Gotham Night Drive

Gotham Night Drive

A Poem by Cyprian Van Dyke

I Am Batman

Bright blue gauges in the batmobile
Shine on me as I sit behind the wheel.
Brighter blues map these rainy streets.
I drive thru this lit Gotham city night
Like a Robocop on his beat.
The Batman sign on my chest
I see thru the windshield,
In the sky, at the end of
A ray of hope in the night.
Alfred in my ear, Catwoman on my mind
And in my inner ear, she speaks refined.
I turn the wheel and hit the turbo.
The rain turns horizontal onto the windshield.
I eject up to the buildings and over, and as I glide
I spot Catwoman sitting in front of the Joker tied.
Rolling onto the scene, rolling onto my feet,
Throwing the Batarang I cut her free
As I swing my cape over the Joker's eyes
So that he can not see.
After this sly dance-move like feat
I take Catwoman in my arms and flee,
Grappling over buildings until we're back
On these rainy Gotham city lit streets.
She looks into my eyes thru my mask
And thru my mind into the past
And recalls the love we had and says,
"I love that I can always count on you, Bat."
And walks away sexy and black.
I call the batmobile back to me.
I jump down into the only seat,
Behind the steering wheel.
Alfred asks me; "Was that Selina Kyle?"
I answer: "Indeed."
Every head turns, they see the Batmobile.
They see Batman in the driver's seat, that's me.
There's more than what meets the eye,
But that's something only she can see.
Jan 9, 2021

© 2021 Cyprian Van Dyke

Author's Note

Cyprian Van Dyke
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Featured Review

I absolutely love this, and how it took us through Gotham! This felt just like watching an episode of one of the shows, and I have to say, the last few lines were brilliant. There's always something hidden about Batman, and I love how you interpreted that. The visuals are wonderful and how you get a taste of Batman and all of the others entirely without it being too much. I could see this as an opening poem for a full book of these!

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I like it when Catwoman says, "I can always count on you, Bat".

Posted 2 Years Ago

She looks into my eyes thru my mask
And thru my mind into the past
And recalls the love we had and says,
"I love that I can always count on you, Bat."
And walks away sexy and black.

These lines made me think if catwoman really loves batman..
or that she just love the thought that she can always count on him...

Posted 2 Years Ago

I absolutely love this, and how it took us through Gotham! This felt just like watching an episode of one of the shows, and I have to say, the last few lines were brilliant. There's always something hidden about Batman, and I love how you interpreted that. The visuals are wonderful and how you get a taste of Batman and all of the others entirely without it being too much. I could see this as an opening poem for a full book of these!

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

An interesting fantasy adventure here. Haven't followed Batman in years, but this depiction agrees with my recollections. Could never understand why the Joker was always laughing, though. Must have been some really good dope.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

.. I enjoyed my leisurely drive through Gotham this early eve ... a nostalgic journey it was too .. with just the write amount of KERPOW, WHAM & SPLAT to keep this old fella satisfied .......................................

.. Neville

Posted 3 Years Ago

I can picture Michael Keaton at the favorite Batman.

Wish he and Heath Ledger could have been together as adversaries.
And Michelle Catwoman.
And they understood each other.


This is a fun ride.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Nicely done. I was a big fan of batman when I was young and this was just like watching an episode. Great descriptions. Great writing.

Posted 3 Years Ago

This is so lovely, descriptive, with a classic quarrel of a hero and love story undertones. I pictured Gotham on a dark, rainy night as I was reading, with the romantic tension between Batman and Catwoman, which gave me flutter feelings in my chest. Keep going :)

Posted 3 Years Ago

not a bad drive. i felt like commissioner gordon had called me on the bat phone and i was on a caper as a caped crusader. i must admit that i was always partial to catwoman. they tried to hide their true identities. nice adventure injected with a dose of attraction 'tween bat and cat ... :)

Posted 3 Years Ago

And what does she see?? That sounds like something I need to know batman ;-)
Fun read this chilly afternoon.

Posted 3 Years Ago

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36 Reviews
Added on January 11, 2021
Last Updated on July 17, 2021
Tags: batman, catwoman, gotham, city, lights, batmobile, joker


Cyprian Van Dyke
Cyprian Van Dyke


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