An Unanticipated Kiss

An Unanticipated Kiss

A Poem by Cyprian Van Dyke

True love exists in moments stumbled upon by accident in hospitals, in airports, and underneath the stars gone before you realize it was there missed before you knew you had it. – Atticus

The sun shuts off
And the city turns on
In a flash.
The midnight sky
Starts pouring rain
Over the skyline,
Down to these city streets
Where we walk side by side.
By the time
I opened my umbrella
We were already soaked
And laughing at the weather,
By the hi-beams and horns.
The white rivers
In the city of New York.
We tried crossing like Moses
But your smile distracted my focus,
Like a vortex, it draws me to your lips
Not just my eyes but even my lips.
Before I knew it we were kissing
And I wasn’t being slapped for it.

Sep 6, 2020

© 2021 Cyprian Van Dyke

Author's Note

Cyprian Van Dyke
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This reads like a movie scene, Cyprian.....the ending to a romantic comedy perhaps; grabbing the kiss before the slap hits first. You described the scene well and I enjoyed the biblical reference to Moses there; if only we had his skill to part the traffic on occasion! It's a very romantic poem and well written. I enjoyed it much.

Posted 3 Years Ago

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this one has to be my favorite scene you have created.
the smile. the laughter. the tension. the butterflies.
{the very last line was my favorite line.}

Posted 5 Months Ago

It was so off the cuff, spontaneity at its best. An impulse can be a really good thing - in this kind of situation. What a shame we hesitate to follow through. Much enjoyed this one, Cyprian. Merry Christmas!

Posted 1 Year Ago

Aww this was adorable and paints such a sweet picture. I could imagine the scene so well. Loved it!

Posted 1 Year Ago

This poem is honestly so great. It feels like I am reading a script out of a movie, and the title adds onto it. Loved it!

Posted 1 Year Ago

you paint a serendipity
scene of romance where things
just seem to fall right, unspecified
and nonchalantly having good
uplifting time in the rain ..yes
very romantic .. indeed..

Nice work

Posted 1 Year Ago

I felt I was in NY and finding this magical moment hidden within the chaos of all the happenings of any given day.

It’s odd the writer expected to be slapped, when it was obvious to the reader a kiss was inevitable… there are worse things than being slapped however.
It’s worse to never obey the calling. It’s worse to stay on your side if the street.
Like crossing the Red Sea into the Promised Land (40 years later), it took faith to step forward and faith to keep the promise alive.

This poem reminds me to keep being vulnerable to love even in a marriage of 32 years.

I could go on and on. Ha. You got my mind whirling.

Thank you for staying this delightful poetry.

Posted 1 Year Ago

It was worthwhile having been made to realise that random wonders still do happen even in the wild chaotic times we live in. There is an intuitive sense deep within us that at the right moment and circumstance something spontaneously amazing can and does happen. Part of me hopes this poem is a report on an actual event. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 2 Years Ago

A Kiss is exciting when least expected...
even without the sound of Thunder.
Lightening strikes and all is Well...
gently, Pat

Posted 2 Years Ago

I read this last week and thought I had already reviewed it... Nice to read it again..
Reminded me of a french movie I saw oh so many years ago
Umbrellas of Cherbourg
I really loved that movie..
Nice and sensual write.. Really enjoyed it.. Why..well you asked..
because, it was like reading a book or watching a romantic movie... yes, that's it ...a romantic movie.. and who doesn't love those...
Lisa, in sunny Spain..drinking red wine..

Posted 2 Years Ago

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69 Reviews
Added on September 6, 2020
Last Updated on October 19, 2021
Tags: kiss, city, love, rain, night, sun


Cyprian Van Dyke
Cyprian Van Dyke


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