An Unanticipated Kiss

An Unanticipated Kiss

A Poem by Cyprian Van Dyke

True love exists in moments stumbled upon by accident in hospitals, in airports, and underneath the stars gone before you realize it was there missed before you knew you had it. – Atticus

The sun shuts off
And the city turns on
In a flash.
The midnight sky
Starts pouring rain
Over the skyline,
Down to these city streets
Where we walk side by side.
By the time
I opened my umbrella
We were already soaked
And laughing at the weather,
By the hi-beams and horns.
The white rivers
In the city of New York.
We tried crossing like Moses
But your smile distracted my focus,
Like a vortex, it draws me to your lips
Not just my eyes but even my lips.
Before I knew it we were kissing
And I wasn’t being slapped for it.

Sep 6, 2020

© 2021 Cyprian Van Dyke

Author's Note

Cyprian Van Dyke
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This reads like a movie scene, Cyprian.....the ending to a romantic comedy perhaps; grabbing the kiss before the slap hits first. You described the scene well and I enjoyed the biblical reference to Moses there; if only we had his skill to part the traffic on occasion! It's a very romantic poem and well written. I enjoyed it much.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


(Before I knew it we were kissing And I wasn’t being slapped for it.) LOVE this amusing closure to your great poem. ~Sharon

Posted 3 Years Ago

There is something romantic about New York, even in the rain. Even more so when you're with the one you love and who loves you.
I liked this - very nicely done. Take care - Dave

Posted 3 Years Ago

An experience that reminds of a similar evening out in the rain in my city. Reading this was worthwhile as I smiled and remembered my own evening a year before but now seems like yesterday. Romancing in the city is made into an unforgettable experience by you.

Posted 3 Years Ago

This reads like a movie scene, Cyprian.....the ending to a romantic comedy perhaps; grabbing the kiss before the slap hits first. You described the scene well and I enjoyed the biblical reference to Moses there; if only we had his skill to part the traffic on occasion! It's a very romantic poem and well written. I enjoyed it much.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

To be kissed with anticipation...
eager to dance in the rain where
a little pain is perfect passion... well spent.
tenderly, Pat

Posted 3 Years Ago

The last line made me laugh at memories of the red hand of shame I have worn many a time in my youthful and uneducated exuberance. But then again, if we didn't try, we would never get to that majestic moment where it is returned that makes all that effort worth it.
There is nothing quite like kisding in the rain and those memories never fade.
I like the pace and flow of this. It feels it should be read slowly and savoured, as it mingles with our own intrusive thoughts at these moments thst once were and you never know, may be again. 😀

Posted 3 Years Ago

There is something magical in that first kiss, all of life seems encircled by it. Hopes and dreams are in search of it. Once you find each other that first kiss becomes the new kiss that comes with each new morning.

Posted 3 Years Ago

You brought us to the scene with splendid imagery. I could see two lovers running through the rain and not caring if they got wet. Lovely. So romantic. Lydi**

Posted 3 Years Ago

A kiss in the rain is worth having. If you can laugh and kiss in the pouring rain when you are soaked to the skin, I would say things are looking promising. A lovely moment captured.


Posted 3 Years Ago

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69 Reviews
Added on September 6, 2020
Last Updated on October 19, 2021
Tags: kiss, city, love, rain, night, sun


Cyprian Van Dyke
Cyprian Van Dyke


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