![]() 5 A Mysterious BookA Chapter by James Bowers![]() Chapter 5 A Mysterious Book![]() A Mysterious Book
Dawn came early for Gen. He had finally gotten some sleep, if only for a few hours. He wasn't surprised to find that Meeka was no longer beside him. Last night, she had fallen instantly to sleep in his arms. Finally resigning himself to the fact that he was awake, Gen got up and rubbed the dull ache from his arms. He then proceeded across the room to the washbasin to wash the sleep from his eyes. On the top of the basin lay a note. Gen picked it up and began to read.
Gen, I'll be in my room packing. Join me there when you've finished getting ready. Try to round up Thomas and Aaron on your way. Hurry now! Love, Meeka
After reading the note, Gen refolded it and placed it back beside the basin. Then, wetting a cloth, he washed his face. He glanced up at the mirror and stopped for a second. The package was still tied on top of his desk. He slowly picked it up and untied the ribbon. The robe was made of a course but soft material. It was a deep black with silver, almost gleaming, runes of magic along the rim of the sleeves and hood. He slowly pulled it on and found himself instantly awake; as if the robe infused him with some kind of power. It was a journeyman’s robe, and it was also two above the rank he should have had. He looked at himself in the mirror. The black robe made his face look even paler, but it seemed to look familiar. He stared into his own reflection until his eyes went unfocused. His reflection slowly changed. He appeared older and was deathly thin. His blue eyes were hard and cold and he had a few scars upon his cheeks. The reflection smiled into a twisted smirk and winked at him. Stunned, Gen blinked the image away and shook his head. "These robes will take some getting used to," Gen said to himself. He caught himself tracing the runes that were sewn into the sleeves. Shaking his head again he grabbed his pack from the closet. He quickly packed it, then rechecked everything enclosed, water skin, tinderbox, dried meat, and a length of rope. He also placed the pouch the master had given him into the pack. It was a light pack, but he would get more in the village on the way. Taking one last look at his room, he saw one thing he had forgotten, the most important thing, his personal spell book. He opened it up and looked at the first page. His face turned sad a moment and he quickly shut it and placed it into his other bag that held his other two books. He walked over to his katana. Picking it up, he used it like the cane it appeared to be when sheathed. "Goodbye," he said solemnly to his room and promptly walked out the door, not bothering to close it behind him.
Thomas answered the knock on his door by opening it and stepping into the hall beside Gen.
"Ready?" Gen asked, though he could see that Thomas had his pack slung over one shoulder and had closed the door behind him.
Thomas stopped suddenly and looked Gen over. "Those are journeyman robes."
"Yes they are. They are a bit odd but the color seems to suit me."
"They do look good on you, but black? The journeyman usually picks his own color."
Gen frowned a bit. "I guess the Headmaster decided black would fit the best. He is the best at divination. I probably would have chosen black or dark blue anyway. Let's get going. The day feels like it will be a hot one."
"I wonder why the headmaster is making us bring Aaron along?"
"I'm not sure. He told me to keep an eye on him." Gen sighed. "Well keep your friends close."
"And your enemies closer." Thomas finished. They both laughed at that and walked toward Aaron's room.
Aaron answered the knock to his door with a low groan.
"He must still be a bit sore." Gen said with a guilty look. "Well, no matter, we will just have to be a little late.” Gen tested the door and upon finding it locked, drew back and kicked it open. The door screeched back on rusted hinges and banged loudly against the wall. "Rise and shine big boy!" Gen shouted at a doubled over Aaron, holding his ears against all the noise. "Come, come. We've a big day ahead and little time to waste. Get up!"
Aaron replied to all these demands by groaning and rolling over, placing his back to them.
"One more chance to do it on your own, or we'll be forced to help you," Gen said. Wishing he would resist. His wish was granted. "Thomas help me with this," Gen asked his friend gesturing to the basin of cold water that was lying on the floor. It took both of them to pick it up and carry it across the room only to have its contents dumped on Aaron. This succeeded thoroughly. Aaron was shocked fully awake, and sat there wide-eyed and soaking wet.
"Thanks, I needed that," Aaron said though gritted teeth. Trying to put as much sarcasm as possible into the statement.
"You're welcome. Now get ready, we're already late." Gen said, trying futilely to sustain a giggle.
"Wait outside. I'll be there in a moment," Aaron told the two as he got up and started to change. "Guess there's no need to take a bath now, is there?"
"No, not now," Thomas managed to get out before he burst into laughter. Aaron just looked funny. Kind of like a half-drowned animal.
"Laugh it up. Paybacks are hell, you know," Aaron said with what was supposed to be a threatening look, but ended up just making him look even more comical.
"Aaron, let's put the past behind us now. We have to journey together and us fighting the whole way will solve nothing." Gen reached out his hand. Aaron looked at it a long time then slowly took it.
"Deal, but when we get back I want a rematch." Aaron said with a gleam in his eyes.
"So be it." Gen walked out and waited on him to get ready.
After Aaron was ready, they started down the hall toward Meeka's room.
"Did you have to kick my door in?" Aaron asked.
"No, but it was fun. Don't worry, I'll fix it when we get back," Gen replied.
The small group found Meeka waiting impatiently in front of her room.
"Well, it's about time! What took you boys so long?" Meeka demanded, looking them all over. "And why is Aaron wet?"
The three boys looked at each other and burst out laughing. It was addictive and soon Meeka couldn't help herself from joining in although she had no clue as to what was so funny.
"I'll tell you on the way to the village," Gen told her when he could again talk. "Let's go."
The group walked out of the dorm halls and past the library. They could smell the food being prepared for morning meal. Thomas' stomach growled. "Let's get some food. It's a long walk to town."
"Agreed." Gen responded and turned toward the mess hall.
They found a table and when they had set all their belongings down they went to see what was cooking. Gen stayed behind and took his spell book out of his pack. He turned past the first page and slowly went through the spells he had enclosed. The book was half full, but he wasn't satisfied. "I should copy down some more spells from the library."
Picking up his book he walked over and took a biscuit from the pile in the center of the table. Absently munching on it he walked to the library while the others ate breakfast. The library was empty this early except for the librarian. Every time Gen had visited the library the librarian had been there. Even the times he sneaked out of bed late at night, he had found the elder elf sitting behind his desk or attending to the shelves. The elf had never complained about him being there after hours, merely asked Gen if he needed any assistance. It seemed there was always an odd aura around the elder elf. The faint tint of almonds mixed with the sickenly sweet smell of death surrounded him. Most of the students shied away from him. but Gen rather liked him. As if they somehow had been through similar experiences. Gen walked quickly through the aisles until he came to the last row of books. This aisle, though lit just like the others, somehow seemed dark and cold. He could feel the power coming from the books on this shelf. He had walked past here many times, even stopped with the intent to go in. This time he would go in. He would take down one of those black bound books that made his skin crawl. He would take it to the center table and copy down a spell or two. Clenching his teeth together so tightly they made a terrible gritting sound he walked quickly down the aisle. He stopped in the middle and forced himself to read the titles on the spines. Most of the titles were illegible. They were protected so that none could read them save those that were of proper learning to do so, as the spells they contained were very dangerous. He scanned the spines looking for one he could read. He looked at every book from the top to the bottom. All the titles spun and swirled in his mind. He was about to give up hope when he saw a book at the very bottom of the shelf. It seemed almost as if it hid in the dark bottom corner. He looked closer and saw that it had no title on its spine. A deep blue stripe ran down the center of it's spine and it seemed almost to glow when Gen touched it. Gen's arms were covered in goose flesh and the hair on the back of his neck stood up but he forced himself to grasp the book and pull it from the shelf. He carried it quickly out of the aisle and set it down on the center table. Lighting a lamp, with a nearby tenderbox, he pulled up a chair and sat staring at this odd book. Its cover was flat black. Light seemed to be sucked into it. The more Gen stared at it the more he felt as if he too were being sucked into it. Quickly looking away he shook his head. "It's just a book Gen! Pull yourself together." He mumbled to himself. Boldly grasping the cover he opened to the first page. He found it blank. Shrugging he turned to the next page. It too was blank. Getting frustrated he picked up the book and flipped through the pages. They were all blank. Anger flushed through Gen and he slammed the cover shut on the book. The resounding boom echoed through the library and Gen cringed. The librarian was at his side a second later. Appearing as if he materialized upon the spot. His face was angry till he looked down at the book Gen had before him. Then his eyes glimmered a bit and his frown turned into a knowing smirk. "I suppose you found it empty?" the librarian stated absently.
"There is nothing in it!"
"Oh really?" The librarian mumbled. He opened the cover of the book and the first page was filled with magic script. "So to you, this is nothing?" Gen reached for the book but the elf closed the cover before he could touch it. "This book is different from the rest." Gen finally grabbed the book and threw open the cover. Again the pages were blank.
"I don't understand. Is there a command word? A movement or prayer one must make first?" Gen looked up at the elf, waiting.
"No, nothing of that sort. This book does not give its information freely. You must give it something in return before it will give you anything. It's alive in its own odd way."
"What does it want from me?"
"What will you give it?"
"Whatever it wants."
"Oh?" The elf stood back a bit and stared off in thought. After a while he nodded once and looked back to Gen. "It may ask much or very little. Just remember this. In the end, It is your choice what to give it. Remember that. Your choice."
"I don't have time for this now. I must leave on a mission for the Headmaster." Gen sighed and pushed the book toward the center of the table but his hand did not linger far from it.
"Take it with you."
"Come again? I thought you just told me to take it with me."
"I did. Take it. Use it well. I have no more use for it. I know its...information."
"Thank you! I don't know what to say. What can I give you for it?" Gen asked as he placed the book atop his spell book.
"I ask for a favor. I will ask it when and where I need it, and if you happen to find a person wearing black robes that shares your name. Give it to him. I believe it belongs to him. Now go. Your friends wait for your return."
"It's a deal. I will do you the favor you ask. When you ask it. If it be within my ability to do such at that time." Gen got up and walked quickly to the door.
"By the way, young Gen. The color suites you. Just remember you wear the robes. They don't wear you." The librarian said as Gen reached the door. When Gen turned around the elf was gone. © 2008 James BowersAuthor's Note
Added on April 17, 2008 Last Updated on April 17, 2008 Author