Chapter 14:  Now

Chapter 14: Now

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

“The ones the apostates think of as apostates are no different. Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons and any other cult of off the wall 'Christian-cultists' that may exist are no better and no worse than the Apostate churches like Baptists, Bible churches, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and the many charismatic churches who have the audacity to call themselves unorganized or other, exchange social control for the safety of their congregations that are rife with pretenders and religiously insane people who believe the beliefs of liars and dead people often not even acknowledging their founders are led by demons or would-be-persons who must survive to lend their organizations authenticity. They are headed for Hell and do not know Jesus Christ or any of the people they venerate, discrediting them all by their behaviors and false claims and often bizarre activities including an incredible preoccupation with sex, materialism and hatred even of each other. There is nothing to it. Religion is defunct,” Frank said, “And that is the message I hope everyone knows I intend to send to the sinful liars who preach and worship in my Brother's name. They are very religious and oppressively moralistic to the word they hope to reach. Pharisees at best but devil led in common,” Frank Li said.

“That is a very strong statement!” my husband shouted.

“Frank!” I screamed, “Do you actually believe that?”

“Yes,” Frank said.

“You sound like the Devil in person!” my husband shouted.

“That one set out to prove it,” Frank said, “And he has proven it.”

“My dear man!” my husband said still shouting.

“My Brother is not about religion! My Brother does not condemn sinners! They do! And the world they are supposedly out to reach is more moral than they are! They have the unmitigated audacity to claim the Name of one they are nothing like, who never did what they are doing, and they all have the gall to admit they have the truth when it comes to Jesus Christ. Sinners are not that stupid. They know who pulls your strings and it is not the one all who know him call God! Will not they perish?

Now has come upon them. So long as the current moment is called now it will be too late for them to change. The Godless hypocrites have been revealed by their own actions and words! And they think the Devil has won, is what I am saying when the truth is they have lost along with Satan their Accuser! They will be very easy to forget now God has forgotten them. Let the end begin! Whoever you curse! Whoever you ban! Whoever you restrain in your unholy buildings! Will they not be called the Children of my Brother whom the religious condemned before when he was here? Why have you done the same?” Frank continued and I knew he was right. And my wife sighed long and heavy to think that even that very moment it was over.

“His spirit is certainly well enough,” I said to her.

“Is it going to happen this minute?” she asked in fear.

“When it does it will be too late by the time you ask that question,” he said, “His Brothers the Jews know it will happen! Absolutely no one who knows him will be left behind! They will all become like me, Frank Li, that are left! Absolutely all of them whom he never knew. Now! It is done!” Frank Li continued to seem to rant. “You are no more real than I, Frank Li, am! Follow me! But when you get where I go you will only have my story to read! I am as my Inspiring Ones. We are not real! Why did you pretend we were!

Where will you go? Back to the apostates and pretend you love each other and God? The earth is destroyed! You are neither fiction nor the truth! Your future hangs in the balance! If only you could be as fiction as even my spirit is.

But now you have nowhere to go, but if you do not go anywhere who can remember you a moment longer. Will not even God forget you as if you had never been? Where will you go? Now is upon you. The Day has begun. I personally saw its first rays! If you cannot forget my day, how will you forget the real Day wherein my writer dwells, wherein all who are not apostates dwell, where the Light is even now returning to? If it were to be left to me and not my Brother, if our Father were to change his mind and make it now at this moment, you would not survive to go anywhere but the Hell you all deserve forever! To hell with you! I, Frank Li, have spoken!

But alas, my Brother is not here at this moment. You have a little time left until now comes again, until the real day is upon you and my writer's book burns with you and with Satan, the False Prophet and the anti-Christ you have heard was coming. Come my Brother! Come now!” Frank Li spoke with power and authority.

“How can he know such things?” I asked my wife.

“They must be real even to those who believe only fiction,” she said.

“The Serpent of old knows I am really fiction, but he also knows there is much truth in my writer's books,” Frank Li said.

We waited breathlessly thinking he would yet prophesy.

“To Hell with you all you evil ones!” he shouted, “To Hell with you Satan!”

“What now, Frank?” my wife asked.

“We will burn with those in Hell for never having been real,” he said sadly to me and my wife also, “But woe to those who do not believe me and to those who do!”

Then he began to moan as one in intense grief.

“It begins!” he said and we all rejoiced to think we might have had a very small part in it.

“What begins?” my wife asked, “The end.”

“Satan is even now on damage control,” Frank Li said, “It is truly amazing what They are doing through our writer! It is a miracle! Yahoo! Yahoo! Even I can see his end, surely he is insane if he doesn't believe me. His only hope is that being a god, he can distract Christ form coming and save so many he couldn't count the number. Or he can find something God yet needs him to be here for, for a little longer and stall as long as he can. I never thought They would interfere with a mere fictional story and I'm sure my writer never even asked Them to,” Frank said in genuine amazement at his writer's God.

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on May 16, 2015
Last Updated on May 16, 2015


Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
