Blazing Barrels

Blazing Barrels

A Story by Clive D Costa

The story and life of Antony just gets worse. But he lives with it and with Sylvia.


It was not a peaceful day. The forest was full of howls of wolves. A girl was trying to escape from the wolves. She suddenly fell and hit a tree. She was stuck. The wolves then surrounded her.

Girl " this is so not what I had learnt from the movies!

Fortunately for the girl, gunshots killed the wolves! She could see a figure standing in front of her. She was confused; the figure looked like a lion. Then she saw a guy with heavy furred collar.

Guy "You should not be here, it’s not safe.

Girl " thank you for saving me. What’s your name?

Guy "Antony LionsHeart.

Girl "I’m Silvia Silverswan.

They exchanged phone numbers and left the place. Tony went back to a place known as Groovestreet, named by gangsters. There was a graffiti painting on the walls of that street. Most common is groove. Maybe that’s why its name is groovestreet. The street was full of gangsters. Each of them were heavily armed. Most of them greeted him saying,”hey yo, whatzup (whats up) Tony?”. He went straight to a gang of three people.

The gangs name was "GrooveHighlanderz. The members were Charles (Chuck) , Douglas, and Edwin. Chuck was a little short and calm. Doug (Douglas) was tall and ill-tempered. Edwin was just a little taller than Chuck but shorter than Doug. He was known as the info-man of the gang. Chuck started to say-

Chuck-long time Tony! Good to see ya again!

Tony "same to ya, brother! Good to see ya too, Doug!

Edwin- we got bad news, Tony. Groove street is gonna turn upside-down.

Tony "what do ya mean? I thought we earned groove street forever? Didn’t we?

Doug "that’s history!

Edwin "the cops came arrested the whole firedup dudesgang! They tried to take Doug's brother -Gregory, but he fought back and escaped.  

Tony "Greg's a fugitive?

Doug- not only him, we all are!

There were several gangs who worked together.

The blue ninjas, the hells angels and the da Cyclops are the few of the gangs that are left.

Greg then announced everyone to go to the gangsta hive- a place they all joined up and met.

Greg roared and said,

Greg "we are being attacked by the cops. Tomorrow the cops attacks; we repel.

Cecil [leader of hellz angelz]- Whats the deal ? We’re up against hundreds. There’s no way of winning against them.

Greg " we can. We just need a plan. We should work together and ambush them. This will be the war of Groove Street. Blueninjaz, you strike from above. Groove highlanderz you ambush them and the rest, with me.

Then they decided the whole night.

On 4:30 at mourning the cops started their first raid.

They announced that if the gangsters surrendered, they would not kill. But nothing happened. Everything was silent. The gangsters did nothing. Above one floor , Blueninjaz was hiding to ambush from above. Groovehighlanderz were hiding in corridors. Greg hiding in a undergo. Then suddenly, blueninjaz started their act from above. There was one with a sniper magnum and the others with machine-guns. This killed many the cops’ side. The cops also striked back at them. Just when they put all their might at killing the sniper above, Groovehighlanderz started their ambush. First, Doug jumped with a bazooka in his hand, banged off the grenade. This killed more of the cops. Tony still didn’t show up. The cops also killed many of the gangs. They killed the whole hellzangelz gang. And Edwin with them.

Chuck "Edwin!

Chuck took a machine gun and shot down about ten soldiers. The cops also killed a few of Gregs team. In the end tony showed up among one of the houses’ roof, with a grenade in each gap of his fingers of the two hands. He then threw them all at once!


Only a few of the cops survived this and retreated. Among the gangsters only a few survived too. The surviving gangsters were- Tony, Greg, Doug , Chuck, Rex[Bluninjaz], Leo[Blueninjaz], Robin[Da Cyclops]. They went back to the gangsta hive.

Greg- I thank you guys for fighting this war. Especially you six. Couldn’t have done it without you.

Doug "we are known well. They’ll hunt us down, wont they?

Greg -yes. Its not safe anymore in groove street. Or anywhere now. We have to split out and go away. The second raid will be lighter. One of us can be sacrificed.

Then in the mourning, they armed themselves heavily and went to different directions. Tony history threw him to a lot of trouble. He had no where he can go. He roams around aimlessly until he reaches the forest in which he saved Sylvia. Then he remembered her and called her, but instead he a scream, that suggested that the voice was of Sylvia. Then he brought out the double barrel and the rushed to the point the scream came from then he sees Sylvia being chased by a lion. He shot, but misses the first. Then he shoots again. Miss! He then takes the Dillinger and shoots several shots and then kills it with his sword, a sword his father loved. He moves on and helps her up.

Tony " Why are you always being chased by animals?

Sylvia said nothing but took him to a cave near a house. Well , this is where she lived. She then made dinner. They both ate and Tony started.

Tony " Delicious! Do you cook like this every day?

Sylvia "Actually yeah! Dusk is falling. Mind if you stay?

Tony " Not a problem.

They talked about their lives. Then Tony explained what had happened. He then found out that Sylvia was suffering the same condition. Sylvia then started,

Sylvia- So ……………………you could stay with me! It gets really lonely! Id love it if you to stay.

After that they went to sleep. At first he slept alone. But one day, it felt very lonely to Sylvia and she requested him to sleep with her. Well, they now sleep together and sometimes they share secrets. One night Sylvia said to Tony that she has some strong feelings about him. Tony stared at her. Then he said that he knows how she feels about him and said that he feels the same about her.

Sylvia "I …..I love you.

Tony- I-I love you, too.

Then they were close to kissing, but broke by sound. Gunshot! Tony ran outside and then saw Chuck and Greg on a tree.

Chuck- long time lover-boy!

Greg "I can’t believe that our youngest, fell in love!

Well, that needed a little privacy, didn’t it? Greg and Chuck were watching them. Chuck said that if they all rounded teaming with each other they might even beat the cops. Or sacrifice one life for the last raid. Tony agreed.

They then went in and ate dinner. Then they planned they would go to strike the Groove street. They armed themselves heavily and decided to go through the forest and meet the police on Groovestreet.

Hearing this, Sylvia’s heart began to beat heavily, because she knew that once he went there was no way he was returning. Sylvia rushed and kissed him. There was a dead silence. Grege and the others watch anxiously while robin covers his eyes with his hand and says,

Robin- Argh!

Then they went to the end of their lives. They were passing through the forest, but met the cops on the way. It was a gloomy day as if it would rain any time. The war began and the two teams started the jungle menace. Chuck as usual was awesome with his Dillinger. Chuck threw off tons of the cops. Robins excellent accuracy and patience leads him to beat the cops using dual hits. Doug threw roaring bombs at the cops but was hit by one police. He actually took out the most of the cops. Cops lit the forest. Robin died by getting by a tree. The cops took this advantage to hide in the rage of the fire. Shooting several of the gangsters. Chuck, Rex and Leo died in this way. Tony shot out of nowhere and threw a shower of bombs together at the cops and they all died, except that the strange thing that he noticed were balls. They were heading straight for Greg. Then he realized that they weren’t balls they were bombs.

Greg- Yeah come on! Show me just how much you can burn!

He spread his arm wide open. But then just in one freaking second, somebody pushed him away. Bomb came and fell on that guy instead of Greg. There was heavy smoke and dense fire. Greg then fell unconscious.

Greg ,one of the few survivors, opened his eyes and saw it was raining. He got up to see who saved him. What he saw was total shock. The boys sword fallen by his side, full of blood.

Greg- Nooo! Sylvia will never forgive me! No, why you! Why the youngest!

He knelt at the corpse and started to cry. The thing is he was totally in one heart with all of his gangsters. The thing might be that he was a gangster, but even the roughest of man has a heart.

Greg - Nooo!

He took the body and took it to Sylvia. Sylvia fell apart when she saw her lover dead. She cried like she never did.                     

10 years later......

A guy came in front of a grave and kept flowers peacefully to an old family member. He had spiky beard and a heavy hood. He had two dillingers and a sword which was rusted heavily and almost destroyed as if somebody had used it for ten years and never washed it . He jabbed it in front of the grave. A girl not older than 28 years old came.

Sylvia-Hello old man. Mind for some coffee?

The man with spiky beard replied with a very rough voice.

Greg- you’re as sweet as ever.

Then they both went into a house near a cave. On the gravestone was written,


© 2013 Clive D Costa

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when someone speaks you only have the beginning quotation marks, not the end.The conversations are kind of choppy and the time transitions don't make sense and don't flow with the story well. Your paragraphs aren't indented.And unless this is a script it should say something like 'The girl said,' or 'She exclaimed' not just 'Girl' because it doesn't make sense. Many minor grammatical mistakes... but I do like the actual story. Once you edit it this will be a great story...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Clive D Costa

11 Years Ago

The thing is, I made it while I was six. or i would make it better.
Harley Rose

11 Years Ago

Okay but it does kind of make it hard to read...


Im going to bring a better version of it. could take a while guys..........or girls.

Posted 11 Years Ago

when someone speaks you only have the beginning quotation marks, not the end.The conversations are kind of choppy and the time transitions don't make sense and don't flow with the story well. Your paragraphs aren't indented.And unless this is a script it should say something like 'The girl said,' or 'She exclaimed' not just 'Girl' because it doesn't make sense. Many minor grammatical mistakes... but I do like the actual story. Once you edit it this will be a great story...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Clive D Costa

11 Years Ago

The thing is, I made it while I was six. or i would make it better.
Harley Rose

11 Years Ago

Okay but it does kind of make it hard to read...
This kinda explains that life sucks.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on January 2, 2013
Last Updated on May 29, 2013
Tags: tragedy, action, war, love, romance


Clive D Costa
Clive D Costa

Bronx, NY

I'm calm and i like to write. I prefer writing over most other things. more..
