

A Poem by Carol Maric

PROTEAN NotUnTitled: The Philosophical Cantos / Canto I / WaitHereEyeSolAtes Cantos (III) . . . Nota Bene: This book is my Inferno. [not about or inspired by the Dadaist movement]


© 2007 Carol Maric - Being: The Obsession, Continued . . . A Raging Epidemic !

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Do not reproduce without the author's permission--Links OK.

© 2009 Carol Maric

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This is more than art. This is pure fun. This is what covering your jean backed notebook is all about, it's like the inventor of the peace sign using the semaphore letters N and D for nuclear disarmament then inverting it and drawing a circle around it. Pure fun and it makes people scratch their heads because they are wondering what fun is. lol

Posted 17 Years Ago

16 of 16 people found this review constructive.


This text almost literally "blows my mind", if that doesn't sound too cliche too say. i love the way its is working with text and visual and i guess coming from a sureelaist perspective. i've never sen anything like it before. Think it should be exhibited in aframe to get the full impact in a gallery, or at least on someones wall. its something you want to go back to, reda about surrealism etc and then go back to.Amazing.

Posted 17 Years Ago

18 of 19 people found this review constructive.

....... I wish I was able to really comprehend this; it must have taken an incredible amount of imagination, patience, dedication and passion to create this, and for that I congratulate you.

Reading this was akin to deciphering the language of a diseased civilization light years from our own.

Posted 17 Years Ago

18 of 21 people found this review constructive.

a truely remarkable piece of abstract poetry. i can't even think about what it takes to do something like this.

Posted 17 Years Ago

18 of 21 people found this review constructive.

What is the difference between imagination and intellect?

This was a question posed by a lecturer in my �Descartes� study days (the argument from the existence of the imagination to the existence of material objects in the 6th meditation) and prompts me to encourage the use of both.

I picked up a lot of 'vibes' from your work, which stimulated both my physical brain and my non-physical mind.

I would encourage other readers to visit the Wikipedia site and look up 'Dadaism'


Posted 17 Years Ago

20 of 21 people found this review constructive.

I have to admit, I got lost somewhere after the bit about LSD at the beginning. I'm not going to pretend to know anything about this style of writing or criticize it as though I know anything about it. I don't, so I'll just tell you what I think from a non-knowing perspective: I have no idea what the hell this is, what it's about, or why I read it. I got no insight out of it, I got no fulfillment out of it, I got nothing at all out of it...except maybe a slight headache and my back hurts. Anyway, I do congratulate you on creating such a...unique piece of work. I'd never have the patience to sit down and try to put something like this together, but you obviously do. I respect that. Well, good luck with getting this published, if you haven't already. Keep writing, no matter what...

Posted 17 Years Ago

20 of 21 people found this review constructive.

"Author of the unpublished masterpiece"
"akin to late James Joyce with Nietzschean poetics."
"This is the sort of book in which an author's work might culminate, yet it is a first work."

Perhaps a little humility would assist with your journey.
I certainly don't pretend to understand dadaism. Mostly, I suspect, there is nothing to understand. I suppose my main critique of this piece is that I don't see how you are connecting with your audience. It is one thing to lead willing individuals down a labyrinth of confusion in order to deliver them born anew, but this appears to be simply the confusion, no payoff. How is the reader to learn from this? How does it assist with the journey of the soul? For me, it looks like another self-indulgent prison. Perhaps I just don't get this "art" thing that "artists" talk about.

Posted 17 Years Ago

19 of 22 people found this review constructive.

Dats natty,
Dats Jacques,
Deconstructive criticism: HeWar
BoSco. demTrademArk.

Posted 17 Years Ago

18 of 21 people found this review constructive.

i am on my own LSD, indeed :p in can see why you wrote that hehe :)
this is very interresting, like the layout, the different, well like glued together sentences, somehow i was reminded of computer code during the poem, anyway, i like the poem it is great but to be honest....i didn't understand a word :s some help might be usefull :p

Posted 17 Years Ago

18 of 21 people found this review constructive.

Thanks for making me work for it - I'm still not done, nor will I be any time soon, if ever - and that makes me very very happy. It refreshes my love of play, both for the sake of play and for the different directions in which meaning can be pulled, pushed, hidden and unveiled. The repetition of "OnWord" reiterates for me that what we do and write can and will make a difference; I think we all need a reminder of this once and awhile.

Posted 17 Years Ago

18 of 21 people found this review constructive.

lol, I agree with the person before, help translate please ;-)


Posted 17 Years Ago

17 of 22 people found this review constructive.

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191 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 2, 2008
Last Updated on December 12, 2009


Carol Maric
Carol Maric

And then went down to the ship, Set keel to breakers, forth on the godly sea, and . . . Ezra Pound (TCOEP).

" My life goal? Literary Immortality--without compromise. " " I would rather be skydiving while writing a book. " philosopher & polymath Author of the unpublished masterpiece PROTEAN NotUnTit.. more..


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