It breaks your heart

It breaks your heart

A Poem by FallenWingz

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime - Unknown


It breaks your heart



“ It breaks your heart when people you once love

Becomes someone you knew.”

But what hurts more is when that someone

Is still deep inside your heart.

Filling space that you wish someone

Else can replace.



It breaks your heart that when you

Go sleep at night you still say

That silent goodnight.


It breaks a heart that when something

Good happens in your life and you

Grab your phone wanting

Too share the news.


It breaks a heart when you realized

They’re gone.

It breaks a heart when you always thought

You meant something to them.


It breaks your heart when you stand alone,

Facing this life alone, but also finding new

Strength within yourself.


So if your heart has been broken recently

Just know its not that you were at fault,

Its because all love affairs

Have a beginning and an ending.





© 2011 FallenWingz

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i can relate to it. well done. you write well.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love this poem. I can really relate to this poem....... T-T

Posted 13 Years Ago

and we take something as a lesson from each one. Wonderful piece!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ouch...It's so true...I can really relate to it...Gladly, now, I think I've already moved on...Though it wasn't easy for me...I totally love this poem... :)))

Posted 13 Years Ago

I can so relate to this! Very beautifully written and so very true. Keep up the great work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is so true! I loved it, it was beautiful. Keep up the good work.
♥ Ta'Shandra

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on July 7, 2011
Last Updated on July 7, 2011
Tags: Lost Love



Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa

I am Capetonian girl from South Africa. I am a writer, poet and artist..My free time mostly goes to reading, talking( i am a chatterbox my mind always got some new topic to put out there) music is my .. more..


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