Chapter 13: The Lord's Hall

Chapter 13: The Lord's Hall

A Chapter by Happy Annoyance

The plot thickens

The banquet hall was full of many lords and ladies of the clan, each kneeling upon soft pillows upon the polished wooden floor. The room was laid out in levels with a wooden rise for the lord himself and his most trusted aides. Upon low tables placed before each lay steaming lacquer trays with an assortment of different foods, fish, rice, rich soups, roasted vegetables, steamed buns, and more. This array of wonderful foods were being refilled and replaced by servants moving behind the lords and ladies.
Fuyukaze was seated at the lower part of the floor but at the place closest to his lord, a place of honor for vassals. He was seated with many samurai, many were commanders of his uncle's armies, magistrates who watched his lands, or guests or hostages from other clans. He was seated to the left of Goshiro Ogote, the commander of two hundred men. Each turned to the youth to listen to his tale as he described his journey west of Sanada and his confrontation with Hinada Ayomi. A few guests of foreign clans spoke quietly among themselves, but the retainers all stayed perfectly silent. Their lord had asked to hear his nephews tale and they gave the young man their complete attention.
Fuyukaze felt all the eyes upon him as he carefully recited the tale “I traveled to the city of Sanada, I first sought to speak with the magistrate but was refused an audience. I was confused at this but left his home to walk through the streets and only there found out about Hinada Ayomi's encounter with the Sanada retainers. They had fought Ayomi on the streets and had been wounded grievously.” He swallowed and looked to his sister who was sitting upon the dais near him, she had indeed been honored with a position in Lord Akamine's chosen courtiers. Her voice was considered the same as the lord's himself while she was traveling in foreign lands.
He swallowed, his eyes glancing across the room, praying to the gods that his voice would not crack as he was watched by so many. “I stopped the man who was talking about seeing the fight and went to the western road to seek after Ayomi, I did not sleep that night I just pushed on knowing that was my best chance to catch him.”
He closed his eyes “I met him in a small village to the west of Sanada, he was eating breakfast. I challenged him to single combat and we did battle. He was” the boy hesitated, “much better than I could have imagined, and I was wounded in the fight. I struck him through his chest and he fell low, cursing me. With that Yoshio was avenged.” He paused remembering his sisters words and pushed the table away from him slowly then turned to his uncle “my lord, please forgive my recklessness. I did not think about the consequences of my actions, but I just wanted to restore the honor of my school and avenge Goshiro Yoshio.” He bowed low pushing his head to the floor.
Akamine was clearly taken aback by his nephews apology, glancing around the room curiously seeing his guests were reflecting his surprise. Miyuki feigned her own shock at his words, just unfolding a fan and placing it over her face turning as if ashamed by her brother's actions. Akamine just laughed “to think he has not yet seen seventeen winters, if I could only have been as humble in my youth.”
Fuyukaze just stayed low to the floor not rising yet, he felt the shame of his apology and the laughter of his daimyo and a few others.
“Rise Fuyukaze, you are modest and for that I am grateful. Too often youths run foolishly to throw their lives away and you not only did battle but realized the err in not asking permission of your lord first.” He smiled and continued “The Katsukana academy inculcates great speed and strength to its students, but it also breeds arrogance. I want good warriors under my command, ones who act with honor, wanting only to serve the clan. Not fools who seek personal glory. Your words please me, and I would be happy to accept you into my armies.”
Fuyukaze bowed again low “Thank you my lord.”  He stared at his hands as they pressed against the wooden floor.  The youth wanting to say something more but could not find any words.  He just stayed there in silence for several long seconds.
“Good, now return to your place and enjoy your meal. We will talk more this evening but for now laugh, drink and eat. Today you are a man.”
Fuyukaze wordlessly slipped back to his place upon the pillow, a servant drawing the table closer to him and made sure his cup of rice wine was full. The laughter continued and Goshiro Ogote slapped him on the shoulders roughly “Drink up, you're a man now and a retainer to the house. That means tomorrow you may die, so enjoy today.”
Ogote waited patiently while his own cup was refilled and quickly drank from the cup.  “I remember my first battle.  My daimyo’s father Goshiro Nabato gathered us together from the academy.  Our main forces were poised to the south but a group of pirates were terrorizing the people of the northern villages.  Our daimyo came upon our class and looked us over, then ordered us to be given our armor and arms.  We were amazed at the suddenness of our promotion, but what awaited us was a band of armed men.  The Goshiro promote the competent to become samurai.”  He waited for his cup to be refilled “But those who remain samurai are those who survive their first battle.”  He laughed holding up the cup.
“I wonder why there are so few warriors of the Goshiro?”  A grinning samurai asked and a loud bout of laughter rang through the halls.  Each warrior took turns boasting and telling tales of battles past and their own gempukku.  The night past in tall tales and laughter and the tone was one of joy and excitement tinged with the occasional memory of fallen friends.

© 2014 Happy Annoyance

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Added on September 7, 2014
Last Updated on September 7, 2014
Tags: Samurai, Feudal Japan, Drama, Warring States

Honor and Treachery ((In progress, needs polish))


Happy Annoyance
Happy Annoyance

San Antonio, TX

I am am a world traveler turned teacher who enjoys telling stories who has recently started writing. I would like to develop my style and expand my foundation of knowledge. more..
