanting the people to know she was not dead. “The King was found hung dead, at his own hand, strung from the Throne room ceiling, this in my eyes is his ultimate betrayal.” Extreme silence filled the city, not one person knew what to think or do. “Your King has left us stranded in this time of evil, left us to die and to live on greed, I say no!” His words striking emotion in the bodies beneath him. “I say we create our own way of life, by the people's choice, a form of governing, like none of the world has ever seen. Myself, along with our four Elite Knights, will be selected by vote by the people. At this point in time, no outsiders, women, or children may vote, only noble men and men of business.”A slight stir in the crowd followed by whispers and uneasy glances. He continued. "Each of the men running for this position will have ten days to persuade the voters to choose them. After the voting process the Elite Knights and myself will hold a meeting once every five days to discuss new and old laws. The winner of the citizens vote will be fully in charge of governing the city and its affairs." Sir Garth turned and re-entered the castle followed by his Knights. "Sir, what of the girl? asked General Zack. "I want her removed from the city, and never see her return." He paused. "She will leave tomorrow by carriage and be left at the forests edge for the wolves." His words were final in General Zack's eyes. "Yes sir!" he replied and signaled his guards to follow. © 2015 Brutis140 |
StatsAuthor![]() Brutis140Stratford, CanadaAboutWell, I'm not sure where to begin. I'm 27 years old and live in a small town, I work for a living and enjoy reading, writing, drawing, filming building costumes and props and animating. more..Writing