![]() 6 The VillageA Chapter by James Bowers![]() A small village on the way to the Crow Temple.![]() The Village
The village was bursting with life and activity. It was midday, and those that weren't hiding from the heat were in the market.
"I had forgotten how busy the markets can be. This brings back some very old memories," Gen said to Meeka.
"Incredible," muttered a wide-eyed Meeka. "I've seen paintings, but now that I'm here, I..." she trailed off, taking in the foreign atmosphere. Meeka had been brought to the schola as a baby and knew nothing of the outside world, besides through a scrying glass. Gen rubbed her arm reassuringly, knowing she would adapt soon enough.
"Where’s the Tavern?" Aaron asked looking around. All he wanted was some shade and a drink to clear his head.
"Hold on a minute," Gen commanded in a friendly tone as he grabbed Aaron's shoulder and pulled him back to the group. "Business before pleasure. Eh? We need to do some things before we can have a little fun. Thomas?"
"You and Aaron are in charge of finding some good horses at a reasonable price. Meeka and I will handle the rest. Meet us back here when you’re done."
"Come on Thomas. Let's get this over with so we can have a drink." Aaron said as he started walking toward the stables.
"See you later. Stay out of trouble," Thomas shouted back at them.
"Shall we?" Gen asked extending his hand which Meeka took into her own.
"We shall," she replied, losing her initial bewilderment to the comfort of his companionship. With that, they proceeded into the market.
"Four pieces of silver for a hatchet! That's robbery. I've seen better made for less than half of that." Gen was having fun. He didn't know how much he'd missed haggling over prices until he had actually done it again. "I'll give you one silver for it."
"Three" "One! It's not even sharpened!"
"Three" The full bellied merchant crossed his arms.
Well that wasn't too bad. The price was a little high, but a hatchet could be downright handy in the woods.
"That was amazing. How did you learn to do that?" Meeka asked Gen as they walked further down the street. "You knew just what to say, and he never had a chance!"
"I learned how when I was little, before I came to the schola." Gen hadn't yet gotten annoyed with Meeka's fascination with seemingly everything she saw. He also liked the fact that he could impress her with the simplest things.
"I think the sun is getting to me," Meeka confessed after a time, "Can we find somewhere to sit and get something cool to drink?"
"This place seems as good as any," Gen stated after looking around the plaza and seeing no better place in sight. "The Broken Mug, interesting name." Gen commented as they walked under the faded sign. The old wood had been poorly painted. It pictured an ale mug with a large crack in it. Ale spilled out the crack and pooled around the mug. Gen shook his head and held the door open for Meeka.
They walked in and sat at a table. For a moment the room was silent as everyone looked to see who the newcomers where. Gen wasn't really worried about Meeka's safety. The robe she wore alone would fend off any thieves, but Gen looked around anyway. The two of them found a table close to the door and after a while, a serving girl approached to take their order. What she wore hardly covered her body. A shirt that was perhaps two sizes too small was laced together over an abundance of cleavage. What cover she had on her bottom half didn't hide much and nothing at all when she bent over. Embarrassed about staring, he stole a quick glance at Meeka and was glad to note that she hadn't seen him gaping at the serving girl.
"What can I get for you two Wearers of the Robe?"
"Two glasses of red wine, please." Gen answered. The waitress went into the back and returned with two overflowing glasses. Setting them down at their table, she then went to serve another customer.
"Ack! These are warm," Meeka said with disgust after tasting her wine.
"Here, let me fix it." Gen said and, incanting softly under his breath, wrapped his hands around the glass. After a few seconds, there was a thin layer of frost around the rim of the glass. "Now try it."
"Much better," Meeka replied as a pleasant shiver ran through her body from the cold drink. They finished their drinks, left some coppers on the table, then returned to the heat of the day.
"I wonder how Aaron and Thomas are doing?" Gen asked.
"They're probably just fine," said Meeka with a giggle. "Don't worry about them. I want you to show me what else there is in this town while there is still daylight left.”
"A round on me!" Shouted Aaron from the bar.
"Are you sure this is a wise thing to do, Aaron?" Thomas whispered in caution.
"Don't worry. I've got enough money." Aaron replied.
"But we don't have time for this. We've got to get some horses," Thomas persuaded his far from sober friend.
"Nonsense, Thomas, it's barely even noon."
Thomas took a look outside at the setting sun and sighed. It looked like he had screwed up again. "I should never have let him in here," thought Thomas as he put a few coins on the table and started to haul his friend out of the bar.
As they left through the door they were about run over by a man coming in.
"Hey! Watch where you’re going. You about trampled me," Aaron yelled at the incoming person.
The man stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to address the insulting drunkard. At that moment, Thomas recognized the man to whom Aaron had addressed so rudely.
"By the Gods! It's the Green Knight," Thomas was, at first, stunned at this unusual sight. He was soon brought out of it from concern for Aaron's life. He certainly didn't like Aaron all that much but he had heard many stories of those that got in the way of the man in green armor.
"Milord, please forgive my friend's outburst. He is a little drunk and knows not what he does," Thomas said, addressing the knight as he gave him a low bow.
"Take the fool home. I should lop off his head for his insolence. You are lucky that I'm in a good mood," The Green Knight stated then turned around and walked back into the bar.
"You damned fool. You almost got yourself killed!" Thomas said to his friend. "You were lucky I was there to save your unworthy a*s. Now come, let's go get some horses before you spend all our money in a bar." © 2008 James BowersAuthor's Note
Added on April 23, 2008 Author