Absolute Insanity

Absolute Insanity

A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

KillWorld experience a vast pressure of insanity and is left with the need and instinct to kill in a much more vile and vicious way

The head summoner came long before them, one of the first Arc Angels of the seven heavens and guardian/governor of the third[3rd] heaven,(now governed by Ana’el-the archangel of the day[’Friday”]it is the third heaven that is named ‘Sagun”.); he is now called as the head of the Summoner of Sinners/Keepers of the Gateway to Ever life, therefore he chooses to who gets to be redeemed along with his fellow summoners they are judges of life, not just any angels are chosen, no lower angels, in the beyond there a lot of voices screaming for help for redemption therefore to be a Summoner is a big responsibility and a lot of work’ as they say “The beyond is not a place it is a job” humans on earth seem to yearn for fear without knowing it, in the depths of Hel [Hell] Satan[Devil/Lucifer Morningstar] walks on their heads as though he’s walking across a road or pathway or perhaps walking to his chambers showing no benevolence like they are nothing’ like empty vessel making loud noises, music to his ears’ he cant change always will he be a bad guy and he is no good hearted person, no heart, no soul along with his demons that follow him , only the worst of the worst all having their own quarters somewhat like an hotel to them.)

So do me a favour KillWorld, dream no more of this place KillWorld woke up and looked at Christian looking straight at her impregnated body knowing that the child she is carrying is not his and will never be his, she woke up looked at him (still angry) the climate changed with clouds turning grey (it was about to rain) she was getting cramps, the first time KillWorld experiencing how a woman gives birth’ not shocking to him but flattering(he’s smiling while she’s giving birth) she grabbed him by the neck(shouting) ‘its going to kill me get it out, I cant stand the pain” the baby’s head came out KillWorld grabbed hold of it but she still felt a bit of pain crying(her eyes are changing colour and teeth comes out as though she is going to feed, grabbing hold of his hand’ squeezing it hard as she can with her hair wet and face dripping with the drops of rain then KillWorld smacks her as in a way for her to calm down, she looks at him as though both furious but also calmed by his mighty presence soothing her pain staring into her eyes to give her of his strength, then it came what seemed to be another baby coming out, KillWorld prepared holding out his one hand for the coming one whilst holding the first born in his other hand still a little presumptuous but yet focused, the baby comes out crying he looks at the baby that came first, not even making a sound you could swear its dead, KillWorld gives her the crying baby taking the quiet one by the neck throwing it to the ground a bit angry Christian shouts

‘you heartless animal……….”

How can you do that to our poor child!!! He looks at her ‘saying,” Oh!!? So now it’s our child? You’ve killed it! Our son is dead now!! I hate you [crying]’hate me all you want but I don’t want a weakling as a son even if it comes that he kills you while you’re giving birth to him! A cry is heard’ the baby that he threw to the ground is alive, KillWorld picks up his son staring into his eyes saying, ‘now that you call a Crowkan! My son’ I shall call you Luke like the bible figure and if you don’t like it you can one day change it but until that time you remain Luke Saralius KillWorld, I hate that name ! Now give me my son [Shouting] he looks at her hands Luke to her, grabs her by the neck says, “if you ever disturb me while talking to my first born however beautiful you may be I’ll kill you then I’ll burn your body, you wouldn’t dare leave your children without a mother. Would you? Oh’ now you’re scared, yes I will what’s the need to you for you don’t even like me! Oh yes I do! I mean I’ll try please don’t kill me, you wont right? No’ I won’t but if you ever dare disrespect me again I just won’t care, for you see there’s a lot more where you came from, KillWorld remember my words I am Christian Skullman I am my fathers daughter his property and when he grows up he wont be Luke Saralius KillWorld but Luke Saralius Skullman for when he has aged into a man he will kill you and he will take his brother as well, leaving you to rot in Hel [Hell]”)

1264 they were born coming to the year 1274 both of the twins Luke, his younger brother Elyon Emanuel KillWorld at the age of fourteen [14] wanted to see the world so their father along with their mother went to Old England (this would be the first time KillWorld would leave Europe) when they arrived in England they saw a lot of people also some vampires (Vampire Elders-the oldest of many of them) four [4] of them looking at them, one came close looking at KillWorld saying, “No matter where you walk you will forever be a slave! Because we vampires made you what you are today, so don’t interrupt our feast tonight!
Night came people were screaming strange noises were heard many feared not the Kill World’s, day came KillWorld went into their chambers opening the locked door when arriving at their coffins, he did not try to killing them instead opened the cells their captives were in, all of them were males looking at them still unconscious one woke up startling when he sees KillWorld then he said.”Please mister’ free us”-“oh that’s exactly what I’m going to do! “He said (pleasingly).

There were about fifteen [15] of them, young men all were human then KillWorld bit them and although they fought bravely against him they did not stand a chance against him later on all of them were Crowkans amongst them, their names were:

Alexander Hennessey Gideon Wilson
William Hennessey Thomas Scott
Oliver McGowan Matthew Brown
Daniel hurt David Loxen
John rivers Jason Montague
Christopher Scholes George Kemp
Eric Grey Frank Thompson
Morgan Thompson

When he bit all of them they collapsed, waking up he introduced himself saying.” I am Don Nathaniel KillWorld I am your maker you will soon meet your queen, you will find that you’re immortal beings, I am the leader also your king you are Crowkans and you may call me Lord KillWorld (taking off his shirt) he shows them the marking on his back telling them to do the same and so they do finding the same marking on their backs it frightened them for they knew not the meaning, this means that you are Crowkans we share a special bond then one of them ,’David Loxen” asked ,”what did you make us like you? If you prefer to bitten or be the lunch of a vampire ill gladly do that no one replied (to KillWorld it probably meant they agreed) he said (confidently)”Good! Now grab your belongings take all that you can we leave tonight after we have a small conversation with the Vampires, remember when we leave you go your own paths and create an empire of our kind for my gratitude will be shown towards you at the end trust me! Night came- the vampires awoke coming out of their coffins but only three[3] came out their leader came out later when they had confronted KillWorld (who was sitting in their leaders chair) for taking their slaves but he didn’t seem to care, he just called out the newly made Crowkans to confront their capturers themselves.

Although they did not kill them, they couldn’t, the vampires were still strong they weren’t vampire elders for nothing and they were only three [3] then their leader got up (shouting), you will leave my domicile now or suffer my wrath!!! Go now you filthy kind and you (pointing to lord KillWorld) get out of my chair (furious) now!!(Looking infatuated at KillWorld)then lord KillWorld got out of the rocking chair stood in front of the vampire leader then said, “what did you say?(the vampire looked away unafraid but knowing what KillWorld is capable of doing) you ran out of words or what? Listen I’m only going to say this once I don’t want to come here again to give you a hiding do you understand?(the vampire agreed nodding his head) I will leave you in peace, stay out of trouble, as they walked out the vampire said, “beware you may raise your army but they will rise again” KillWorld turned around faster than vampires do, looked into the eyes of the vampire then said, “you tell them that when they wake up, I’ll be waiting!!

‘Heaven has no place for me �"nor does Hel (Hell)”…………….

‘As a man who has no wound on his hand cannot be hurt by the poison he may carry in his hand, since poison hurts not where there is no wound, the man who has no evil cannot be hurt by evil.”

Buddha Gautama (500 b.c.e) DHM 2:28

KillWorld is not a man though but what is meant by these words are: to be born is to die yet when leaving this world, you automatically enter the place which they call the “promise land” and when entering this promise land you leave behind your body with all its poison meaning your soul can rehabilitate wherever you might find yourself, but in KillWorlds case it doesn’t work that way because he wont enter that place yet concerning him is, he might act evil or do evil deeds’ still, it does not make him evil for the blood of an Arc Angel flows through the veins of his body which also means that he cannot be hut by evil.

In this world there cannot only be good and not evil so along with good the opposite remains, the same with evil but as they say’ there can only be one”………………..the same with God with and Satan,” only one remains on the day of reckoning, the Apocalypse, the Coming.

They left and the fifteen[15] Crowkan soldiers went their own paths as KillWorld gave specific orders otherwise they will be imprisoned by the vampires for centuries that’s why they had to.

The Image of a Crowkan:

(They usually have blonde hair, yet most of them have brunette, red and black however at daylight, but over the years it was only those bitten by Lord KillWorld that could actually change their hair from colour to colour. They could change into their natural born colour if they were human before, but if they weren’t it stays blonde-the same with their eyes, at daytime it remains brown, blue and green yet at night the eyes pupil is black, the Iris is yellow and the eyes Rectina remains, they could change it through the daylight to hide who they are from the humans, then you get the kind that his called as half Crowkans by now Screamer might’ve infected a hundred humans but KillWorld would consider them as dirty Crowkans; if a Crowkan becomes four-hundred or older he/she can sleep, but if the are three-hundred or three-hundred and fifty years of age, they would not be able to sleep; Only them who KillWorld bites’ will have his memories along with theirs; they can mate’ have children. When killing a person as a Crowkan’ you only drink the blood and eat the heart, leaving the other parts to rot. a Crowkan can stay without blood for seven months, but then has to hunt for seven months and if they still refuse, they become what they don’t want to become the kind I will write about in the forth book, if God spares ;when going to hunt for human blood where they had none in their systems for seven months’ the get so cold, ice cold and no fire or blanket can keep them warm, every time they would taste blood’ the cold in their bodies would slowly fade; their eyes through the day were just as the eyes were of the Crowkans KillWorld infected but at night their pupil, Iris and Rectina were all yellow; their faces were pale and lips were as green as the grass, both of their bloods were silver and they also had the ability as vampires to crawl against walls, fly without wings, they had black around their eyes both of them, because if there were to be only one kind, KillWorld had to find Screamer, re-infect them again then it would be fulfilled, they have silver teeth, two stripes in front of their foreheads when they get angry the same as the other fifteen Crowkans and the only thing they fear are snakes and cats because when they are bitten they do not die but become humans again but not the new Crowkans, they could walk in daylight like the humans at night as well ,they have also’ silver nails and they cannot sleep. )

An eclipse appeared KillWorld and his family were already on the their way to Rome, Italy-when they arrived KillWorld looked at the men(perhaps looking for more recruits as Crowkans) and saw that they were strong, healthy looking men; they looked everywhere for an accommodation but seemed impossible, it was dark already then alast they heard a voice,” hey! Hey! I can help you, follow me I shall take you to my father, he will provide you with a safe haven because there is a bad out here you know” he said. (the young man seemed harmless as though he were a’ shepherd looking after his sheep in the fields, the same as Joseph the son of Jacob in the bible.)

The young mans father looked at KillWorld as though he could see something his youngest son couldn’t see, but if it were that his thoughts became true seeing the unseen evil in KillWorld, there could be nothing he would be able to do because he was paralysed, it happened a year after Miguel, the youngest son was born when he lost ability in his legs………yet still allowing his kind hearted son to help people in need even though it meant getting killed, but to satisfy his son he wanted to; the father whose name was Pedro’ called out his other four of his six [6] children who were all farmers…..strong men, saying, “this is four of my six children’ my sons’, my eldest Eduardo, my second eldest’ Leonardo and my third son’s name is Ricardo”, introducing them to KillWorld, they sat by the table ate food ‘whilst eating Ricardo came up with a conversation as nobody knew what to speak about and their father Pedro, asking a lot of disturbing questions in a way seemed mocking to KillWorld but not making it look that way; Ricardo asked, ‘so Don Nathaniel what made you come to the beautiful country of Romania? Oh! Just passing through!
Listening to your voice I would not say that it is from English accent’’’’ wouldn’t you agree? What can I say I love the beautiful people! (Miguel interrupting the conversation [cautiously] to prevent KillWorld from getting annoyed because he knew his brother; so he said,” you know here in Romania is a lot of evil, [whispering] ‘ the vampires’ they lurk in the dark waiting for us to come out so that they can kill us that is why I invited you and your wife in Don Nathaniel”…..” my Miguel always so alert, you know!’ KillWorld just smiled looking at Miguel, where’s your other child’ I thought you said you had six? Oh I do’ but she’s fast asleep perhaps you’ll see her in the morning! You’re probably right” said KillWorld, you must see her Don Nathaniel’ she is fit to be a queen, Miguel said, Miguel looked at Christian, saying” Madame ‘why are you so quiet? I am just tired and seeing that you’re enjoying the conversation with my husband I thought I’d let you be! Eduardo the eldest son said,” have you killed anyone before Don Nathaniel? “No! He replied “Christian says,” thank for the food I think I’m going to put the children to sleep and as walking she bumps against someone, a female, Penelope!!!... Miguel said [excited] ‘I see that you’re finally awake, “who might you be? She asked, [interested] but before Christian could answer, Miguel said to his beautiful sister; taking the kids off to bed (knowing that they can’t sleep) she immediately returns with Miguel, all the brothers were overwhelmed to see their sister awake, Pedro’ said to KillWorld,” look you see Don Nathaniel like Miguel said, fit to be a queen [proudly] “oh stop it Papa! You are going to scare our guests away with all your flattering, “oh but I have a lot t be proud of my angel” Papa, flattering will get you no where” she said. Pedro’ then said his goodnights to KillWorld and his wife and so all of them went to bed.)

Morning came Penelope was up early, washing the clothes and feeding the chickens whilst her father looked at her with a proudness but then saw that his beautiful daughter has fallen in love with Don Nathaniel and his wife saw it too, she was angry walking straight to KillWorld saying to him [furious]” I see the way she looks at you and I don’t like it, I’ve had with this nonsense! No more acting because I’m done playing your mind games [whispering] tonight we infect them but her you leave to me, I will kill her” “you will do no such thing!” why not? So you want her as well? The conversation stopped, Pedro’ called Penelope inside because he too what Christian had seen. Night came’ they sat by the table not a word was said not even from Ricardo, then Pedro’ said,” Don Nathaniel tomorrow morning I want you and you family to go and never come back! I saw it when you entered my house! Evil’ pure evil” Penelope said,” what are you saying Papa? Don Nathaniel is not evil’ he is a beautiful man fit to be my king, you don’t know what you are saying child” her father said……..all happened so fast, all of the brothers were bitten and KillWorld had Penelope in his arms (Christian was hit out cold) carried her to the bedroom and whilst loosening his buttons, she said,” I still have my virginity [nervously] “I know, you don’t have to worry you’re in safe hands and whilst continuing she says,” I love you Don Nathaniel, I will die for you, morning came they woke up, KillWorld and Penelope had already sat by the table and so the others did, both confused KillWorld said,” I am Don Nathaniel KillWorld I am your maker you will soon meet your queen, you will find that you’re immortal beings, I am the leader also your king you are Crowkans and you may call me Lord KillWorld (taking off his shirt) he shows them the marking on his back telling them to do the same and so they do finding the same marking on their backs it frightened them for they knew not the meaning, this means that you are Crowkans we share a special bond, Pedro’ got up and saw that he could walk he was so grateful yelling out to the heavens,” Tank you, Father! I knew that one day I would walk again” he said then KillWorld said,” it wasn’t God that made it possible for you to walk again it was me”…..” oh thank Don Nathaniel! For this I bless you with my daughter” he said………..” she’s already mine, she carries my child and whatever you are about to say don’t ’’
They left, the three oldest brothers went away together along with their father, but Penelope stayed with her love, Miguel stayed also with Lord KillWorld because of his sister they were now Crowkan soldiers, the brothers and their father went their own paths as KillWorld gave specific orders otherwise they will be imprisoned by the vampires that lurked around in Romania for if they were to learn about their whereabouts they would enslave them for centuries that’s why they had to, yet KillWorld decided to remain in the house of the Del’Monde family.

The army would soon grow to an unimaginable number, he knew that. It was night the eclipse was still outside, he stood outside in the middle of the street, wondering, looking at it, what its meaning was, staring outside shocked to see that sun was stolen by the moon, at that moment. He felt his body erupting, like his wanted to explode, not knowing how to control the pain, nobody around to help him, not in the streets or even looking through their windows to see who perhaps made such a noise, although in such pain he still looked for Miguel or Christian. His body begun to shake………..he was afraid…………………he felt so different though he had no mirror to see his image for himself, from his arms he could see ‘unrecognizable to himself,” what is happening to me? He asked himself [confused]he kept feeling his forehead as though he felt something, as he was feeling’ what seemed like a horn growing out of his forehead, but was it a horn? he thought to himself, what else might he have ate for him to grow a horn, then he realised a long time ago, the blood of the Unicorn that he drank, (They call the horn of a Unicorn an Alicorn; killing a Unicorn you are cursed for eternity, making you obsessed for blood, obsessed to kill,) he grew wings, the same of that of the angel…. Yedic Celius” but only his wings were red,(his eyes remain as usual, he is the only Crowkan who can change into that form, his hair was still the same, still was his lips green at night.)He had grown a tail the same as a Unicorn’s.

Suddenly the eclipse disappeared, he changed back to his usual self, where he thought he would stay like that unknown creature forever’ (strange though! You would swear he’s not of this world wouldn’t t you agree?)

Chapter 4

Absolute Insanity

He went inside and pretended like nothing happened, he laid down, fell asleep (only KillWorld could fall asleep only to dream of a world he does not know, as he’s sleeping ’dreams” walking down a road, seeing an angel which he thought didn’t exist anymore, it was an old friend which he owed his life to, it was his friend ‘Tomorrow” also known to be ‘Yedic Celius”……..but he looked different, he was in humanly form with eyes brown and black. He walked up to him and said, “I knew not in my own predictions, you would become like this, you are meant to be an angel of the Lord,’ A Nasserite”, not meant to become a reaper for the blood of the innocent, the vampires are planning an attack on you, I knew in my own words that the attack would happen sooner or later. He then disappeared, it was the first time KillWorld saw him in a long time, but was it to be the last?)
KillWorld then woke up, he looked around and the others were not there, Christian came in saying,” KillWorld you are finally awake”….”what do you mean? Howlong was I asleep for?” for six years, look at our sons! They have both grown to become men …….”where is Penelope? Where is my son? Our sons are working in the farm! What do you mean about our sons, where is Penelope and my unborn son? “Go and have look our sons are outside, ‘I don’t want to know about our sons! I don’t care about them, where is Penelope? What happened to them? Tell me!!” they took her! The vampires, they were so strong, their leader was a vicious being,’ he said if we were ought to see her again we’d go to Paris and meet them in their house of judgement……………… (He went to go see if his sons were still alive, he saw them working in the fields ‘they were both the ages twenty [20] and looking at them he saw himself in them, he called out,” Luke! Elyon!! Come inside! They were overwhelmed to hear his voice, running inside soon after Christian came rushing in, then he said “we are leaving,” where are we going father” Elyon asked…..to Paris, “but father it is dangerous, far too dangerous! We will be killed” Luke said………………..”If you are afraid you are not my son” said KillWorld, they refused but they went along, unwillingly, they left and headed for Paris to go look for Penelope and the child.

(“Cursed be the damned, ye sons of witches.”Cursed be the damned he says when he is angry. He is Insane, that it is his name, the one they call Don KillWorld, whom forever is insane, he is like the king of insanity, without a heart’ one as black as coffee, a black fowler heart. Physically his heart was as black as the depths of a tunnel, so it was also mentally. Such an awakening in the eyes of his, a cold, shallow soul within his body, nothing radiant at all………..and old body……yet not forthcoming as it is.(the soul is not some kind of product like a pair of shoes or even a shirt that you go and but inside of a shop, it is like a desert, having nothing around, only sand, it is a clean, pure drop of water from a spring’ touched by an angel that has the power of many or perhaps by a thousand archangels of the highest order.) He had a sick and twisted mind that was sadistic imaginations full of death and darkness with a mind travelling far enough as any famous traveller or discoverer such as Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Genghis Khan and so forth.)

Benjamin Gold : my fear for Vampires are gone the minute I killed my first one, enjoying it so much, giving not a rats a*s what anybody might’ve said, my hopes and dreams to live in peace has vanished. Like the world on top of a tower thousand dead, Err………be I cursed by the witches of three. I be the one who’ll be faithful to the end.

Lord KillWorld cursed the day that he was born, how he was born, also the person that made it possible for him enter the sin world, why do this much hatred towards our kind? why is it that the day that we could perhaps leave this wretched world, leaving our bodies behind, that we shall never see the day when we’ll enter through the pearly gates of heaven/Kingdom of Ever life, not only are we not allowed to enter through the gates of heaven but Hel [Hell] will also spit us back out as though a person whom is puking, bringing up a vomit, never be the day I’ll see mocking myself again. he misses his old bloodline clan, family, brothers and sisters-choosing rather to die and rest his body on a forgotten desert, but then again the choice is not his, it never was. Lord KillWorld is now challenged by dangerous intensions. A Crowkan and a Crowkan to all Crowkans he said to himself, ‘the world I saw when I came to see it for my first time has now been corrupted, but now I see, the people that might’ve crossed my path has suffered an unimaginable lifetime of pain yet feeling no pain therefore I see myself as the cause of that circumstance Lord KillWorld said,” said Benjamin…………

They arrived in Paris, how beautiful it was indeed’ Luke and Elyon walked away from KillWorld and their mother Christian followed them afterwards, when KillWorld looked again, he saw that he was alone, looking around him he saw that his sons and wife were gone but he did not know what to think or how to react but then again he felt alone for all these years.
He was alone, a hand touched him, when he looked to see if it were perhaps Penelope and their unborn whom by now might’ve been at the age of ten or just dead.
KillWorld saw by his surprise, it to be an old lady, which he probably took as beggar looking for a few pieces of silver, but that she was definitely not but a prophet, she said to him, “beware child, for it has long been foretold as a travelling story among us gypsy prophets yet true of words, this prophecy has long been foretold, the one with the eyes of the sun, rage of the lion and pale a face, silver teeth will stand in a land of no destination and no life where angels of seven will surround him and draw the blood of a life out of his body, making his heart pure and soul as white as snow, they will come from the heavens and the sun will be stolen by the moon for one night, only for the other half [doppelganger] to be unleashed,” Now what does that have to do with me old hag, I will kill you on this spot,” he said.
You have to know that a second prophecy was written that foretells of the pale one losing his memory, remembering nothing, he will go after the new kind of the jealous one, prince of darkness whom will be surrounded by the Count of Transylvania and his kind and the jealous one’s own dark angels (whom among us is known as DEMONS, but described by a few as ‘his angels”.)- (And his newly formed/made army of killers) the pale one will be stabbed with the fork of hatred, jealousy, evil, sin, deception, torment of the souls from his plate of an undying fire, the fork will enter his heart, but he will not die yet’ because a second life will be granted to him and his memory will return to him only for him at that end time to choose the life that his kind will follow with him until the end, the jealous will see his rebirth and will curse the pale one to become Hell bound allowing him to then have control over the pale one when he enters the life of death, it must not happen that the pale one enters into the life of death, Hall of Darkness for then he will become what the God of the Christians would hate-(the beast that they describe in the book of Revelations)and that will be, a paradigm of darkness, but still, do know my child that a prophecy does not happen overnight.

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on September 7, 2015
Last Updated on September 7, 2015
Tags: insanity, killing, vampires, pain, slavery


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
