![]() 2 The ChallengeA Chapter by James Bowers![]() Chapter 2 Aaron issues a challenge.![]() The Challenge
“So, what were you and Meeka up to this morning?” Thomas jokingly asked his friend after the noon meal.
“Whatever are you talking about?” Gen asked with a smile.
“Don’t jest with me. I’ve been friends with you long enough to know that when you two aren’t at class you’re up to something."
Thomas and Gen had been friends since the day Gen first came to the schola four years ago. Thomas was a bit taller then Gen with short sandy brown hair and eyes to match. His hands were rough and calloused from the work he used to do before he came to the schola. His father was a cobbler and until the age of ten he worked in his father's shop. When he turned ten his father told him he wanted a better life for him and paid for his education at the schola. It was very hard for Thomas to leave him but he didn't want to disappoint his father so he left without complaint. Unfortunately his small size, at the time, and his soft heart made him a target of Aaron's bullying. All that ended upon Thomas' twelfth naming day. That was the day Gen arrived at the schola. Thomas didn't know what Gen had said to Aaron but since the first night that Gen was there Aaron hadn't hit him at all. He had an odd since that Aaron was somehow frightened of Gen. Though why he did not know. Gen's past was a mystery to him even though they were best friends. He knew that his father had been a merchant and he had spent most of his life in Napaj. No matter how much he asked though he could get very little information out of Gen about his time there. It was a sore spot with him and he soon learned not to ask.
"So, what were you doing?
"We were talking and lost track of time.”
“Come on. You’re the most punctual person I know. You weren’t sneaking around in the master’s library again were you?”
“No. We haven’t done that since....since then.” Gen expression grew somber at the memory.
“Then what were you doing?”
“Just what I told you”
Seeing that it was futile to try to pry the information out of him, Thomas let the matter drop.
“You missed a great show today. We were working on that flame acceleration spell when Gabriel lost control of the spell and nearly burnt his hair off. It was hilarious.” Thomas thought he saw Gen flinch a bit at that. It puzzled him. Why did Gen hate fire spells so much? He rarely ever saw Gen even light candles with magic. He even carried a tinderbox. Thomas shook his head. Maybe he would ask him sometime. Thomas told Gen about all he had missed while Gen pretended he was listening. His thoughts, though, were back to Meeka. Remembering her soft, pale skin under his calloused hands and her soft touch on his back aroused so much passion inside him that he thought he would burst.
“Hello? Gen? Hey wake up,” Thomas had noticed that Gen was staring off into space.
“You know what? I think I really love her,” Gen said to no one in particular although the only one that heard him was Thomas.
Thomas looked into his friend’s eyes and saw a light of seriousness that seldom showed itself. Though when it did it usually meant he was telling the truth.
“What are you going to do about it?”
“Anything I can,” Stated Gen still halfway between here and then.
“She’s a good one, Gen. You better get a good grip and hold on tight. I can’t think of anyone better for you than Meeka. You two are a perfect match.”
“Do you really think so?” Gen looked up at Thomas. His eyes were questioning. He looked vulnerable. Thomas felt uncomfortable. He had never seen Gen be vulnerable. He was confused for a moment until he decided that it was time he was strong in return to his friend.
“If I didn’t think so, I wouldn’t have said it. You two will be married and have half a dozen lil trouble makers running around!” Thomas had to laugh at that mental image. His laughter was infectious and soon Gen joined him.
“Will you be at class tomorrow?” Thomas asked, changing the subject from this path. “I had to practice sword play today with Nat. My arms are still sore.”
“I’ll try to make it, if only to save you from getting your head chopped off. How many times must I tell you to keep the blade angled so his blows glance off instead of breaking your wrist,” Gen scolded Thomas for the thousandth time about his sword play.
“Will you practice with me now? Until the next class I mean.” If there was one thing good about Thomas it was that he never gave up.
“Well, I guess I could use the exercise. Go ahead to the arena, and I’ll meet you there,” Gen said to his friend, who smiled and ran off nearly knocking over some novices in the process. Gen turned and walked toward his room. A big hand blocked his way.
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going? Aaron asked as he pushed Gen backward. Gen slid backwards with the shove but instead of hitting the table behind him and falling over as Aaron had planned, Gen deftly placed a hand upon the table top and half pounced half spun himself to a sitting position upon it.
“I was going to my room. Until you so rudely interrupted. ”Gen replied smoothly, a defensive spell forming in his mind. The masters at the school didn't like violence between the students but they did not stop it when it happened either. It was an odd arrangement, but it kept the schola from becoming a sort of safe haven and made it more like the real world.
Aaron had always been a hindrance to him. He was jealous of Gen for two reasons. One, Gen was smarter and had achieved his gray robe a full year before Aaron. Two, Meeka. Aaron liked her, and it infuriated him that she was so attracted to Gen and ignored Aaron’s presence.
“What for? To hide from me?” Aaron taunted.
“If you must know, to get my gear. I promised Thomas a little extra practice.” Gen said as he hopped down from the table.
“You know, I could use some practice myself. You would be a fine partner.” The challenge was clear. Aaron's eyes were filled with pure hatred.
“Fine, meet me there, the weapon is blades.” If Aaron wanted a duel he’d get one. It was time he once again put him in his place.
Entering his room, Gen immediately undressed and started putting on his armor that went beneath his robes. Although it was made of leather, he strengthened it with patches of chain mail. Before leaving, He picked up his bokken, and then, after some thought, picked up his Katana too. Slowly drawing the pure black blade loose from its scabbard, he checked it for flaws in the runes engraved along the blade. Staring into the onyx runes, his mind traveled back to the day he made it.
Firelight from the forge gleamed off of Gen's sweat covered chest. The ringing of the hammer on hot steel carried off deep into the night. His breath labored with the effort of smithing for the past two hours. His muscles felt as if they would burn through his skin, but he would not slow down now. He was almost finished. It had taken him four months of work and he was finally almost finished. The master smith looked on with pride. The light of the forge barely lit his ebony skin. His white hair was stained gray from years of smoke and coal dust. Gen covered the blade with the clay coating as the dark elf had shown him. He thrust the blade into the heat of the forge one final time. When it was glowing dimly he pulled it out and carried it over to the quench tank. He noticed right before he thrust the blade into the water that the color of the sword matched the red of the master smith's eyes. With a hiss, steam rose up from the metal and he listened closely for sounds of imperfections in the blade as it cooled. When he withdrew the katana it was slightly curved. Gen took a piece of cloth and wiped it clean. He looked to the master smith then. The dark elf walked over and took the blade from him. He held it into the light and ran his fingers down the length of the blade. Gen prayed to the Smithing gods that this blade would pass the master's inspections. The past eleven katana Gen had forged had not met with the dark elf's high standards. Nodding slightly in approval he placed the blade down on a workbench. Softly he began chanting. The blade took on a dim red glow for a few seconds then went black. The dark elf picked it up once more and handed it to Gen.
"You have done a fine job. Take good care of it and it will take good care of you. Now go see master Amburn to make the handle and scabbard."
Gen bowed low before the master smith and walked out quietly. He enjoyed the refreshing night air as he walked over to the archery range to find Master Amburn.
The arrow made a dull thud as it slid into the center of the glowing target. Another arrow quickly followed, sliding next to the first arrow. Three more followed, all of them filling the center bulls eye.
"That is very good, Meeka." Master Amburn said.
"Thank you." Meeka replied as she withdrew her arrows from the target.
Gen stood in the deep shadows and watched as Meeka fired six more arrows. When she walked to withdraw those too he clapped softly and walked into the light. Master Amburn nodded slightly at Gen as he walked into the torchlight.
"Oh Gen!" Meeka exclaimed. "I didn't know you were there." Gen could feel more then see the blush flash across her cheeks.
"You are getting very good with that long bow. A couple more years and you'll surpass even Amburn here." Gen said with a playful smile.
"Oh I doubt that very much, but she is coming along nicely. It's almost as if the bow were a part of her. She has enough raw talent. Now we just need to work on her stamina and hitting the moving targets."
Gen chuckled slightly. "The reason I am here is that I need your woodworking skills."
"Oh yes? Let me see that blade you have in your hand there."
Gen bowed slightly as he handed the onyx blade to Amburn.
"This is a very fine weapon. Did you just make it?"
"Yes. Thank you." Gen said, blushing slightly.
"Come with me. We'll get you a scabbard and handle made tonight. Meeka, keep practicing till you can't pull back the string on that bow. Then come inside for some tea."
"Yes Master Amburn" both students said.
Gen winked at Meeka as he followed Master Amburn into his shop.
The inside of Master Amburn's shop was cozy. A small fire blazed away in the fireplace. A worktable sat in the middle of the room and had several lamps set above it to provide ample light. Amburn walked over and cleared off the table then turned to Gen.
"Place the blade upon the table. I'll be right back. I know of someone that may be able to help us on this." He then walked out the door. Gen walked over and set the blade down upon the table. Though well lit, with many candles, the light shining down on the table seemed to shy away from the dark blade. Gen walked over and filled the teapot with water and set it over the fire. He sat by the fire and lost himself in the flames. A sound awoke him and he turned to see Master Amburn walk back into the shop. He smiled then suddenly glimpsed a dark shape out of the corner of his eye. He started and turned his head that way. The shape stepped closer to the light and he saw that it was his Master Shingami. Gen stood up quickly and bowed low. Shingami returned the bow then walked over to the table. He picked up Gen's blade and balanced it upon his finger.
"Not too bad." Shingami said softly. His words heavily accented.
"Thank you Master." Gen replied in the language of Napaj.
"How long did it take you to make this?" Shingami asked as he set the blade back down carefully upon the table.
"Four months master."
"Not long. I believe you could have done better, but this should do for now."
"Thank you Master." Gen replied once more.
"Amburn says you need help in making a handle and scabbard. How much do you know of this process?"
"I have seen the process when I was very young, as you know, Master"
"And have you decided upon the wood to use and what style of handle?"
"I have Master. I believe cherry, though somewhat soft, would look well for the scabbard. I planned on enchanting it to give it more strength."
"I agree. I will go get some sharkskin and the cording for the handle. Please show Amburn how to construct the slats for the scabbard." With that said Shingami vanished.
"Gods is he ever creepy!" Master Amburn said.
"He is very good at what he does." Gen replied respectfully, switching back to the language everyone spoke here.
"How much time did you spend in Napaj?"
"I spent seven years there, Master."
"Your Napajian is very good. Though hard for me to follow. I find the language difficult to pick up."
"Thank you Master. The language is best learned through immersion in its place of origin."
"I never hear you speak of those times, Gen. Was it that bad?"
"I would rather not think about it, Master."
"Very well. Come over here and teach me then." Amburn said with a chuckle. Though his eyes held a sadness. What had Gen gone through there? Why did his manner change from cocky and joking to serious and servile when Shingami was around? Perhaps he would speak to the elder about it later. Shingami reappeared with the said materials and they began to work. An hour passed and Meeka entered. She started when she saw Master Shingami there but quickly hid the fact and bowed deeply.
"Master, I did not know you were here."
"It is okay Meeka. I did not let you know I was here. Please make us some tea while you wait." Shingami didn't even turn to face her as he replied. Meeka walked over and fixed the tea. She was a bit nervous and put in a bit much. Her hands shook a bit as she poured four glasses and carried it over to the work table. She served Shingami first and then Amburn and lastly Gen and herself. The masters and Gen stopped working and sat down to enjoy the tea. Shingami sipped his and nodded to Meeka.
"It is very good. Strong." Shingami said between sips.
"Thank you master." Meeka replied, blushing. She never knew how to act around the Master. He was always dressed in black. His face usually covered with black cloth. Though tonight he didn't wear the mask. He was short and his skin was a bit odd colored, it seemed to her. His eyes slanted but they missed nothing. She remembered one time during training when the Master had been there she had whispered something to Thomas. He had not replied back and she thought that he had not heard her. After the lecture though Master Shingami had asked her to remain and made her practice for four hours straight with her leaded bokken. When she asked why he was punishing her. He replied. "You whispered to Thomas that I didn't seem to know what I was talking about. I gave you this extra time to let you think about what you said and to harden your body. In the future remember to watch what you say. You never know who could be listening." She took that lesson to heart and from then on held nothing but respect for the Master. Though he still intimidated her. They drank their tea in silence then the three men went back to work. Meeka cleaned up and made ready to leave but Shingami stopped her. "Wait till we are finished please." Was all the master said. So she returned and sat by the fire where she lost herself into the flames. Two more hours passed until she heard Master Amburn sigh. "It is done!" He picked up the scabbard and handed it to Gen. "Try it out." Gen held the scabbard up to the light and examined it. It was straight and the Cherry had been stained to such a dark red that it looked black. Almost the color of dried blood. The bottom cap was made of silver and was done in the form of a great black dragon that wrapped about the scabbard almost eating its own tail. The metal at the top of the scabbard matched though this dragon was a bit kinder looking. He took the curved blade and slowly slid it into the scabbard. It fit though the sight of doing it boggled the mind a bit. It looked almost as though the blade straightened as it entered the scabbard. Though Gen knew that was mere illusion. He turned to Shingami and bowed to him deeply. Then he turned to Master Amburn and bowed to him as well. He then walked over and handed the sword to Meeka.
"What do you think of it?"
Meeka took the blade and examined it as well. The handle was wrapped in black cord over sharkskin that was as well somehow black. There was no tsuba and when the blade was in the scabbard it looked like an expensive walking stick. She placed her hand upon it and the cording bit into her hand a bit. She gently pressed her thumb against the scabbard and pushed it open. Slowly she drew the blade that magically appeared to recurve itself. It was very light. Much lighter then she anticipated. She made a single slash in the air with it and it seemed to cut through the air. It moved quicker then she had intended and it swung back and hit Gen in the leg. She drew the blade back at once. And turned to Gen. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Gen looked down at the fine cut in his robes over his leg and reached out his hand for the sword. Meeka handed it to him quickly. He pulled up his gray robes and held the blade down under where Meeka had bumped him with it and pressed the spot a bit. The cut opened itself up and blood poured out of it onto the blade. Gen grimaced then chanted a quick spell that sealed up the wound. The blood on the blade stayed there for a bit then was oddly drawn into it. Meeka looked away from it, disturbed.
"It has tasted your blood now. It will no longer thirst for it. Just make sure you don't give it any more." Master Shingami said softly. Gen nodded in reply and placed the katana back in its scabbard. Gen leaned on it slightly and bowed once more to the masters.
"May I leave now? I have grown tired and wish to sleep" Gen stated.
"Yes you may go. Bring the blade to practice tomorrow. We will learn more about it then." Master Shingami said in dismissal.
"Come walk me back to my room Meeka." Gen ordered oddly. Meeka nodded and followed him out the door. Once the door had closed behind them Gen almost collapsed.
"What's wrong!" Meeka exclaimed in concern.
"I just feel a bit light headed. Please help me get to bed." Gen pulled himself back up leaning upon the cane-katana. Meeka placed his other arm over her shoulders and walked him back to his room. When they got there she helped Gen down upon his bed. He leaned the katana against the corner post and fell instantly to sleep. Meeka looked down on him with concern. Then she leaned over and kissed him softly. He didn't wake from the kiss. She placed a chair next to his bed and sat upon it, standing up again, quickly when she felt herself sitting on something. It was a soft book bound in black leather. She opened it to the first page and saw there the word "Remember" followed by a spell she couldn't make out, though she got the idea it was a fire spell of some kind. That's odd, she thought, Gen usually doesn't work spells that have to do with fire. In fact he always had difficulty in offensive spells class cause he would take extra time to change all the fire spells to lightning or some other element. She shook her head. She never could figure out why he did that. She used to think it was because he liked to show off his knowledge of how to do it, but now that she thought about it. She had never seen him cast anything with fire, greater then lighting a lamp or a candle and children could do that simple task if they only knew the words. She cleared it out of her mind and set the book down. She sat there beside him all night and watched over him. She left when dawn came and before Gen had woke up. She never asked him about his book nor did she tell him she had stayed.
Shaking his head to clear it of the past he looked over the blade once more. Satisfied, he slid it home and left for the arena.
© 2008 James BowersAuthor's Note
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 15, 2008Last Updated on April 17, 2008 Author