Gundam Build Divers FreeWill [SCENE1: Liberator]

Gundam Build Divers FreeWill [SCENE1: Liberator]

A Chapter by GKayzeWrites

Showcasing the prowess of my original gundam, Liberator Gundam, and a little debut of my friend's original units.


As I entered the lobby, I went straight to the mission counter and took a relay mission. Knowing the others will take a while, I took my time and walked to the hangar. On my way to the hangar, a guy on a wearing a cloak caught my eye and seem to be discussing with a muscular guy, a fox-eared person, and a black-haired woman until a menu popped open and all four of them vanish.

I arrived at the hangar and got teleported to the mobile suit’s cockpit, a new menu popped up [Ready to depart? *members can join while the mission is underway. Yes/No]. I pressed yes and the Gundam I am piloting is now being sent to the catapult. Players can still join while the mission is still going, but they still have to start from where the mission began and fly to the area where the players who went ahead, plus side is that they don’t have to fight the finished mission area.

As I arrived in the Launch Deck, I gripped the handles and took a deep breath and chanted my launch phrase, “GKayze, Liberator Gundam, Liberating the battlefield” and was launched at high speed to a portal and waited to arrive at the mission area. The gundam I created is heavily based on the fusion of both 00 QanT from 00 Gundam and Strike Freedom from Gundam Seed, however, most of its weapons are originally crafted while still basing to the design base of both Seed and 00 series.

I reached the end of the portal and arrived at a lunar base. The mission I applied is [Mission 82120: Destroy ???], where the players must first defend an incoming wave of mobile suits in the lunar base, then fly off to 4 more areas..

“Arriving at the mission point. Beginning armed intervention” An alert notice popped that enemies are coming from the west side and immediately head there. As I got nearer the camera zoomed in and revealed a platoon of GuAIZ, GN-X, and Aries.

The enemy vanguard started to open fire, I charged in and shot them with my pair of GN Gunblade taking out 2 mobile suits and the formation scattered to surrounding me. I was able to outmaneuver all their attacks, and I counterattacked them by slicing and shooting them down with my gunblades as well as the Xiphias Railguns on the side skirt and Blast Bits attached on the shoulder, with that, I easily cleared the first area and headed to the next area.


There is only a vast space in the next area. then another set of the platoon was detected in the radar, amongst the platoon 5 mobile suits are leading a pair of Zaku’s, a Brave(Commander), Forbidden Vortex, Talgeese II, Oltlinde, and a Mega Shiki.

“Woah woah woah. What's with this powerhouse of a team?”  Knowing the difficulty, I fired beam shots indiscriminately, the enemy squads dispersed to evade the attack, most of the Zaku’s got hit except for Forbidden Vortex who readied its shield equipped with an Energy Deflection Armor which curved the beam. Luckily, the curved beam hit the remaining Zakus while the other four managed to evade it. Tallgeese II and Mega Shiki stood near each other and shot their Dober Gun and Mega Launcher beams together, fusing to a large beam shot.

“The enemy may be a powerhouse, but I won't falter! GN Field!” A green circle made of GN Particles formed and blocked the large beam shot. “Blast Bit!” As soon as the beam dispersed the Blast bits attached on the shoulder flew to both Talgeese II and Mega Shiki while firing some beams. Mega Shiki was stuck on its Mega-Launcher and end up getting destroyed while Talgeese with its Booster Thruster manages to evade the assault of the Bits, however, I swiftly showed up next to it and kicked it back and the Bits manage to hit its mark and destroyed Talgeese II.

The Blast Bits continued to fly, and this time shot Ortlinde, however it managed to block it with its binder on the left shoulder seemingly unharmed. “Right… Nanolaminate Armor.” A warning sound alerted me and I managed to evade Forbidden Vortex’s Maser Cannon and it closed in to attack with its trident, I easily stopped it with my gunblade and stopped Ortlinde with the other when it flanked with its Double Blade. Both Forbidden Vortex and Ortlinde kept pushing forward but I slid away making them crash to each other, “Blade Bit!" I kicked Forbidden Vortex’s back, and the 6 blades flew off from the Backpack that was acting as the wing’s feathers. Ortlinde used Forbidden Vortex as a steppingstone to gain distance and the blades cut off both arms and leg of Forbidden, while Ortlinde managed to fend off the incoming blades with its Double Blade.

I charged in and finished off Forbidden Vortex while Ortlinde blocked it and we clashed, as it was about to swing its weapon, my blade bit hit its weapon knocking it off its hand and I managed to land the finishing blow.

All the bits docked back to the wings and shoulder, as I turned around, I saw the Brave standing still as if waiting. “Who are you? Graham Aker?” As I pointed my gunblade at it, it turned red and transformed and flew at great speed and is shooting its beam machine gun. To save up the energy of GN Field for the next stage, I attacked with some beam shots while deflecting incoming beam shots with my gunblades. “It’s fast as expected, however, I don’t need my Trans-am to catch up to you!”

Liberator Gundam Power Supply is a fused Hyper Deuterion Engine and GN Drive creating a Hyper GNgine, able to power up both the suits propulsion and firepower, Its propulsion system also uses a Voiture Lumiere powered up by GN Drive upgrading to “Solar Salvo”

The Blast and Blade bits detached themselves and Liberator sped up easily catching up to a Trans-Am Brave, the bits are still able to fly with Liberator, Brave transformed back to mobile suit form and clashed with me while still in Trans-am, however, Brave’s attack were interrupted by the Blade Bits and finished it off with my gunblades.

I took a deep breath and went to the next area.

“The 3rd area should be a checkpoint area guarded by a mini-boss… perhaps the first mobile weapon is here.” An alert that the enemy is coming from the front, a large green mobile armor is steadily approaching. “That’s… Apsalus III” another alert coming from the front again, another large green mobile armor is walking and slowly revealing itself “and a Big Zam!?”

Both Big Zam and Apsalus charged and fired their Mega Particle Gun/Cannon, I immediately moved out of their line of fire and shot them only to be blocked by a barrier “of course, an I-field”. I charged towards them only to be fired by a rapid set of Particle Gun/Cannon. “Barrier Bit! GN Field!” 3 stingray-like shape bits flew from the side skirts and rear skirt deploying a beam shield blocking out most of the shots while a GN field covered the shots that the bits missed. While the barrage is still raging, I was pushed near an asteroid and noticed a trap waiting and moved out of the way almost got captured when the trap sprung a cage “Adzam Leader?!”. A few more traps sprung but failed to capture me then I was able to take cover behind the asteroid until the barrage ended, the bits docked back to their place “I’ve got to finish this quick”.

As soon as the barrage ended dashed out towards Apsalus III and noticed Big Zam fired its Anti-aircraft Particle Gun, I gave it my all to smoothly evade the moving beam. The Apsalus was charging its Particle Cannon again and Big Zam’s attack came to a halt, “Barrier Field!” the Barrier Bits deployed again this time they merged and formed a 6 pointed star, its beam shield became denser than its stand-alone and is now capable of deploying its own GN field creating a double shield on its own.

Apsalus fired and its beam got filtered reducing the strength and the beam shield was able to hold it out. As the cannon weakened and stopped, the GN Field and the Beam shield broke down successfully protecting me, “Quantum Gate…” I was charging my Gunblades with an attached Blast Bits and the Blade bit orbiting forming a gate “…Blast Buster!!” a discharged beam shot grew stronger and larger as it passed through the gate the Blade bits formed.

Big Zam fired its Particle Gun but was easily dispersed as it clashed against my beam shot, an I-field blocked the attack momentarily but was easily broken piercing through Apsalus III destroying it. Big Zam jumped off and slowly approached me. I sheathed both Gunblades on the back and charged at it with beam sabers drawn from the rear. Evading the Anti-aircraft particle gun, missiles, and Vulcan guns, I sliced open a large hole around the head and then drew my Gunblades and continuously fired at the hole. Big Zam showed signs it was about to explode so I escaped the area and looked for the Checkpoint Area.

The radar detected a safe zone, as I looked at the camera, I saw an Izumo-class Battleship. Its hatch opened and a menu popped up [Would you like to repair your unit? Yes/No] I pressed yes and allowed me to enter, I landed Liberator in a movable pad and moved to the Mobile suit docks. I exited Liberator and the repair started, because were in space there I almost float away from the platform, but I caught on to the railings and pull myself to be able to stand.

I checked the mission logs and it seems I have to ride the battleship and wait to be launched towards the next area while waiting I decided to stroll but the doors and elevators are closed and inaccessible so my stroll is limited to only at dock, there are NPC’s but they are also un-interactable. I end up just slowly spinning while sitting in midair while waiting for the repair to be finished, I checked the Friends list and saw Dia and Haki still not logged in. I let out a sigh and closed the list and I got a notice that the repair is done, I flew back to Liberator and checked the map, the next mission area is already near and I got another notice showed [Ready to continue mission? Yes/No] I stretched a bit and pressed Yes.

Liberator Gundam got moved to the catapult area and the linear hatch opened, “GKayze, Liberator Gundam, Resuming the mission”, I launched out and flew off to the next area. The next area mission is to survive a swarm of gundams. As I approached the area the camera enlarged the enemy units, it showed a Gaga, Strike Dagger, Genoace, Ball, Graze, it only scanned these 6 units but there is at least a company each.

I licked my lips and breathed deeply “Liberating the battlefield!” I charged and started shooting and slicing all of them down. I had both Blast and Blade bits handle the Gaga’s as it's built for kamikaze attack only and it’s too dangerous to let it explode near me as GN Field won't be able to hold on to both its kamikaze attack and the others barrage, so I have deployed the Barrier Bits to block most of the shots, although I still get grazed due to their sheer number.

38… 40… 43… 47… 52… 60… the number of enemies I felled is still counting but it feels like they are not decreasing. There is no sign of it slowing down, this is when I thought maybe I should have waited for those two, but I for one relish the challenge. Surviving an endless swarm of grunts and kamikaze attacks? I could probably surpass the survivability even among top rankers! “and so… I leave it to you… in liberating this battlefield, Liberator! Trans-am Liberation!” Liberator started to glow red and the output of the GN particles increased, the speed and power of both Liberator and the bits grew exponentially that each managed to destroy even more mobs.

2 and a half minutes have passed, The Trans-Am deactivated and returned back to its original color, both Blade and Blast bits took some damage and is likely capable of being able to shoot only a few more shots. Leaving me with the resilient gunblades and barrier bits, and later Trans-am. If this were real, the field would have been field with ruined debris of each suit, I checked the logs and was astonished I took 600 units alone, without any resupply stations I head to the final mission area.

Now the battle for the 4th mission area ended, I slowly head to the final area to enter the battle while taking my time recharging Trans-am. As I approached the last area a colony can be seen, and the camera picked up a unit wearing a hooded cloak on top of the colony. When I arrived at the colony area, the hood of the cloaked unit got blown off and revealed a Crossbone X2 Gundam.

“A Crossbone is the last boss? Looking at the last 4 missions it probably another swarm. Meaning it’s the Crossbone Vangua-” it suddenly wriggled oddly as if something is growing within the cloak, then its face opened revealing a mouth and let out a screech, as it grew abnormally and its legs implanted to the colonies outer wall, Crossbone slowly resembles Devil Gundam “A CrossDevil… Eliminating target!“ I drew my gunblades and charged at CrossDevil.

CrossDevil roared again and snake-like machines called Gundam Face sprouted from the walls of the colony, I shot and sliced most them but Gundam Faces kept sprouting up as soon as I defeated one, one of it caught my leg and slammed me at the ground and 3 of them faced me with beams charging up, I cut them all up before it fired and rushed back to CrossDevil, deflecting most of the beam shots and blocking with a focused GN Field. I managed to get near CrossDevil, as I close in and swing my gunblade at the torso, my arms got caught and I aimed the railguns for a point-blank shot.

As the smoke cleared it was unfazed, it took hold of both legs and arms then pinned me on a wall dropping my gunblades in the process. The Trans-Am still needs 2 more minutes before it can be used again, being pinned also prevents me from sending out the bits, and the railguns will not be able to damage the Gundam Face’s body enough to free me. I tried to wriggle out, but it is holding me too tight and now 3 Gundam Faces are charging up its beam in front of me.

3 gunshots were fired and hit the tentacles charging, disrupting its charge and a silhouette drops in and smashes the tentacles freeing me as well.

“Took you a while, also you clocked out? Haki” I asked.

“Yep, I clocked out, so now… I can play and I’ll be relieving some stress off of this guy!!” Hakiori swings off the dust cloud revealing his customed Astaroth Rinascimento, retaining its asymmetric design but its armor is based off on Gundam-AGE “Astaroth Regolare, Releasing some stress!” Hakiori split off its combined Demolition Knife and B*****d Chopper and proceeds to smash the tentacles while shooting a round of mortar shots equipped on its arms and its gun binder attached on its shoulder. CrossDevil aimed at him and opened its mouth and let out a beam shot, but its armor deflected the beam barely damaging his Astaroth.

A tentacle was about to grab Hakiori but I sliced it with my beam saber “We need to get closer to it, we can't let these things overwhelm us. I’ll open up the path!” I told him as I cover his rear, while Liberator is staggering from the damage it already took.

 “You sure you can still handle it?” He asked as he combined his B*****d Chopper and Demolition Sword.

“I can’t use my bits and I dropped my main weapon… I’m sure I can handle much, just dish out a strong hit.” I charged towards CrossDevil while slicing Gundam Faces that come along the path and Hakiori shooting out with his Mortar and gun binder. Picking up 1 of the gunblades I dropped, and all bits detached and my speed increased and lunged my gunblade at CrossDevil. However, I was easily stopped when a Gundam Face used its body as a rope to stop me, Hakiori used me as steppingstone to reach CrossDevil’s Torso. A pair of Gundam Face lunged from behind only to be stopped by the Blade Bits, beam shots from CrossDevil and Gundam Faces are blocked by Barrier Bits, Haikori’s Astaroth swinged the combined B*****d Sword and dealt huge damage to CrossDevil, slicing off its right arm and gave the lower body a large dent.

The CrossDevil seemed to stop moving along with the Gundam Faces but no announcement has been made that the mission is complete. “Haki! Destroy it, quick!” Hakiori aimed his Mortar guns at CrossDevil a warning alerted us coming from the left. We jumped out of the way and evaded a Beam Cannon and Energy Cannon, then from the sides emerged a Destroy Gundam and Psycho Gundam.

“Psycho Gundam!?” Hakiori exclaimed “and a Destroy too!? Now of all times?” I also exclaimed as Psycho and Destroy pointed their fingers at us and fired their beam cannons. Hakiori dodged minimally the beam cannons as his nanolaminated armor has resistance to beam effects, while I slid off on the beam attacks using the GN Field. While we were dodging, I saw CrossDevil arm regenerating and the large dent on the bottom half slowly rising. “It’s regenerating! We have to get clo-“ Destroy Gundam shifted to its Mobile Armor mode after letting its hands fly, I moved quickly to cover Hakiori with my GN Field and Barrier Bits.

The Beam cannons pushed us to a wall, my GN Field and Barrier Bits broke down, as the dust cloud cleared Destroy Gundam’s hands are in front of us. There is no time to enter Trans-Am Liberation and my shields are all down, Hakiori’s Astaroth does not come with a shield and its armor won’t be able to take on the Beam cannons.

As the beam cannons from both were about to fire, another beam shot 'came from afar and pierced both and exploded. We checked who fire it and saw a white silhouette, the camera zoomed in and revealed a White Mobile suit. “You both can’t get things done without me can ya”

“That voice… Dia?” Hakiori wondered.

“You are also late! But thanks, now that you’ve arrived… can the both of you take care of the big ones…, Can you cover me please? I’ll take out CrossDevil” I asked Dia and Hakiori as I flew towards my other gunblade.

“You got it!” Hakiori and Dia64 agreed and both flew to Destroy Gundam and Psycho Gundam, respectively.

“Armor Change, Regolare a Frenesia!!” parts of Astaroth’s Armor popped off and a support unit flew by and launched half of what is attached on it. Ashtaroth’s Armor changed and looked buffer now like an AGE-1 Titus but with a Sub arms comparable to its buffed arms, its legs are thicker but despite its look Its mobility improved as a close quarter unit. As Astaroth charge at Destroy Gundam, some of parts its armor slid and glowed and its feet released particle like substance, it now dashed through space like its running. Destroy Gundam opened fired with its CIWS and Beam Cannons, but Astaroth easily dodged it in a step and swatted some of the beam cannons showing the Frenesia Armor has Anti-Beam Coating. As Hakiori got closer, Destroy Gundam deployed its Positron Reflector. “THAT IS USELESS” the shield was easily broken down by a single punch of Astaroth Frenesia. Hakiori took a stance and its Sub-arms deployed and clutched all its fist and unleashed a barrage of punch with each hit becoming heavier and heavier, then gave one last heavy to end the barrage. Destroy Gundam struggled to shift to MS Mode with its back heavily dented, as it stood and prepares to fire its Energy Cannon, Hakiori took a step back and charged at it again with thrusters at full throttle and punched with all four arms in a single point at the same time and pierced through Destroy Gundam and exploded.

While Dia64 and his White Gundam let the attached Plate Funnels fly and deflecting the incoming beam shots while returning beam shots with his bladed smart beam rifle. Dia64 stopped and charged his beam rifle, Psycho Gundam fired all Beam Cannons but the Funnels closed-in together and the beam practically redirected away but Psycho Gundam kept firing with its Beam Cannons. When it decided to send its arms flying towards Dia64 the Funnels flew and stopped both arms, the rifle finished charging and unleased a powerful beam blast piercing and destroying Psycho Gundam easily.

I grabbed the other gunblade and Liberator slowly turned red “Trans-Am Liberation!” CrossDevil’s regeneration just ended and recovered completely and all the Gundam Faces started rising, I cut and shot down the nearby Gundam Faces. When my area cleared up, 3 Blade Bits attached itself to each gunblades while a pair of Blast Bits orbits and formed a Quantum Gate like what the Blade Bits formed on each gunblade, a beam blade formed and grew bigger.  “Quantum Salvo!!” the red console turned green, even Liberator Gundam turned from glowing red to green, more Gundam Faces sprouted around me and tried wrap me down, but I vanished upon their contact. CrossDevil is looking around and anticipated that I’m coming from above him and managed to raise the I-Field on its bracers, however the I-Field slowly cracked and broke through it and sliced through the Colony and CrossDevil and exploded.

I swung my gunblades to clear the explosion cloud and spread Liberator’s Wings, an announcement rung through the field “Mission Cleared”.

© 2020 GKayzeWrites

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Hey, I’ve heard a ton about Gundam, but I don’t know a lot about it, but I’ve heard it’s great, and your story is too! Your writing is fantastic and I thought it was super cool to finally see a story on here based off of something else, something that wasn’t a poem. As much as I love poetry, it’s sad to see anything besides that rarely gets love on this site, so I was very happy to see this! The writing was great! (:

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Hey, I’ve heard a ton about Gundam, but I don’t know a lot about it, but I’ve heard it’s great, and your story is too! Your writing is fantastic and I thought it was super cool to finally see a story on here based off of something else, something that wasn’t a poem. As much as I love poetry, it’s sad to see anything besides that rarely gets love on this site, so I was very happy to see this! The writing was great! (:

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on November 2, 2020
Last Updated on November 3, 2020
Tags: Gundam, Gundam Build Divers, Short Story

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