It's Magic --- PART I - Chapter 7

It's Magic --- PART I - Chapter 7

A Chapter by Prime

Let's get some sweet romance going. And have an unexpected end in the chapter. . .


Chapter 7


“Nicely done, pretty witch. You’re the best actress, impressive!” Then he squeezes me before finally letting go. I stare at him badly, and I see that he smiles.

        “Yieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Oh, that reminds me, we’re at the backstage near my dressing room. And there are some people around use who tease us. I can’t help myself but to smile. And there I see Mylene and Lawrence with pretty unread emotions. They’re not with those who tease us. Weird… I can see no reaction as Lawrence just goes on the other side of the backstage, silently. By the way just what’s wrong with him? He seems to be sober since last time! And Mylene, well, she just stares at Kevin and in her eyes lies… disappointment? Frustration? Or is that sadness? I don’t know, but a little while after Lawrence, she hastily goes on stage. Me? Oh well, I’m here standing, motionless.

        “Hey Kate,” Kevin holds both of my shoulders which takes me back to my senses. “…is something wrong?” and his eyebrows come together.

        “It’s n-nothing…” I say, pretty unsure of my answer.

        “Are you sure?” He asks. A nod is my answer. “I think there is. Is it because I… hugged you?” his hand then goes to the back of his neck and seems to scratch it. He looks cute. But I regained myself at that so I flash him a smile.

        “Kinda… It’s awkward, you know…” I say, chuckling. “Why did you do that anyway?”

        “I don’t know.” He says innocently and scratches the back of his neck again.

        I smile at him, then pinch his nose and compliment him. “You look cute, Kevin.”

        “Hey, the witch already found her prince charming!” a scandalous girl shouts from the people around me, she’s maybe one of the audience, and then they start to tease us, which is kind of awkward, because Kevin is just silent, probably stunned by my words.

        “Just ignore them.” I say. “Let’s go.” Then, what I also did quite surprised me. I hold him by his wrist! And teases like “yieeeeeeeeeeeee!” are now louder. And I make my way, dragging him.

        “Hey, Kate. Where are you taking me?” he asks me as I drag him, and as soon as we’re outside the backstage, near the campus main gate to be exact, we stop. Well, I really don’t know where we’re going. I’m even surprised myself.

        “Oh, sorry Kevin.” I apologize. “Actually, I really don’t know where I’m taking you…” then I laugh, and in his face the confusion can be seen.

        “Then why did you drag me here?” he asks ridiculously.

        “Maybe to escape the teases?” I say. “Well, I really don’t know.” And then he laughs.

        “It’s awkward, right?” he says with a smile which I think makes me blush a little. It’s a good thing Gina applied a small pink foundation when she was making over a while ago.

        “Kind of… Well, let’ go somewhere Kevin. Let’s celebrate!” I ask him with enthusiasm.

        “Celebrate?” he asks, eyebrows near each other.

        “Well, since I think I did well at the play, I’d like to celebrate! And I’d also like to thank you…” I say. “…so please?”

        “Thank me?” he asks again. “…for what?”

        “Yeah, I’d like to thank you for going with me last Saturday, when I bought the props.” And for being my inspiration… but the last didn’t get out of my mouth, it’s stuck in my mind.

        “Oh, is that it, Kate?”

“Yep.” I confirm.

        “So let’s go to the mall then.” A smile forms on his face.

        I pinch his nose then run from him. “Hey, get back here!” he says while laughing a little, which is cute for me, and he’s chasing me.

“Not until you catch me.” I say, turning to him. Well, he’s on his feet as well, but quite a yard or two away from me.

And we run around and around until we get out of the campus main gate running for and from each other. Some people are looking at us, but we seem to have no care, and when Kevin finally reaches me, he hugs me from behind and then pinches my nose. “Gotcha!”

It seems awkward for a while, since I feel the race of my heartbeat and when I turn, we almost kissed! Lucky thing his head manage to move back, but the moment now… it’s so magical! Our eyes are both locked on each other, and he has a full smile on his lips, while I try to suppress my own. Like magnets, our head slowly attracts each other, and our faces are so close together! I felt magic, and I wonder… did he feel it too?

        “K-Kevin…” I gasp, trying to break from his arms. Well, I just realized that we are facing each other, faces close together and his hug is so tight that my arms just automatically raise, confused if what I should hold. Should I hold his waists? His shoulders? Or his face? Whaaaaaah! I don’t know.

        I don’t want to be a maniac, but right now it seems like something’s urging me to go kiss him full on the lips, or just at least hug him, but I’m still in control.

        “Kevin!” I gasp. But he seems to hear nothing, he just smile at me and what he does next greatly surprised me which summons all the heat in my face.

        *kiss* Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

        He kisses my forehead for long before letting me go and then his hand reaches for the back of his neck again. Oh well, that seems to be his usual mannerism lately. I mean the hand!

        “Kevin!” I exclaim. “Why did you �"?”

        “I don’t know, Kate.” He begins. “It’s just…”

        “It’s just �"?” I ask in a high voice which sounds like a yell.

        “It’s just… I can’t help it…” he says, maybe he feels guilty. Well, do I seem to be so mad?

        “What?!” I exclaim again, surprised, not angry. But I think, to him it looks like I’m angry.

        He raises his head and tries to look at me eye-to-eye. Well, the way is… his hand is still on the back of his neck, and the look across his face by his sleepy-looking eyes is kind of… scared?

        “Look,” he continues. “I’m sorry, Kate. I didn’t mean to… you know…” so he really thinks that I’m mad. My goodness, he jumped into the wrong conclusion! “I know I acted stupid �" but please, don’t stay away from me.” Aww, it’s cute! When he said that, I can see through his eyes that he’s pleading me, that he’s scared to lose me. I also can’t help myself so I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight as I smile behind him. I make sure he’d feel my hair *wink*.

        “Kevin, it’s okay.” I say in my soft tone. “It’s just… I was so surprised, and I acted stupid, I know. So I’m sorry too. And I’m not staying away, okay?” and I break from hugging him.

        “Really?” His face brightens. “Yup!” I say in confirmation. And then he hugs me again.

        It is then I realize that Kevin has a childish side, but it’s cute of him, so I just let him be. I think, I’m falling for him the way he is… but the thought leads me to Ron. Well, I think the time is near when I should let go of either Kevin or Ron. Because I realized recently that when we were still children, that was the first time I fell in love with a stranger, with Ron, and that love was the reason why I kept holding on the promise we both had. The reason why I couldn’t let him go, the reason why I’m still holding on to the pendant… And now that Kevin came into my life, everything gets complicated. I really thought that he was Ron, but I was quickly proven wrong. He is Kevin. And now I think, I’m falling for this guy. Well, am I falling for him because I really see him and feel for him as Kevin himself? Or am I falling for him because he is the greatest resemblance and remembrance of my childhood playmate, Ron? I don’t know the answers, but what I should do is just think about and figure it out. I should. I have to be sure.

        “Let’s go, Kate.” The sound of Kevin’s voice and the feeling of his fingers filling the spaces between mine takes me back to my senses. Oh my goodness, there he goes holding my hands again. I look at him, he just smiles.

“What’s wrong? Does it feel awkward too?” and he gives a glance at our intertwined hands. Like hell, is this guy beside me a mind-reader? Well, I just hope he’s not.

        I chuckle then. “Yeah, it feels awkward. Maybe because I’m not yet used to you doing it…”

        “Oh? Is that so?” then he tightens his grip which makes me feel my unusual heartbeat going crazy inside me again. “Get used to it, then.”

        “I would.” And he starts the motion. We make our way to the mall with swaying hands, and the walk is not boring. I can’t afford to make it so because of the awkwardness, so we fill it with funny conversations. Mostly about my play, but I’m good at evading the topic about my inspiration which is him, secretly.

All the way, we just talk, act like we don’t care about the world, and I am taken into my world of fantasy with Kevin, our hands and fingers intertwined like lovers do, swaying it without care. And when we reach our destination, we headed to the Timezone.

        We play with almost all arcades, mostly as opponents, and he’s usually the winner. We also play with Left for Dead and other children-like stuffs.

We go to the area in which you have to catch bears or cans of Pringles…

        “Get a bear, Kevin! Get a cute one! Oh, come on Kevin. Get it! Whoooo!” I cheer. Well, inside the glass box is a big blue bear with a black rubber nose and hazel marble eyes, it also has a black collar and between it is a pink cloth ribbon. And the claw is above it! I just keep on cheering, “Get it, Kevin! Get it!” and he is just laughing. He pushes the button release and it successfully grasps my target bear, but Kevin doesn’t know that it’s the bear I really like the most. Well, there is a variety of bears inside, to let you know.

        And as it drops on the drop box, it gets out on a special case below the glass box right away. Kevin gets it with a smile.

        “I got a cute one, Kate.” He says while still laughing, squeezing the bear.

        “Aww, it’s cute.” I say plainly, having no intention of getting one for me. But then he hands it to me right away. “It’s for you.”

        “A-are you sure Kevin?” I ask, unsure.

        “Yeah, I noticed you eyeing on that among the others, so I got it for you.” He smirks then. Sweet! “Take it.”

        And slowly, I take it from his hand, and then I embrace it. “My goodness. It’s mine… It’s mine!” Then I chuckle as I smile. “Thank you Kevin. That’s so sweet of you…”

        “Am I?” he asks, blushing.

        “Yeah, very sweet of you.” And I pinch his cheek softly. “Thank you again.”

        “Oh…” and then he drops another token and my mood lights up again. For the second try, he gets one, but he says that he’s got it for himself, and what inspires me is that he said he can’t let my bear have no partner. Well, what he gets is a red bear which size is similar with mine, with black ears and black marble eyes. It has a black collar with a white ribbon in the middle by its chest. Well, he seems to have a pretty good taste with bears.

        After we got our bears, we went to Greenwich and ordered a big pizza with twenty slices. Well, before that we ordered for milkshakes on a stall outside Greenwich. And as we ate, I notice that the others are watching us, we seem to have not eaten since last month, because only the two of us ate such a big pizza! And we had fun eating that though, because he pulled a prank on me. Well, on my last slice, I really thought that what he put was tomato sauce, but was really a chili sauce, and he put it full on the last bite. Well, my face was so red and my lips, throat and tongue seem to be burned by the spice so I had to drink all my milkshake!

        The sweet part is, he made me drink on his milkshake, on the same straw he drank on, since mine had nothing left but the spice still had to be chilled out from my mouth. And I blushed when I see him drink on his milkshake again on the same straw to finish it himself. Well, it’s a good thing that I still seem to be enduring the after effects of spiciness, so I didn’t have to hide my blush. Isn’t he disgusted with me? I mean, didn’t he mind drinking on the same straw I also drank on? Oh, but that was so nice and so sweet of him.

        We then went inside a photo booth. I chose a good background which suits what we both wear and how we both look. It’s a picture of a small wooden bridge in this city in which only a few lovers go. Well, about how we look? He wears a white t-shirt contemplated by a chalice-like leather brown sleeveless jacket, ashy brown pants and white tennis, which suits him who has brown hair and hazel eyes. Well, I wear a white skirt with a brown belt, dark brown slacks and white low heels which greatly contemplates my brown eyes and dark brown hair and fair skin. We took four pictures, all of which are wacky, but only one picture seems to be quite unforgettable. Well, when it’s about to be shot, I posed a simple wacky one when he “side-hugs” me. That was the last picture taken, and he gave me copies of all fours. Well, he said that he’d keep his copies, and we left with the photo booth personnel saying that we make a perfect pair. Darn! There they go again! I still remember the saleslady on the native and clay-works shop saying that as well. But the thought makes me smile.

        The last we went at was Visuals, which is for art people. We entered, and immediately, like a kid, he rushed to the big sketchpad and made me sit in front of him. And when he said, “Keep quiet and stay still” it took a while before it registered in my head that he’d draw a sketch of me again. And I shyly did. He sat there, and then drew for about ten minutes. He did well. He showed it to me, and I saw that he emphasized the eyes again, the color. And then when I looked at him, he just smirked then smiled. I didn’t ask him, but he told me, “I like your eyes, Kate.” And then he pinched my nose and I was tickling him.

        We went out of the Visuals, and we’re now on our way to Clarkson Village, the place where our homes are settled. As we walk, there are not much of conversations, because I’m busy with the teddy bear he gave me, and he’s silent. This time, he’s not holding my hand. And after a while, I notice him stop.

        “Kevin, is something wrong?” I ask him, and I realize that we’re here by the village gate.

        “No. There’s nothing, really.” he smiles then, and I can tell that it’s not a fake one.

        “Oh. Umm, thank you anyways.” I begin. “Thank you for the teddy bear, for your company, and for giving me such a memorable day. I promise I will never forget this.”

        “Kate,” then he takes my hand. “You also gave me such a memorable day.” And the spaces between my fingers are filled with his.

“Thank you,” and his hand squeezes mine. “By the way, let me give you this…”

        With his other hand, he gives me what he drew, the sketchpad merely folded. Wow! As in, wow! I’m still amazed by his sketch. Well, though it’s an image, it seems like it has life, like I have life in the picture. And all I can do is just admire how amazing Kevin is.

        “Thank you, Kevin.” I say after I receive his folded sketchpad, and then I lean my head on his shoulder, wrap my arms around his back, hands holding the folded sketchpad and the bear, and pull him closer to a hug until I feel his arms also wrapping behind me. And all the while, I felt magic.

And what’s more magical about this is that, when I’m about to let go, he pulls me closer and hugs me even tighter and I feel his lips whispering repeatedly in my ears, “Thank you, Kate. Thank you.”

        We are just like that for quite a long while, or did time freeze when we’re locked into each other’s warmth? Well, when he finally lets me go, there’s still the sun, it’s not yet sunset anyways, and I make the sweetest smile I can ever make at him.

        “Kate, thank you again.” He says. “I guess I got to go now.”

        “Okay, Kevin. Goodbye!” I say, which makes a part of me feel… lonely.

        “Bye…” I blow the inside of my mouth after he said those, my usual mannerism.

        And then we start to walk, since we take opposite routes. Mine is to the right, his is to the left and ahead. As I walk, I can feel that I’m incomplete, despite the day made more than complete by Kevin’s company. I don’t know, but something urges me that I reach for the pendant hidden through my clothes, but I return it back. I should. I should let Ron go. And thoughts are about to flood in my head again when…

        “Kate, wait…” Kevin pulls me by the arm and makes me turn to him. “I just err…”

        I smile at him with raised eyebrows that are almost like asking, “What?”

“Umm, can you close your eyes please? Just this one time…”

        “Eh? What for?” I voice out.

        “Just close your eyes for me, please?” and so I did. I wait for a while, eyes closed, then I’m about to open my eyes when he holds my face with both his hand, and my heart goes wild at the moment. I’m sure I blush when his lips make its way to the middle of my forehead. He kisses me there again. Twice for this day already… And instead of opening my eyes, I just let it shut as his kiss lowers to the midst of both my eyes above my nose, and I love that. Then I feel footsteps, or is that his hoof? And when I open my eyes, he has run. The thought makes me smile, and my hand reaches for the part that he kissed and then it goes to my chest, not minding the pendant. I can feel my heart beat racing, and it’s because of Kevin.

        I start walking again, and later on I feel someone’s following me. I walk faster…

        The next thing I knew, I can’t move, nor do speak. Everything’s black. I’m in danger.

I’m abducted!

© 2013 Prime

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Added on December 27, 2013
Last Updated on December 27, 2013



Sagay City, Region VI, Philippines

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