Dem Boys in Blue

Dem Boys in Blue

A Poem by Judas Hammer

A incident happen when I moved to Sherman Oaks, CA. I went out late to the corner store. It was cold so I had my hooded sweat shirt over my ears, I turned down the wrong side walk and well.......


Dem Boyz in Blue


Dem Boys in blue patrol the block

Keeping the neighborhood safe

 for you and me.

Keeping the neighborhood safe for you

from me.

My hooded sweat shirt makes me a



The light flashes

They stop me

They grab me

They frisk me


They take my Lipton tea from my hand

They take my name

They take my pride

They take my freedom


I am no longer American

I am an answer away

from a caged backseat


Dem boys in blue have guns

Glocks with no safety.

Guns that will blow a hole

in my back

As they protect you from me


“Put your phone down”

“Get you hands out of your pocket”

“Can we search your wallet”


Dem boys in blue

Grab my back

Grab my leg

Grab my crotch

Protecting me from you


Each officer ask me the same questions seven time

“Are you on probation or parole”

I have the same answer



They twenty something cops

Tells me I fit a description

I think to myself

So do you

I am a raised octave away

From tasting the sidewalk


Dem boys in blue

Return my Lipton ice tea

And Id

But not my manhood


They leave in one motion.

No apology

No offer of a ride


Dem boys in blue patrol the block

Keeping the world safe for

 you and me

me from you

but who protects

you from them?


© 2011 Judas Hammer

Author's Note

Judas Hammer
Just a poem to vent. We are all Americans. We are brothers and sisters. i respect the police and am thankful for them. The LAPD and Long Beach PD are on a real negative vibe sometimes.

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police everywhere i've seen get on negative vibes --unproductive --perhaps bad for integrity of dept and citizens alike. Shall we ride that same vibe? I shall not! Leadership is borne of example --who then dares to set that example? The public paradigm must step forward to play that tune which sets the vibe. Whoa! just venting too.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I Love this poem I always share this poem with my friends always giving you your credit. I'm about to post it on facebook today in memory of Trayvon Martin who was recently muder for nothing and he was wearing a hoodie and was said to have looked suspicion...damn shame RIP Trayvon Martin.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Just like any position of power you have your leaders and your abusers. This is a very well written rant and I understand the frustration. I grew up in a ghetto, but, being a skinny white girl never quite faced this. I have though, realized they are not allowed to give you rides. At least not here in Toronto, Canada. Still, this is well done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!! My brother this is an amazing poem and you have captured a feeling I have grown to have because and I quote "dem Boys in Blue" have harassed me my entire life. They take one look at me and assume that I'm a drug dealer or criminal. You get two thumbs up and my unofficial award of the month for Best Poem.... Take a bow.

Posted 12 Years Ago

After the government in effect did away with the Bill of Rights the other night we may all be facing this..without any of our rights to protect us at all. Great work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Some cops abuse their authority too much, espeacially when somehow "fitting the description”, allows them to do illegal search and seizures,

Posted 12 Years Ago

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I know good cops and not so good. More of the former than later. Ignoring that, there is a wonderful flow and beat to this poem. a marvelous lightness of touch overlaying a serious issue. Great work mate. Loved every second of it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I like this piece. Your poems have a very unique sound to them and I find that a lot of them tell stories. I would love to see how you would write about an emotion. Your poems have emotions that are built into them but to make the stories (your poems) purely about a single emotion would be cool to see. It’s Just a thought.
You keep it up and I’ll keep reading!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love the venting poems the best because they are the ones that bring forth the raw emotion of the writer and this is an excellent example of that

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Yes, they'll rape you every time, and laugh when they say "i'm sorry".

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very emotive and well written piece, there is a lot of truth in your words, sadly and I wish it wasn't so x

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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26 Reviews
Added on October 15, 2011
Last Updated on October 17, 2011
Tags: police, arrest, probation parole, fear


Judas Hammer
Judas Hammer

The City of Angeles, CA

I like to write, live in La and write and make short films. and more..


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