Chapter 2:  Empty Mind

Chapter 2: Empty Mind

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

I knew he was scanning his now three dimensional mind, but I kept silent to sharpen his mental acuity.

'I know you are still here,' he said, 'Where are you?'

'Where do you want me to be?' I asked and when he didn't answer I said, 'Think of a spot before you in any direction you choose and any distance from you that you want.'

I knew he was doing it though he never thought anything of it and was completely silent. Then I located it in his brain and let him sense me in that particular spot managing it just before he gave up.

'Hey!' he thought, 'Did I do that?'

'You chose the place,' I said, 'I just went where you located your attention.'

'Do it again!' he said excited with what he apparently thought was a game though I was serious.

'No,' I said, sensing his shock, 'You do it.'

He was not thinking at all and I realized I had his full attention.

'Pay attention to another spot in your mind,' I said and he wasted no time in doing it being eager to learn about this new thing, 'Now go back to the spot you think I am in.'

'Big deal,' he said, disappointed again, 'So what you are still there. What's the big deal? I don't get it.'

'But you see,' I said, 'I'm not in your mind at all now. I left it to show you that you could do it on your own. Get it?'

'But you're there!' he said, 'Right where I'm paying attention! What is it supposed to mean?'

'Don't you see?' I asked, 'I'm not there, but you think you know I am there. You tricked your own brain. It registers me as being there and yet there is no one there to know that they are there. It's called imagining.'

'Where are you?' he said, 'I can't seem to know where you really are?'

'That's because you still believe I am there in that spot,' I said, 'You can't believe more than one thing at the same time at least not yet. Believe me. I am not even in your mind at all. I'm where I am and it is not anywhere you know how to pay attention to yet, because you cannot even conceive of it. I'm still here, right where I've always been. I am not controlling your brain and I am not even allowing myself to be sensed by it as if I were there. What you think you know is what you believe you know. We are all like that.'

Frank Li was troubled and scared. And he began scanning his entire three dimensional mental view and I sensed he was looking for me there though I was never there really. His brain was going over everything that had happened between us and his mind with all kinds of emotions so numerous it would be redundant to mention them all.

'This can't be!' he thought very strongly.

“I'm here,” I inspired him and he was shocked beyond any measure he had been before.

'What was that?' Frank Li asked, 'What did you do?'

I didn't say anything. I just let him work through it. And in the end of it he went back to the one dimensional and thought, 'I felt that! I know I have never felt anything in my mind before.'

“Did it hurt?” I asked, “Was it uncomfortable?”

He was silent and I knew I had his full attention once again for my words completely distracted him this time.

'What is that?' he asked finally accepting it as a new ability he had that I had helped him realize.

“They call it a voice,” I said, “It's what I and all the others do when they are not using your mind and not manipulating your brain. It's a good thing! I won't injure you. You are ready for it. Trust me.”

'Injure?' Frank Li asked.

“Yes. There are things beyond your mind and beyond even your brain that can make it unpleasant for you and not just because they are new to you. They can change your ability to interact with us out here where I am. And they can even make it difficult with you to deal with your emotions and make it so you are too fearful to continue to do what we have been doing which is called growth, your growth. I don't even wish you could stay where you are all safe and cuddly with me in your mind using your brain to teach you things. But that place I showed you that you wanted to have me do it again. It can be a happy place or it can be a lonely place like you were in when you forgot about me and spent all that time alone. That hurt. That did not injure you. I didn't allow it long enough for it to do that. I never would do anything that hurt you in any way that wasn't for your good and cause you to understand something and grow. Do you understand all that?” I said, “We have to prepare you for so much out there where you are. And eventually where They are, if you get that far? That depends. It depends on you. And it depends on Them. Do you understand?”

'I got it, I guess,' he thought hesitantly, 'Will They hurt me?'

“They will,” I said concerned for what he would have to go through, “I will too. But it is necessary for you to grow. Don't worry when you are troubled after this. It won't kill you if you let us be with you. There are those out there that do not love you and who will hurt you and even try to injure you. But if you let us teach you, then you will be ready to deal with them.

If you do not. They will hurt you. And they might even injure you. They may even try to put an end to you. Do you see now why I wouldn't just play with you when you were so delighted by what I did when I showed you your safety place?

Make sure you only allow those you love and trust according to the truths we teach you. Control your own mind if you have any say in it. And never ever let them control your brain in any way unless we are included in your plans. We will be with you even if they intentionally injure you on purpose or by accident.

You are more than a brain. And you are more than your mind. You can do anything you want with it. But be careful you do not shun all pain or hurt, for you will not grow if you do. You must be bold and do new things without shrinking back like you did when I left for my own place. When it hurts you must bear with it until it hurts no longer. When you are afraid you must do it anyway or you may make a habit of it and never do anything that will help you.

But stay with us, for we love you. And trust Them not just because They love you, but because They will never lead you into anything that will destroy you. There is nothing anywhere that can destroy you completely if you love Them for they already love you. Even if your brain and the rest of you that is like it is destroyed. And even if your mind is no longer accessible to you. Even then you will be with Them if you stay with Them and depend on Them. And even if they destroy your spirit for in that case, They will remember you and make you brand new and bring you to be with Them forever in permanent safety.

Those who love Them and who are loved by Them, They cannot bear being without them and They will remember you and bring you to be with Them. Love Them. Love us who are like you and love you. Love even those who are not like us that you may change them or overpower them for love is strong than that they have for you. Love.”

He was enthralled by my every word and though he wouldn't stay that way forever a part of me wanted him to since only one man ever did that, Jesus of Nazareth and he became merely a body for one of Them for that was who he was even as he was born to do, one of the three of Them who are actually only one person comprised by three persons, a thing that must be believed to observe and a thing that must be observed to be believed even by us.

He was quiet and thinking about what I said to him until finally he was frustrated by the shear scope of it and he said almost defiantly, “How am I supposed to remember all that?”

“Their Spirit who is one of them will remind you of it when you need it. He is one of the three too, even as the Light is one of them. Do not fear. Stay with Them and They will never fail you even if you fail Them. Love Them with all there is in you. And there is nothing to fear, even your own fears. If you do you fear, however. Recognize it as soon as you can and ask Them and work it out with Them and nothing even insanity, meaning your own insanity, will destroy you or cause you to be separated from Them in the end,” I said.

“I do love Them and when I fear I will turn to Them. I trust Them with my very existence,” Frank Li said.

“If you are not just pretending or tricking your mind into believing what you just think about it, you are as good as safe forever already,” I said, “But where you are going you will be tested and you will have to test that place and them who are in it. Do you really love Them?”

“Yes, I do,” he said, “I trust you completely.”

“I am only one like you,” I said, “Don't trust me with things I have no say in. You must trust Them even when I am powerless to help you. Trust Them no matter what I do. You know so little about Them it is difficult to believe you trust Them yet. But it's a start. At least you want to trust Them. If you desire then, ask Them to teach you and get to know Them. It is your only chance. You cannot do it alone and you cannot do anything depending on your self either. May They be with you?”

“Tell me where They are and I will ask Them,” Frank Li said.

“There is no place They are not and They know much more than just your thoughts and emotions. Give them your attention wherever and with whoever you want. They will know what you are doing, but it is good when you do too,” I said.

'I trust You,' he thought, 'And I love you.'

And I hoped he was not doing it ignorantly or pretending to. But all of you who read the first book about Frank Li by John F Carver, his writer, know what happened to us and where we went in the end. I can only conjecture where that might be at this point.

But I confess I am troubled by that to say the least. I hope it is needlessly.

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on May 11, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2015


Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
