Echoes of You

Echoes of You

A Poem by Relic

~Echoes of You~

Your ghost hides in corners of our wrinkled sheets
reaching out transparent hands to grasp at my foolishness.

I've never enjoyed swimming naked in guilt's sea - 
It leaves me dripping remorse.
It seems, death's formidable grip can trump a full hand 
of indifference every time.

The mundane, repetitious days of our existence
held me in perspective as one
too ambivalent to shake his disembodied shoulders. 

The scent of your demise to me seemed innocuous -
fleeting, and unable to bloom;

But, flowers - I've discovered - are fragile things 
that in a short period of time
will die from the slightest chill.

And I...unbelievably -
immersed in my neglectful, narrow corner -
unable to sympathize or relate to simple needs -
never noticed at all -
your petals -
falling one by one.

How often have men picked their flower in life only to ignore her later through the trials of marriage? Her tears like petals have fallen. Now, through her absence, he realizes too late, what he has done: Disregarded and Ignored his soul mate.

Your thoughts are always welcome.

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© 2023 Relic

Author's Note

Note to self: Changed the picture and a couple of words.

A quick note:

~~This is by far my most popular poem. And yet, it didn't start that way. Many young people are offended by advice or suggestions from others. They feel insulted that someone would critique their writing.

As for me, I came here not just to share my writing but to learn as well. If it wasn't for suggestions from Rick Puetter and Girl Friday (see below) I don't think the poem would have been as good. The poet Richard also helped me fine tune the poem and it is now--after all these years--(in my mind) complete.

We can always learn from other people as long as we know they have more experience and know-how than us.~~

My Review

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This poem has so many mixture of emotions! That is probably why it is so great. I also agree with what you said. In this website we should not just share and hoping someone will just view it and comment on our work just to say it is great and expecting it vice versa. We should help each other out by giving writer critizicims and help each other to become stronger writers. But for this poem I don't think I need to say anything.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

That's very kind of you Edis, thank you.

8 Years Ago

I love it, it's beautifully written, I love the emotion in it, please keep writing, I'm exited to re.. read more

8 Years Ago

Thank you Callie.
An awe-inspiring piece!
Regret, guilt and solitude; emotions entwining into each other. Sentiments of lifetime.
Full of deep insights.
Enjoyed reading it!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thanks very much Jyoti. :)

8 Years Ago

You are welcome!
What a wonderful piece Relic, covering a wide spectrum of human feelings, thoughts and emotions. One realises suchlikes when it's too late I guess.
Thanks for share :-)

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thanks for the review Seashell.
Words woven beautifully to unravel into a most regal tapestry.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you very much Jane. :)
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wow T, here's a beauty i somehow missed while i was out somewhere gathering wool or some such thing. forgive, pls.

but, but you've always had the gift of complete openness in your writing with imagery/words revealing stunning depth and perception. and i've watched you evolve over the years ~ refining, condensing, focusing . . . working through frustration, aggravation with this site, with life ..... you are undeniably a talented poet and you should indeed be proud of this work. tis not often to find a writer willing to accept suggestions gracefully and actually employ them. kudos

and as to this particular write, the chills working their way up from toes to the back of my head does not happen often. not only are your words rare in their admission of "less than," but the emotions tear at my heart ... the metaphoric comparison to a neglected flower completely undid me.

fine fine work, t.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thanks so much for that great review J. :)

8 Years Ago

entirely my pleasure, t. :-)
this is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you. :)
The depths of this poem rings so true. The damage of neglect is devastating when a woman desires the man that she loves deeply enough to give him her all. It's always when she's gone when the treasure they so carelessly let slip through their hands. Thank you very much for sharing.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

I'm grateful to you for the review, thank you.

8 Years Ago

My pleasure my friend :)
Oh - love it! This is wonderful. That second stanza - I just adore it :)

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

I'll tell you a short story. The name came to me as a last minute thing. I needed something to add a.. read more

8 Years Ago

The brand name was Relic? Cool
Our subconscious can play games sometimes :)

8 Years Ago

My thoughts exactly. :)
suggestions, feedback are so valuable..even if we don't use it...just to ponder it helps us put our own poems into the right perspective...i don't think we are ever "too good" to take criticism.

You are quite a poet, relic...


Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thanks very much Jacob.
I’ve read several of your poems and you should be proud of what you write. You have an enhanced vocabulary that allows you to convey what you want to express eloquently. You shouldn’t let yourself become too dismayed by the lack of reviews because this happens to most of us here. There are other avenues where you can post your verse, from poets groups on Face Book to having a Live Journal blog.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you Willys.

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341 Reviews
Shelved in 43 Libraries
Added on August 3, 2012
Last Updated on March 7, 2023



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