Never judge a book by its' cover

Never judge a book by its' cover

A Poem by Gee

One for the kids

He reeked of fish and nastiness
was dishevelled, covered in goo,
spent most of his time perched on a rock
out to sea but just in view.
Sometimes though he would come ashore
and the kids would run and hide,
standing six feet six and as ugly as sin
of him they were terrified.

One day however curious Karl
short sighted to the point of blind,
was dared to talk to the giant stink
in the hope of a name to find.
So when he lumbered onto shore
Karl met him on the sand,
"hello sir I'm pleased to meet"
he said as he offered his hand.

The giant stink stopped in his tracks
gave the boy a quizzical look,
then softly held the offered hand
and very gently shook.
"I'm pleased to meet you too my boy
how are you this fine day,
and what is it that brings you here
to pass across my way"

Upon the prom the hiding kids
all gasped at what they saw,
certain that a grisly end
would come to Karl for sure.
As for many years the giant stink
was an ogre thought to be,
eating uncooked fish for breakfast
then small children for his tea.

But to their stunned amazement
they watched events unfold,
a story that in years to come
would be told and told and told.
The giant stink and curious Karl
conversing on the sand,
greeting like two long lost friends
warmly shaking each other's hand.

"Please tell me if you do not mind
your title or your name,
and if you do I'll tell you what,
I'll do the very same.
In fact I'll tell you my name first
it's Karl, mum calls me "k",
and you can call me that as well
cos we're friends as from today."

The giant stink looked at the boy
he thanked him in his mind,
this simple gesture showing that
goodness still lived in mankind.
A giant tear rolled down his cheek
he gave a giant sniff,
a seagull landed on his head
"A pleasure to meet you "K", I'm cliff"

© 2024 Gee

Author's Note

Be interested to hear what any youngish kids of reviewers think of this,even my 14 year old daughter liked it,amazing!!!!
Name taken from,"what do you call a man with a seagull on his head?"........CLIFF
All of this to get a wee joke in :)

My Review

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Superb Gee, I can so picture this in a kids book about friendship and other tales about not judging books by their cover. Flows superbly and reads perfectly. I would have loved these tales when I was a kid, in the far, far away ago.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Cheers,yep I can just about recall my childhood and the fear,as the cassock lifting monk approached,.. read more
Though I be 67, I'm still a kid, and I love this. It's very well written and tells an intriguing story that held me till the end. The moral, of course, cannot be overstated for it's importance and applicability to our daily lives.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you Samuel,I'm glad you enjoyed
aw this is the ending...i am "cliff"---

the personification makes the story----if i had young kids, i would share this with them...and i am sure there would be smiles and giggles...


Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you Jacob,praise from the wand across the pond is very much appreciated
I've read this before... Ya, I Ike it. It's meaningful and great for kids.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Great story, but where is the rest. Cliff hangers not permitted. Great fun piece.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Lol,might add to it,one day.This is the only poem of mine that my 14year old daughter has ever read,.. read more
being a very serious and humourless person who never smiles. it's a nod from me!!!:)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Cheers Andrew
The combination of wry humour and the message in this poem is a powerful combination.

I have to tell you a story, a true story. A couple of years ago, my son was invited to a birthday party. I didn't know the child in question and when I asked Charlie to describe who it was, he was at something of a loss. "Just one of my friends," he said, "he's thin and as tall as me. I like his mum, she's nice." On the day of the birthday party, I took Charlie and met the loveliest mum and dad imaginable. They hailed from Nigeria, had been in the Uk for only twelve months; but not for one second had it occurred to my son to use colour to describe his friend.

A child has no prejudice, no preconceptions; their innocence is one of the most powerful forces on the planet; bottle the essence and spray it into the atmosphere and the world would be such a better place.


Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks Beccy,a great review,very much appreciated
Very meaningful...... We are always biased because we believe what the five senses perceive. Reaching out to people inspite of their appearances is what we require today

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Indeed,thanks for reading
If this is supposed to appeal to kids then I guess I'm a big kid because I love it.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks Mick
Wow! I'm much older than 14 but I loved it. Good for young and old both!
Fine, fine piece of work!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Cheers Julia
Julia Mars

9 Years Ago

Cheers G!

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34 Reviews
Added on May 9, 2015
Last Updated on May 27, 2024
Tags: Kids, ogre, seagulls, fish, kindness



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

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A Poem by Gee

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