Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Five

A Chapter by A.Noel

Chapter Twenty-Five

  “You may go and see her now if you’d like to,” the doctor informed Jonas, heading out the door. “I’ve spoken with your uncle and he’s agreed to allow you to visit her. Personally, I believe it could do her a lot of good to have you visit her.”

  Without a word, Jonas rushed up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and to the room that he’d been barred from for the past week, the room that he’d longed the most to be in: Britney’s room. He made it to the door and hesitated briefly before deciding to knock first. Her timid bidding to come in was all he needed.

  As he walked in, eyes fixed on Britney, he immediately sensed that something was wrong, terribly wrong. He just wasn’t quite sure what it was. He stood there looking at her for several seconds, but nothing happened. She said nothing, merely stared off towards the wall across from where she sat on the bed. Wasn’t she as happy to see him as he was to see her? He’d been so anxious about her. Was it just a matter of being disappointed that they’d failed to get away?

  “Britt?” he said gently taking a step towards her.

  “Jonas?!” she asked, perking up immediately at the sound of his voice. His heart dropped into his stomach and more than doubled its pace as he finally realized what was wrong. Britney had been staring at the wall, as if unseeing, when he first came in because she couldn’t see. He crossed the room in three long strides and settled onto the bed next to her, wrapping her into a fierce embrace as tears pricked his eyes and he attempted to blink them back.

   Quietly, she said, “I’m sorry I fell and ruined everything. I know we’d have gotten out if I hadn’t messed things up.”

  Jonas tightened his grip on her even more. Had she lost her mind? Was she actually blaming herself for their ruined escape? As if she hadn’t suffered enough as it was! She shouldn’t be feeling guilty about anything.

  “Hush, love,” he whispered as gently as possible, “despite what you may think, we wouldn’t have gotten out anyway, trust me,” he laughed softly. “That is what all the shooting and everything was all about.”

   Britney sighed. “What’re we going to do now?” Jonas cringed at the hopeless sound in her voice. Immediately, he knew what he was going to do.

 He pulled away from her so they could talk, but continued to hold her hand.  “I’m going to have a talk with DeRuise,” he announced firmly, making a point to use his name rather than call him his uncle.

  “Jonas, what he said, about him being your uncle, is it true?” she questioned him.

  He heaved a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his less-than-tidy blond curls and waves. “I’ve talked to Alaric, and we think he may very well be telling the truth. It’s hard to believe, but still, very possible. Especially since he knew all about my family’s past, which my father had decided to keep a secret when we came to the USA.”

  “I don’t understand. How could you have been related to him, but never known it, especially since you’ve been living here and working for him for so long. Why wouldn’t he or your dad have told you?” Britney wondered.

  “My mom and dad never talked about her family, which would make DeRuise’s story of her being disowned by her family make some sense there. Supposedly, according to DeRuise, my father made him promise not to tell me he was my uncle, so that’s why he never told me. Still, I don’t understand why my dad wouldn’t have wanted me to know that DeRuise was my uncle anymore than you do,” Jonas explained.

  “So what does this mean?”

  “To be honest, I don’t know really,” replied Jonas truthfully. “He’s still bent on Alaric and me joining forces with him. He’s even hinted at desiring an heir.”

  “You’re not considering accepting, are you?” Britney questioned, biting her lip, worried that he might decide to do it so that they could end all their troubles.

  “No, I’m not,” Jonas assured her readily. “I’m concerned about Alaric though. I’ve been hoping he might make the same choice I did, but he seems to be starting to like the idea of a settled job, especially if it comes with a possibly very sizeable inheritance.”

  Britney shook her head and replied, “I hope he doesn’t take it. I was hoping he’d stop killing too.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens, or try talking to him. But, for right now, I think you should try to get some rest while I go talk to DeRuise.”

  “You’re leaving me already? You just got here,” she cried with a pout on her beautiful face that made him immediately banish the thought of leaving her just yet.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon. I’ll wait until you’ve fallen asleep before I leave, and when you wake up I’ll be waiting right here, I promise.”

  Grudgingly, Britney snuggled down into her bedding and was very quickly fast asleep. Jonas carefully pried her fingers from his hand and rose from his place by her side. He placed a light kiss on her forehead and then crossed the room to the door. After he had silently closed her door behind him, he headed straight for DeRuise’s office, infuriated not only that Britney was now possibly permanently injured, but also because DeRuise had made him find out on his own rather than prepare him for it beforehand. He didn’t bother to knock, but instead burst through the door.

  “I want Ana, now!” he declared to a startled DeRuise. Too late, Jonas realized they were not alone, and saw Hayden’s father with them. Unwilling to let that stop him from what he’d come to say however, he marched up to DeRuise’s desk and placed his hands on it as he leaned over to look DeRuise in the eyes.

  “I want my sister to look at her,” he gritted out slowly and evenly. He heard Mr. Terrence get up from his chair.

  “We can finalize everything tomorrow,” he assured DeRuise. “I’m sure Hayden will accept your offer, given the turn of events.” Jonas turned to glare at the man, knowing exactly what he’d meant by his words. Terrence left the room, wincing under Jonas’ death-glare. Once he was out of sight, Jonas refocused on DeRuise.

  “Why didn’t you tell me she was blind?” snapped Jonas. “You had to have known from when she’d woken up before.”

  “I didn’t tell you because I honestly thought we could get the problem taken care of before you had to see her like that. I was hoping we could avoid all of this,” DeRuise answered, motioning to Jonas’ angry form. “And as for Ana coming, I assure you that it’s not necessary. Dr. Roberts is an excellent doctor and knows what he’s doing. Better I’m sure than Ana would.”

  “You don’t know my sister,” growled Jonas. “She’s saved my life more than once before.”

  “That may be true, but I know Dr. Roberts, and he knows his trade. Trust me, Jonas. Britney is in good hands under his care. There’s nothing more to be done for her at this point, except hope that she’ll eventually fully recover her sight again. At least you can be gratefully that her memory’s intact.”

  “Grateful?” Jonas snarled, his anger rising. “You think I want her to remember all she’s been through this past year? Remember that her father is dead? Remember that her world has been turned completely upside down? If I thought I could take all of those painful memories away from her, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

  “But she remembers who you are,” DeRuise pointed out. “And undoubtedly she remembers how much you two care for one another. Or, rather, how much you love each other.”

   “I’d rather have to make her fall in love with me all over again than have her lose her sight, possibly indefinitely,” shot back Jonas vehemently.

  “Dr. Roberts is confident that her sight will return, given a little time,” reassured DeRuise.

  Jonas lifted his hands off the desk, straightening his back as he replied, “She’d better, or I swear, you’ll pay for this,” he threatened before turning and leaving DeRuise to stare after him in silent shock. Certainly, DeRuise had realized that Jonas had strong feeling for the girl, but he hadn’t realized just how potent they truly were. Not until now anyways.


  “What do you mean blind?!” Alaric demanded from Jonas with alarm.

  “I mean she can’t see anything. I walked into her room and she didn’t even know it was me until I said her name,” related Jonas bitterly.

  “Poor thing!” Kara sympathized immediately. “It must’ve been awful to wake up and not have been able to see anything like that.”

  “Should we come up and see her now, or should we give her some time to get use to this whole thing?” inquired Alaric.

  Jonas shook his head. “No, she’s sleeping now. I promised I’d be there when she woke up, but I think it’d be best if I was the only one there.” He watched with relief as the other two nodded their agreement, seeming to understand.

  “Maybe when she wakes up you could ask her if she’d like to come downstairs to sit with us awhile,” suggested Kara, “if she’s feeling up to it of course,” she hurriedly tacked on.

  “I’ll wait and see how she’s doing, and if I think she’ll be alright, I’ll tell her your suggestion and see if she’s interested,” he promised Kara as he stood up to go back upstairs.

  “Jonas,” Alaric said, stopping his brother in his tracks, “this’ll all work out, I promise you.”

  “I hope you’re right,” was Jonas’ only response before continuing back upstairs.


  When I woke up again I was aware of someone holding my hand gently, as if afraid to squeeze it too tightly and hurt me.

  “Jonas?” I asked the dark nothingness encompassing my world.

  “I’m here, love,” he promptly answered me, giving my hand a brief squeeze to back up his statement. “How are you feeling?”

  I sat up slowly, uncertainly. “Better,” I responded.

  “I talked to Kara and Alaric, they were wondering if you’d like to come downstairs,” he informed me guardedly.

  I arched a skeptical brow. “Downstairs?”

  “We’re allowed to go almost anywhere we like, providing we stay inside. Outdoors are off-limits. I think DeRuise figures that as long as you’re stuck here, we won’t try to go anywhere,” explained Jonas.

  “Maybe you ought to take advantage of that and make a break for it,” I mumbled.

  “Not on your life, Britt. Not without you in my arms, and right now, though I hate to admit it, this might be the best place for you until your sight’s back,” Jonas informed me.

  If I get my sight back,” I commented with doubt in my voice.

  “You will get it back, Britt, I’m sure of it. Now, would you like to go downstairs? Alaric and Kara are eager to see you,” he said, his voice coaxing.

  “I don’t think I could manage the stairs very well,” I admitted to him.

  “I’ll carry you down,” he assured me.

  I bit my lip, reflexively looked down at myself, and then back up in the direction of his voice. “I guess I have to ask, am I dressed decently enough to be wandering around?”

  “You look perfect,” he told me, leaning in to kiss my forehead softly. “Not exactly what I’d recommend for going out, but I’m sure it’ll do for Kara and Alaric. They’ll understand.”

  I groaned, feeling helpless and more than a little pathetic. “What am I wearing Jonas?” I hoped I wasn’t wearing pajamas or some kind of hospital clothing.

  “Black sweatpants and a light pink t-shirt,” he replied. “Your hair could use a little help though, would you like me to try to find a brush and see what I can do with it?”

  I sighed and nodded. I listened as he poked around the room until he’d found what he’d been searching for. I felt him settle into the bed behind me and begin to ever so gently brush out my hair.

  “Thanks for helping,” I thanked him, grateful for someone to help me.

  “No need to thank me, it gives me a good excuse to stroke your hair,” he teased as I felt him run a hand through my locks for added emphasis.

  In a few more minutes, he’d finished and was carrying me down the stairs. When we got to the sitting room that Alaric and Kara were in, they immediately called out to me, likely to let me know they were present.

  “Britney, you decided to come down!” cried Kara, excited. I heard her rather noisily rush over to meet Jonas and me, sure she was being careful to make noise so as not to take me by surprise. She gave me an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

  “We were worried about you,” Alaric added. “That was a nasty spill you know. How are you?”

  I offered an extremely strained laugh. “Without a doubt, I’d be lying if I said I felt ok, but it could be worse, I guess.”

  “That’s hard to believe,” I heard Alaric mutter under his breath. By the way Jonas’ body immediately tensed up, I knew he’d heard it too, and didn’t have to be able to see to know he was glaring at Alaric to show his disapproval. He continued walking until we must have reached some sort of chair or sofa. He sat down, holding me on his lap, and I curled up against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent, content despite everything.

  “So what’ve you guys been doing all this time I’ve been out of it?” I inquired with curiosity as I uncurled myself off Jonas’ chest and sat up grudgingly so I could talk to Kara and Alaric as well as Jonas.

  “Not much really,” Alaric told me. “Jonas did plenty of reading, pacing, and being generally moody. Kara and I…spent some quality time together, and we tried to figure out what we’re going to do about this entire mess.” I arched a brow at Alaric’s description of his and Kara’s activities, easily understanding what he meant.

  “So, did you come to any conclusions then?”

  “Actually,” Alaric began, hesitating, “as a matter of fact, we did. I’m planning to accept our Uncle’s offer. I’m already doing the work anyway, it’ll just be more focused on what he wants done. I can probably even do a few side-jobs if I want to.”

  “With any luck, with Alaric and me on a team together, DeRuise won’t keep trying to force you into doing the same,” concluded Kara.

  “Surely, you can’t be serious!” exclaimed Jonas, disbelief and anger evident, as his body went rigid.

  “You guys don’t have to do that just to help Jonas and me,” I said, knowing that likely as not, that was why they were planning to agree to DeRuise’s demands.

  “Britt’s right, we’ll work something else out,” tossed in Jonas.

  Alaric sighed, and I heard him move to sit next to Jonas and me, telling me that we were seated on a sofa rather than a chair.

  “Look, we weren’t planning on telling you this, but we’re not planning on sticking with it,” he admitted in a lowered voice not much louder than a whisper. “We only plan to stay around long enough for the two of you to get out of here and get hidden somewhere safe. After that, we’re gonna make a break for it, maybe even leave the country for awhile. Take a bit of a vacation and get lost ourselves.”

  “Where would we hide?” I wondered aloud, my voice equally low.

  Australia,” Jonas answered with confidence. “It sounds like a plan,” he announced. I felt him nod his head. “Once Britney’s well enough to travel, providing DeRuise allows us of course, we’ll take a plane to Washington and stay with Ana and Mac for some time while we make the arrangements to leave for Australia. Where will you two go though?”

  “Not sure yet. Kara has family in Mexico we haven’t seen them in quite some time, so we’ll probably head there first. Maybe after that we could join the two of you in Australia; once we’re completely sure we won’t be followed by any of our uncle’s men of course.”

  “Are you sure that DeRuise won’t suspect?” I wondered doubtfully. “He might suspect something’s up.”

  “We’ll probably be staying here for at least a few months,” Kara explained, “That way you two will have plenty of time to just disappear after your visit with Ana and Mac. He might be suspicious at first, but Alaric’s been doing a good job of making himself appear open to the whole idea. Plus, he’s already a hit-man, so he won’t be half as skeptical about it as he would be if Jonas, who never gave an inch, were to agree.”

  “When are you going to tell him?” Jonas inquired after a few silent moments.



  “Please, don’t leave me alone,” I begged Jonas as I heard him prepare to leave me alone for the night. We’d stayed up late talking to Alaric and Kara, only stopping to eat some food for dinner. Thankfully, DeRuise hadn’t made an appearance to eat with the rest of us. Or course, that did mean that Alaric hadn’t gotten his chance to agree tonight.

  After we’d all said our goodnights, Jonas had carried me back upstairs, with a bottle of water from the kitchen in case I got thirsty in the middle of the night. However, as I now faced the prospects of being left completely alone in my extra inky-black world, I became anxious,

  “Alright,” he soothed, returning to my bedside and taking my hand in his. “I’ll stay in the chair here by your bed,” he gave in.

  Indecisively, I paused briefly, unsure if I ought to suggest what I wanted to. Finally, I decided to try and suggested, “You could sleep in the bed next to me. There’s more than enough room for both of us.”

  “Are you sure?” Jonas queried, indecision coloring his own voice.

  Feeling a bit more confident, I nodded, having no idea if he could see me or not since I didn’t even know if the light was on. “I’m sure,” I tacked on, just in case. Slowly, carefully, I could hear him getting into the bed and settling in next to me. Once it was quiet on his side, I rolled over to face where he was lying, and reached out to find him. Once my hand found him, I scooted closer to him, and curled up to his side, resting my head on his shoulder. In seconds, I felt his arm go around my back. I sighed, feeling both content and secure now.

  “I love you,” I whispered happily to him.

  I felt Jonas press his lips to the top of my head. “No more than I love you,” he countered.

   Soon, I fell fast asleep with a smile tilting my lips. Despite all the uncertainty and danger, we were in and were still going to face, one thing was absolutely certain to me: Jonas loved me and would never, ever give up or abandon me. We were in love, and no matter what, no one could ever take that away from us, no matter what they did, we were untouchable in that area.


© 2011 A.Noel

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OH NO the book ended FABULOUS BOOK

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1 Review
Added on March 14, 2011
Last Updated on March 14, 2011



Linwood, MI

Hey, I'm a complex perfectionist, and i think it shows in my writing. I recently had to take a break for awhile (as much as a compulsive writer can at least) but I'm back again! I now have my first .. more..

I, You, We. I, You, We.

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