Loves Goodbye

Loves Goodbye

A Poem by Clive D Costa

When it comes to love, one should do whatever it takes to make it right.

When it comes to love
Ill make the biggest mistake above-
All Ill die but give everything to the one
But that person is all gone.

Why doesn't it hurt to know what happened
why doesn't it feel that my life is darkened
Knowing that I'm all alone.......
Knowing I just broke a bone.
Feeling lonely and unhappy
Feeling sad and melancholy,
When my heart will break
No-one's heart will shake.
Falling to my knees
Ill hear the buzzing of the bees
And see sunshine
And the trembling hands of mine-
Will never be caught, and ill never stop crying.

© 2013 Clive D Costa

Author's Note

Clive D Costa
This is what i felt like when i had my first crush.

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"Feeling lonely and unhappy
Feeling sad and melancholy,
When my heart will break
No-one's heart will shake.
Falling to my knees
Ill hear the buzzing of the bees"
That is some good poetry....:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Clive D Costa

11 Years Ago

Sami Khalil

11 Years Ago

You are welcome...:)
When it comes to love the only mistake is from the one who does not reciprocate this wonderful gift bestowed upon them. That feeling of being in love and to be loved.. Isn't that what life is all about..

Strong enough to say goodbye to your past love... Brave enough and ready to say HELLO to your future love...

Love the sentiments throughout this endearing write.....

"When you've found your true'll just know it's right' :o)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Clive D Costa

11 Years Ago

Poetic in a melodious way! You've given me the best comment of today!
Yellow Butterfly

11 Years Ago

Your welcome :O)
Nice use of rhyme in this piece. You've taken a rather generic topic and breathed that little spark of life into it successfully here, so well done in that regard. Just make sure, however, that you check your spelling and grammar. You use some very vivid imagery here and you managed to keep the reader's attention all the way through the piece - well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 18, 2013
Last Updated on February 18, 2013


Clive D Costa
Clive D Costa

Bronx, NY

I'm calm and i like to write. I prefer writing over most other things. more..
