Chapter 16:  Oppressors a Plenty in the USA

Chapter 16: Oppressors a Plenty in the USA

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

America is a dream of the rich,” Frank Li said, “I memorized the Constitution of the United States of America in Sixth grade because I wanted to know what the rules were. What a joke! Even when I was eleven the year before they shot Kennedy nobody cared about it anymore. That's what JFK was all about, making the movers and shakers play by the rules and even he seemed only to care about the Mafia. But if they had been playing by the rules the Mob wouldn't have had the support of so many people, now would it have?

They created the Welfare class even before Kennedy was elected. The Republicans doled out Welfare alright. But they had a three week mentality. How can you even catch up when they keep you that far behind? When they shot Kennedy I heard a Republican say that Welfare was designed only to give the poor enough for three weeks out of the month. Even we were supposed to make enough to live for one week. Yeah, right! It seemed everybody hated anyone on Welfare. I overheard things delivering papers to the rich like, “He's a Welfarian! Hire a bum what do you expect? Do you really expect one of them b******s to work, really! We were called dirty because we couldn't afford running water and even soap sometimes choosing food to being scrubbed and clean.

I actually thought Jack Kennedy was the American Messiah because he recognized I often left the table with too little to eat the last week of the month though it seemed all we ever ate was potatoes out the garden and beans boiled with no seasoning but a little salt at all. By the time I started Junior High I was filled with hate for America and there phony rich.”

One time my paper route money didn't even help. We had fourteen cents and the Cash and Carry Corner Grocery raised their price on a pound of beans. When I tried to pay for one lousy pound of beans the store owner gave me a lecture about being a worthless Welfarian and wouldn't give me the beans because I was thee lousy cents short, so twelve people went hungry that night. My baby sister and I were to split a baking powder biscuit, but I let her have my half. The others didn't get anything but water. You don't forget veterans like that-? I choose not to call them men. I never once went by his church without cursing his entire congregation after that and Eisenhower to boot. Everybody loved Ike they said. To me he was just the boss of rich mob.

I wore work boots to school and blue denim, work pants with an old hand me down flannel shirt that was bought at a rummage sale in the fist place and had Buddy Holly glasses that were way out of style because that was good enough for Welfare people. The Christian kids wore brand new suits to church school, but their churches were as they are now about looking good and nothing real even way back then. I didn't go to church school because they called me a heathen for believing in Them and not their damned God. I hope to this day they all change or go to Hell. Hell was the only thing that kept me going sometimes. Just knowing where they are going gives the poor some, little, comfort and comfort when you're poor and on Welfare is mostly for strangers you don't know it's so rare.

When one of my own brothers married one of their daughters I thought of him as a traitor from that day on. When another brother married another one of their daughters I rejected his claim to be the smart one of the family. He's still an idiot that brags about his intelligence. But he graduated High School first and that made him a genius among the poor. It made him a suck up to me. I never respected him afterward even though you can't help but like his wife. Not everybody in Hell is nasty apparently. And when my own sister married a Christian I wondered what was wrong with her. He's a pompous a*s like the worst of them. We used to be close. But I wrote her off after that. She's proud as the hell she's headed for, for being an evangelist. Another sister married a drunk that was kicked out of preaching school. He ain't nothing. He don't even know what side of the fence he is on, a bigot farmer with expensive toys. And he didn't know enough but to marry her. And if you knew her like I do, that says it all. Is it any wonder I'm amazed my Brother was worth the salt in his body. Family is disgusting to me.

I got off Welfare and went to Grizzly Pole to work. When I got there they immediately put me to work, no questions asked. It wasn't until I got paid and they wrote my check out to someone else I realized they only hired me because they thought I was someone else. After that they were as mean as hell to me, thinking I was on Welfare when they hired me and lying to them about being someone else. Real, nice, church going folks there!

Some things like that you just don't forget no matter how old you get, like stigma, and being excluded for things beyond your control no one will give you a chance to change. They are all phonies who hate and pretend it is love. They are just as bad as the brother that sexually abused me when I was in Seventh grade. To me they are the same shameful breed of dog.

I approve of 911 now. They are finally getting the hate back they deserve. But I don't hate them anymore. I just disregard them as the garbage they are. But don't you ever ask me to join them again. I tried that!

I finally realized I am rich. I have everything I want. All they want is what they can't afford or can't figure out how to legally steal. And the worst part is they don't even know they are spiritual poppers who only know how to obey the one in charge in the hope that if they suck up long enough and hard enough, as well as skillfully enough they'll have a lot of nice things to brag about or complain were never any good though they cost them a small fortune.

There isn't any rules they haven't changed in the constitution and there are no poor men in politics, never was here in America and there never will be. Don't let them fool you poor people of the world there is nothing more embarrassing to them than not being rich, and they don't care what the reason is. But the poor never were even remotely represented in American politics. They were just bought off. And even George Washington was a f*****g rich guy and Obama the current Richie Rich may be black but he's a hell of lot richer than the people he turned traitor to. I wonder what it's like to be a traitor to an entire race, world wide? There is nothing democratic about America, never was and never will be. The honest ones call the sham of a government we have now a worthless republic and that seems to justify every hateful thing they do to their own. I warn everyone in the world here and now. They can't be trusted. Their country is all lies and its people are all liars so used to lying they don't even know they are doing it. It's depressing as hell, ain't it? But even They don't seem to be interested in changing it at all. But I think the only people in America that still have a chance to love left are poor people.

In the Sixties the churches got together and finally admitted God was silent. I'm glad They finally gave up even talking them. They have talked to me all my life as far as I know. But They knew I wasn't a phony Christian nor a patriotic liar. They knew like I do the poor can be like me and love even them who first broke our hearts when they realize the American dream never had nothing to do with them, or Them.

If you're in poverty, don't buy anything from America. They hate you and they'll hate you even more if you do something with their money and whatever education they give you they don't want you to. Do that, and you're not American, they'll hunt you down and kill you. But it is us poor people that have the only chance of being rich. Poor squanders all! None of them have a chance to even love anymore! Let alone love who they call God! If we pull together we can at least have the occasional good day, all they get is Rolaids.

But don't expect them to change. They know it's all true. They always did. But they don't care, never did and never will. The biggest percentage of people in Hell were rich. They figure it's worth it. And they have the balls to call me insane!

Steven Hawking is the poorest man I ever heard of. He demoralizes the youth telling them in essence there is nothing to know in the end of figuring things out on your own. Just think what he could have been. He doesn't even have a decent body. All he had was a brilliant mind, but he wasted all that gray matter in it on nothing and wound up saying he can't even know that. Poor man! Well, he's not dead yet. Maybe he'll change and actually do something before he dies. They know I pray for his soul.

He has never been anything but insane. Maybe They have a medication he can invent or something, to cure himself of ALS. That's a far better pursuit than starting with 0 in his ignorance and the nothing he postulates no one can know, for it's the same thing, if you're ignorant enough to call it that. He never was any help to the rest of the poor. All he ever did was take up space and stall for time like all the rich do. What a waste! People like that are less valuable than their own feces. One might actually learn something valuable from that.”

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on May 16, 2015
Last Updated on May 16, 2015


Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
