Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Harmony Grace


Chapter 3
My mom came into my room at 8:30 am.
“Mom, it’s Sunday.” I said very groggily and freezing.
“I know, but would you like to come to Church with Emery and I?” she asked.
“When did you talk to Emery about this?” I asked her.
“Oh yesterday. I ran into him at the grocery store, literally I must say embarrassingly and we started talking about his church. So will you go with me and him or not?” She asked. I started to answer not today but I heard Emery’s response to my statement the other day run through my head.
Oh, also I heard your prayer. Are you going to turn your life around? He had said.
Oh that? Well you know how it goes when you’re in a life and death situation. You say things.  
I know that too well. I’m kind of getting tired of it…
“Uh, sure. Why not?” I said and got up and got dressed-In my warmest nicest sweater- and headed off to church. My mom and I arrived at the church and there was Emery waiting at the door greeting people that came in. There was an elderly women in front of us.
“Good morning Mrs. O’Neil. How are you today?” He asked.
“Oh, I’m quite alright young man, thanks to you.” She said. I wondered what she meant and it didn’t make it better to see his face get a little worried and say:
“Shhh, let’s keep that to ourselves.” He had said than smiled once more. “We’ll let that be our little secret.” He said. The elderly women looked at him.
“But if it wasn’t for you, I would have slipped on that ice patch and broken my hip.”
“Yes, well thank goodness you didn’t.” He said moving her along.
“Ah, you made it! So glad you could come Ms. Grant.” He said gently taking my mother’s hand and kissing it, like they do in those old time London movies.
“That was a little much.”I muttered to myself.
“I also brought someone with me.” My mother said.
“Huh?” He asked then smiled. “I’m really glad you came Trinity.” He said.
“What? How’d you know it was me?” I asked baffled.
“Because everyone has their smell. I recognized yours.” He said.
“That’s a little creepy. But cool at the same time.” I said.
“Yeah, sorry.” He said. “Youth group is later tonight at 6:30 pm, you should come.” He said.
“I’ll just see how church goes first. It’s been forever since I’ve been to church.” I said.
“And whose problem is that?” He asked.
“He he.” I laughed dryly. “Umm. I’m just not a God person…”
“Sorry, that was out of line, and are you an atheist?” He said.
“No, it’s ok, and no I’m not atheist, at least I came today right? I just am not too fond of God” I said.
“Why, he’s so cool.” He said.
“Not in my opinion. Why would he let my dad…Never mind.” I said and walked into the sanctuary and found a spot toward the back. It was a couple of minutes before the pastor started.
“Good Morning.” He said.
“Good Morning.” Replied the congregation.
“This morning I want to talk about how God will protect those he loves if they believe.” I got up and ran out.
“What was that about?” Emery whispered to my mom.
“Um, it’s a long story hun, and how’d you know she ran out? Never mind. I’ll go…” She started.
“No, stay and listen, I’ll go, I want to know why anyway.” He said and got up and walked out. Emery found me on the steps, huddled up and shivering.
“What was up with that?” He asked putting an extra coat on me, as it was a little chillier than usual.
“God doesn’t protect squat!” I yelled.
“What do you mean?” He said.
“We used to be church going folk, every Sunday. Read the bible during the week. Especially my dad, he gave his all for God.”
“Sounds great, what went wrong?” He asked.
“My dad went on a mission’s trip to Africa and here’s a list of things that went wrong.
He twisted his ankle while getting off the plane, his luggage was lost, someone stole his wallet, he hit his head on the door of a jeep and had to get stitches, got bit by a snake, got lost in the desert, his tent had a hole in it, a animal stole their food. The list goes on and on.” I said.
“Wow, sounds like Satan knew what good he was going to do and messed with him.”
“HA! Satan? Why didn’t God protect him when he was finally coming home after ‘preaching the Word’ and his air plane was struck down and he died a gruesome and painful death!? He believed God, and loved him and yet he died. So as I said, God doesn’t protect squat!” I yelled.
“What do you mean he doesn’t protect squat, I remember a certain someone who would have been a road pancake if it wasn’t for God.” He said. I admit he had me, but I refused to give him the satisfaction.
“No, I would have been a pancake without a certain very attractive Blind boy!” I just said attractive didn’t I?
“Umm.” He said. “What does that have to do with anything?” He asked.
“Uh, nothing. I didn’t mean it. I still got my point across.” I tried desperately to cover myself.
“Uh huh..” He said and started walking away. I looked up at him quickly.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“I figure I can’t get you to see things my way, so…” He said.
“Yeah. Let’s just go back inside.” Although it wasn’t any better.
“For the wages of Sin is Death! We must pay for our sins by Death.” The pastor droned on. I leaned over to Emery.
“That’s real comforting; I’d rather hear what he was saying before.” I went back to my normal sitting position but I could feel the cold drafting from a window not too far from us and leaned on Emery.
“But beloved it also says, ‘but the gift of God is eternal life.’ If we put our sins behind us Accept Christ we get eternal life.” I sat there confused and getting sleepier.
“I’m not saying we’ll be perfect after accepting Christ, we’ll just get a guarantee at eternal life.” Pretty soon I heard.
“Trinity? Trinity? It’s over, the service is over.” I opened my eyes. Only to find out I had stayed on Emery’s shoulder.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.” I said. I just wasn’t used to getting up so early on Sunday.
“It’s ok, not like you drooled or anything.” He said with his usual very nice smile, and we walked out.
 “So, would you like to come to youth group tonight?” He asked.
“Uh, ya know what. Sure why not.” I said. Besides I had questions. My mom and I went home and I put some more comfortable clothes on, cause skirts and blouses weren’t my thing. I went over to the picture that I had of my father.
“Hey dad, guess what? Mom and I went to church today.” I went to go look out the window and thought I saw Emery, but when I did a double take he was gone. It would have been impossible of course, because my room’s on the top floor, plus it’s all ice leading up to my window. I walked back to the photo. “And it was interesting I guess. I know you were always the religious one in the family. But Dad, I still don’t understand why God let you die. I mean you gave him your all. You gave him your life.” I heard a voice.
“Jesus gave up his life for your father.” I quickly turned around; my mother was at the door.
“A little warning next time would be wonderful.” I said a little embarrassed now.
“Sorry. I was just coming up here to see if you were hungry.”
“Not really Mom.” I said. “Just doing some thinking.”
“I see. Well I’ll leave you to your thinking.” She said with a smile and walked out. I had forgotten that when I was little Mom and Dad had gotten into a huge fight about religion, and for once Dad had won. Mom then became a Christian and ever since dad died, she was trying to use the whole ‘don’t you want to see your father again?’ routine, after awhile of not working she gave up. When really yes I want to see my father again, but I don’t want to see this supposedly loving and protecting God. So my father yes, God, no.
And now Emery is going on about God. Emery told me to go to the church by 6:15 for the youth group. I got there and low and behold Emery didn’t even show up.
“Why Hello there!” said a very cheery women in her early 60’s.
“Hi.” I said, thinking this woman was a little old to be doing youth group. “Umm, where’s Emery Wyatte?” I asked.
“Oh, yes Emery. He had…” She paused as if looking for the right word. “Other business he had to take care of.” She said.
“Oh, well maybe I’ll go.” I started to walk away.
“Wait, please don’t go. Stay.” She said.
“Um…” I glanced at all of the smiling teens. They surprisingly looked so welcoming and warm. “well, ok, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stay.” I said.
“Well, what’s your name?” The lady asked.
“Trinity Grant.” I said.
“ Oh well Trinity Today we’re going on a trip.” She said. “Great.” I thought to myself. “I choose to come on the day when we do mission work or something.”
“Yeah, we’re going to the Basket ball game at the highschool. Right Miss Diane.” Said this girl in the corner.
“Yup that’s right Amanda. We’re going to the high school’s basketball game. To do God’s work.”
“WHAT! I can’t be seen with these bible geeks! I have to make an excuse or something. Man where was Emery when I really needed him.” I asked myself.
“Umm, I don’t know if I can.” I said.
“Oh, a little shy are we. Well when we do God’s work it all…” She started.
“I’m not even Christian.” I said just belting it out there.
“Oh.” She said stunned. All the kids looked the…same, still welcoming. I must have looked like a scared animal.
“I see. Well then. I think you should still come. Lots of opportunities for you.” She said.
“Well, I am already down here. Ok, I’ll go. But Emery was sure he wouldn’t make it.”
“Not with the major problem he had this time.” She stopped herself. “Well anyway.”
I Looked at her. “What problems?” I asked.
“Um, nothing.” She said. I didn’t buy it, but I let it go. For now. We pulled up to the school. I was dreading going into that high school and very possibly being associated with these bible geeks and Jesus freaks. We walked into the gymnasium and they started putting up their stand, and getting out their bibles. Along with their church and youth group information. They also had a banner, and starting putting brochure looking pamphlets out on the table along with their information.
“What are those?” I asked Miss Diane.
“Oh, these?” She asked pointing at the pamphlets and I nodded.
“These, are What we call tracks.” She said.
“Tracks?” I asked.
“Yes. They have the gospel written on them telling you how to get saved.” She said.
“Oh.” I picked one up and put it right back down the minute I read the first line.
It read: ‘Learn about a loving God who thought you were to die for and how he has a plan for your life.’ I laughed.
“What was that for?” asked Miss Diane.
“Well, I’m not really a fan of this so-called ‘Loving God’ that’s all.” I explained to her.
“Oh, so you’re against God?” She asked seriously. “Man this lady is starting to sound like Emery, probably where he got it.” I thought to myself. 
“Well I’m not against him, but I’m not entirely for him either.” I said.
“Well Trinity, you’re either for him or against him. No one can serve 2 masters.” She said.
“What?” I asked not getting the illustration.
“In other words, you can’t do both.” She said.
“Oh.” I said.
“It’s in the bible.” Said Miss Diane.
“Well, that would explain why I didn’t get it.” I muttered to myself.
“What?” Asked Miss Diane.
“Nothing.” I said. The night went on and many people accepted their tracks, but just as many refused. One person came up at the end of the game wanting to accept This Jesus. I noticed a girl walking up to me. I panicked. “OH NO! I’m not one of them, what do I say, I mean I don’t want to ruin what they’re here for, but I can’t talk to her about Jesus, when I don’t even know him!”
“Can we talk?” The girl asked me.
“Um, I think you should talk to this girl here.” I handed her over to Amanda.
“I don’t want to talk to her, I want to talk to you.” She said.
“Ummmm, ok.” I said.
“Well. I really want to end this.” She said.
“Wait what? End what?” I asked her eyes wide.
“My life. I’m tired of this life, nothing’s going my way, I had to get an abortion, my boyfriend broke up with me, and I’m flunking school. And my mom just died because of a drunk driver.” She said tears streaming down her face.
“Um, Well I can’t really relate to what you’re talking about, but I can tell you that killing yourself isn’t the answer. Look, I’m not a Christian, I’m not gonna lie. But I can tell you God has such a plan for you, I’m not sure what it is. But maybe later in life you’re gonna relate to another teen-age girl who is going through what you’re going through right now. And you’ll be able to help them, and love them like Jesus would.” Where did that last part come from? I don’t even know Christ.
“But then after all this, why’d he take my mother?” She asked.
“Maybe it was to bring you to him? Was your mother a Christian?” Where was all this coming from?
“You think so? And yeah she was.” she asked.
“I know so. And besides your mother has so much peace now.” I said just going with it.
“ya know for not being a Christian you sure are helpful. Besides you look like I do, a real rebellious teen.” She said.
“Yeah, well. I’m not a real fan of God, but I think maybe he’s the answer for things now a days.” I was really dumbfounded why these words were coming to my mouth. The girl went to Miss Diane.
“I really want the peace my mother has. I want to see her someday, and the God that has given me life.” She said crying. Miss Diane just looked at me dumbfounded. I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe this Christianity thing wasn’t so hard after all. After she was finished we left. On the way home I asked Miss Diane.
“Why did you look at me that way earlier?”
“Because we’ve been trying to get Kali to accept Christ for 2 years now and you convinced her in 3 minutes. See God does want to use you for his Kingdom.” Said Miss Diane. But that didn’t make sense to me. I wasn’t even saved, I didn’t want to know God that much, and yet he wants to use me? This God is so confusing. All of sudden I smelt something funny.
“Do you smell that?” I asked Miss Diane.
“Yeah, it smells like Gas.” She said. She started pulling over when *BOOM* the front of the van exploded. There were flames, a face, and then complete darkness.

© 2009 Harmony Grace

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Added on October 2, 2009


Harmony Grace
Harmony Grace

really want to be an actressdirector, but I also really love to write! more..

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