You and Your Imperfection Sit

You and Your Imperfection Sit

A Poem by KWP

what of you shall never perish?

were perfect all along?

here you and your fleshy body sit

imperfection reeks …

your fat gut bulges right out of your jeans, and you have

stumpy round legs like a chopped up stump, you are

stinky with perspiration which inhibits this all around space, what’s that?

an in-grown biggest toe nail … infected again?

your resting face says ‘f**k off’,

smiling face a furrow,

orgasm face screams ‘I’m in pain’,

are they …. wrinkles? crows feet, you are old ….

skin blemishes pockmark you, I saw your

oar-like feet

dead dull eyes to tell us, you have given up, why not? you have

calf-birthing hips, not to mention 

surface of the moon-butt 

you are the skinny ‘eating issues’ type, with a 

slight of maleness

and, far too feminine, for a man

you resemble a bitter old bird (the human type)

that’s what they call a beer belly you know 

not a supermodel, or in fact any kind of model

beauty is within, your parents told you, 

your imperfection reeks 

your fleshy body perishable,

dying a little more each day


but what of you shall never perish?

could this be where you find you were perfect all along?

© 2024 KWP

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We should all live long enough to feel happy in our own skin and be content with our fate. Life is good as long as we have it. That's my belief at least. I enjoyed the read.

Posted 5 Months Ago

well done ... anorexia has not been portrayed in such a brutal way .. at least that i have read .. i join her as she sees one thing in sharp contrast to what really is .. and your opening and closing question is powerful ... an invitation to ".....think upon these things" (closing line from Philippians 4:8) i've been away for a while and trying to make the time ... it's like going to the gym .. hard to get there but once in .. i'm glad i went .. also glad i did not miss this one Ms. Adventure Woman :)

Posted 5 Months Ago


5 Months Ago

Oh Oh Oh hello you!

How fabulous to see you. I too have been away, there is much goi.. read more
Einstein Noodle

5 Months Ago

everything everywhere all at once is going on luv! ;)
This reminds me so much of the poem "Barbie Doll"---
She killed herself with surgeries, with making herself look as everyone expected...
was she happy at death?
Not really.
Imperfections are what make us beautiful...those who are absolutely flawless get boring pretty quick.

Posted 6 Months Ago

Truth hurts, doesn't it! The reflection in the mirror turns out to be reality Shock horror is number one in the audience of who loves and cares. whatever! You really let go here, thoughts, feelings, truth or not, you shouted out through the noise of your feelings. Never known you to mince your words but never known you to scream, knowing, someone out there could be transcribing your thoughts for (someone) else.

' could this be where you find you were perfect all along?'

Posted 6 Months Ago


2 Months Ago

I obviously failed to think longer and write with more consideration that imagination. :(

2 Months Ago

haha - in the moment we do, outside of that moment, we reflect - stay I n the present and enjoy, it'.. read more

2 Months Ago

Wise woman, I bow and curtsy to you, You best give me a some a little guidance, please very much. .. read more
It’s all about image these days, the ideal body for man or woman have set standards by magazines promoting what we all should look like. Image! Image! Image! Sad really the way society is going. All inflicted on the vulnerable and young. Old people don’t give a toss about what others think.

Posted 6 Months Ago

My gut feeling is this is not a resume.

Posted 6 Months Ago


6 Months Ago

you don't think it'll get me the job? :D
That was a tour de force of physical self loathing. It's a good way to deal with aging, let it all hit the floor. The people who are coping the worst with the aging thing are the one's trying too hard to be young. I see guys on these weird diets, eating every other day usually tasteless food or elk meat fried in raccoon grease.... they put themselves through this misery to delay aging by a year or two and then usually suffer from diabetes and severe arthritis later in life more than they would have if they just chilled the phuck out and aged like a regular human being.

Posted 6 Months Ago


6 Months Ago

Sorry for bringing that up... ugh... the presidential election is coming up and we are all inundate.. read more

6 Months Ago

all good - I gotta dash - but nice to see ya as always :D

6 Months Ago

Enjoy the weather, don't be a stranger.

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7 Reviews
Added on January 21, 2024
Last Updated on January 21, 2024



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..

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