

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

Mum used to tell me stories of how my Pa would go out and do all sorts of trips when I was young. She claimed that I was too young to remember him always leaving and coming back covered in blood and all sorts of other things. But I remember because one day he taught me how to protect myself, even though he was still covered in the blood of the shifter he hunted. Of course, she knew what he was doing, she just chooses to ignore it. I don’t know why, but it didn’t help her any. I still got involved and her secrets were the death of her.

I was ten when she finally drank and drugged herself into the haze of forgetfulness. She continued to use them, wanting to drown out the pain my Pa left when he never returned from one job. His partner said that he was attacked and dragged off somewhere no human could get to. Mum was pissed off when she heard that. I was upset with Mum’s reaction. It wasn’t like Pa decided to get taken and not have a chance to be found.

My tenth birthday to be exact was the day she finally over did it all. She did manage to drown out her pain though the combination of so much alcohol and all of the drugs that were in her system shut down her body. I had tried telling her so many times that she would end up doing that to herself, but she never listened. I didn’t let anyone know what happened to Mum, as I didn’t want to leave the town I was in and neither did I want to go and live with new families.

But in the few months that passed, something happened. It might have been by dumb luck that they were in town, or maybe it was a sign. Three months after Mum’s suicide, the Winchester’s found their way to my hometown. Their Pa hunted with my Pa, and I was hoping that just maybe he’d let me go with them.

I was fully able to handle myself, even if I did look like a fragile little girl who’d break if she even tried to pick up a gun. I could handle knives nearly as good as my Pa did. I remember him teaching me one day, when I was five or six, how to handle the guns and how to work the knives. The only difference between me and the Winchester’s was the fact that I never actually went on a hunt. The three children had been on at least one before.

Before they even left town, I had successfully completed my first hunt with them. Though as time progresses through my tale, you will soon learn why I was with them in the first place and how I never knew that the creature was there.

I have a lot of time on my hands to write about all of my adventures and how they started, so why not start at the very beginning. When I first met them all, and where it went from there, it has been nothing but a series of crazy adventures.

© 2017 Catherine Frain

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Added on February 3, 2017
Last Updated on February 3, 2017


Catherine Frain
Catherine Frain

Omaha, NE

Welcome to my profile! I love to write as you can see- so feel free to write a review and check out the rest of my work. I am slowly posting stuff from my Google account here so yeah! I hope y'all kee.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Catherine Frain