No More Sorrow

No More Sorrow

A Poem by Cole Spire

No More Sorrow


By Matthew S. Van Hove


"No good deed goes unpunnished"

Isn't that what they all say?

How can this all be true?

How can we live in a world where everything is all about the "Me" and not the "We"?


I met a man the other day, One down on his luck.

A souless nobody that everyone passes by.

Some one that no job would look twice at.

Some one that I used to be.


I stopped and talked with him,

I gave him some money.

I told him to come by and I would buy him a meal.

I saw the gratatude in his eyes and felt warmth within.


Who are we to pass this man buy?

He is one of us, a human being.

It wasn't pitty that made me do it,

I didn't pitty him and i didn't expect anything in return.


Going beyond a meal I talked to my own boss.

I looked among our positions and asked about a job.

Warned them about his condition and his appearance.

Then spoke to him again once he came to eat.


He seemed to sparkle and be more than thankful.

Sometimes that is all it takes.

© 2008 Cole Spire

Author's Note

Cole Spire
sad thing is I haven't seen him lately. i hope he is ok.

My Review

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Featured Review

This is a beautiful example of a simple, selfless act, that so many of us choose not to do. Often times, as I'm driving, I'll see a homeless woman pushing all of her belongings in a shopping cart and think, "That could be me." So often we take the littlest things for granted, but the smallest things, add up and make us who we are.

Your words are an inspiration and I am thankful to have read this piece.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I find that such a situation is easy to ignore but you showed no selfishness. Your act of kindness is rare yet it is viewed and will one day hopefully be practiced. Great story of gesture

Posted 15 Years Ago

What a selfless gesture. I appreciated the way you penned this story.

I definitely was taken in and would love if you could keep us all posted as to whether you see this man again.

Great write. Thanks for sharing this and God Bless.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Well, if you spread this message, there may be hope still left for mankind.

Here's a thought you might pass along, too...
For Thanksgiving, my girl is volunteering to serve meals at a homeless shelter. The night before, along with a group of her co-workers, she is going to pass out blankets, caps, and gloves to the homeless guys in her neighborhood, to make sure they're warm for Thanksgiving, as she lives where it is very, very cold.

For Christmas, in lieu of exchanging gifts with her family and friends, she is sending a note to everyone, asking that they donate instead to --- --- which is the organization that Joe Kennedy heads up and which pays the heating bills for elderly citizens up north who cannot afford heat during the winter months.

Think what a nicer place we could make our world if we all showed such compassion.
Thank you, Cole, for writing this and for sharing it with me.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Added on November 6, 2008


Cole Spire
Cole Spire

Holloween Town, NV

"Being a writer is like having homework for the rest of your life." -Hank Moody Those are words so true that it is scarey! Aloha! My name is Cole Spire. Colstainous Spirion to be exact but mos.. more..

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