Etches and Sketches

Etches and Sketches

A Poem by KWP

Remembering what it means to live

Etch your life
In the sands of time
leave your own imprint
as proof
of your existence

Personify self
actualize your being
sketch a purpose to
trade for meaning
fight on

Ahhh and yet

waves crash
sands shift
etches erode
lives progress

as we continue the search
for answers
and meaning

Ahhh and yet

we can
stop the search
instead perhaps
Enjoy -
- The brief gift of

A loving bestowal
asking for nothing
except for us
to flourish
to grow

and flow on

© 2015 KWP

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Yes, stop and enjoy life; don't worry about what's down the road because tomorrow is always a day away. I love the imagery in this piece and the message. Great write!


Posted 9 Years Ago

Favorite line "personify self" great peice!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Three score year and ten, not even a blink of the creator's eye, but we can leave memories that last through the centuries. I have my great grandmother's Sunday School book. It contains little notes and comments, and a pretty good sketch of a small terrier type dog. No-one in the family is sure if it was her dog, but if it was, I'm sure he's in doggy heaven, which of course is right next to where my great grandma now abides.

Enjoyed reading this today. T

Posted 9 Years Ago

And this`s all life... it`s `bout such redemption that`s meant to be 'lived' with remarkable memories of past. Very deep & heartfelt gestures of art you give to your work. Enjoyed reading it. Nice work as always!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Beautiful poem about life and living.
Wise words i must say.
Life goes to fast we must cherish and enjoy it.
This is an inspiring and motivation piece.
I wish I could follow your advice, make the most out of life, though sometimes it is hard.
Great write :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

cimmy wuv xxxooo

9 Years Ago

Very good thought :)
You have a positive mind set, not everyone has that, so good on you. read more

9 Years Ago

one can only try right XX
cimmy wuv xxxooo

9 Years Ago

Right :) :) :)
Life is one huge adventure, sometimes calm, sometimes exhilerating.. sad, happy, glorious, insane and so forth. And, if we don't feel every wind or ray of sun, we've not felt what life really means. Mayhaps?

There's a calm, a stillness in your words, the lines brief but the meanings so worth thinking over.. for growing yet remaining content. Thank you.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

ahhh hello Emmajoy and so lovely to meet you - thank you so much for taking the time to read ... I w.. read more
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9 Years Ago

Calmness seems so low in priorities sometimes; to read words then leave them feeling like a walking,.. read more
I've come back to this poem three times now, wondering what to write, how to critique this work, how to treat it with respect as a serious work and I must say I am flummoxed.

At first glance I thought: a generic blueprint of how to come to terms with existence and hence telling not showing.

Second glance: there are elements that are valid and true i.e.
Stanza 1) Live and leave your mark in life
Stanza 2) Live to your uttermost (the warrior in you)
Stanza 3) But whatever you do life moves on and obliterates what you did achieve in the main

a reflection before continuing on 'ahh but'

Stanza 4) Stop fighting and enjoy life
Stanza 5) Acceptance

Negativity that picks holes on this philosophy, seemingly good philosophy: The Vikings left their mark, leaving half of Europe with Viking genes from their rape and pillage. So did the Nazis and Stalin not to forget Mao Tse-tung... but I know you did not mean any of them or to follow their example, but they did leave an indelible mark. They also fought with all their might meeting the advice in stanza 2. But I know you did not have them in mind as good examples of industry and warrior skills, but they were warriors.

Acceptance is a good thing, there is a time in life when we realise we cannot defend every cause, we also have to accept this ageing body rots and live with what we have-good advice. And to that extent religion has been pushing that advice for thousands of years, the Sermon on the Mount' being one excellent example.

The flow is a difficult one, how to flow on when dead. Religion offers hope in that respect, but also we live on or flow on in our children.

In one respect you have done an amazing job in succinctness, summing up tomes of religious writings in a simple poem that manages to offend no one by its blandness, and yet there is a valid philosophy and some good advice there.

I think possibly you have arrived at that point in your life and that tells us a lot about you, and as such i can echo what you say and say for myself: well done! There is a need at times to say things in a quiet way,

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Hey again Frank :-) well yes you summed it up ... To say things in a quiet way ... That is most simp.. read more

9 Years Ago

OK, understood
our lives flow on, we try to understand what it is all about---what our existence means, and that is not so easy when there is so much change all the time...the tides shift the sands and just as we think we figure out something about life, everything changes and there are new formations, outside forces...all we can really do is try to understand ourselves...and who we are.

Posted 9 Years Ago

interesting snap shots ... we can etch our names in stone or bronze .. some may carry memories of our lives but over time those will dim and become a vague remembrances by family genealogists if we are lucky .. best just to "... flow on" :) thats my favorite line and my thought for the day ... flow on baby .. flow on!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

The quest of immortality. I so much appreciated the flow of wordings, and the arrangement of stanzas. The first stanza struck me most. Well done.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much for reading - ad you enjoyed xx

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10 Reviews
Added on January 16, 2015
Last Updated on January 16, 2015



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..

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