the level of normality

the level of normality

A Poem by KWP

doused in normality 

light fades

there may never be 

another spark

watch me as I fly 

under your radar 

over your radar 

blink, oh you have already missed

what a conundrum 

to never acquaint oneself with awareness

how is it possible 

you never ventured to ask?

and yet, 

in a world of duality 

we need you 

‘the norm’

your important task 

to keep the balance 

you do it so well 

without even knowing 

what you achieve so selflessly 

so we 

those who like to fly 

can do so without guilt


and thanks


on the flip side to the norm

keep the balance too you know 

step out of that comfort zone 

If only for a moment 

step out now 

cheer and applause

for us 

never fear

normailty is always waiting 

for a warm loving hug 

from you

© 2018 KWP

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we have to continue to take steps from our comfort zone..nice writing style Liz.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Great poem, I'm glad I read it!

Posted 5 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this. If you don't step out of your comfort zone you won't grow. I had a conversation with my 20year old grandson two days about this. He did it. He did something that I knew he could achieve, if only he jumped. He did it and it's given him new confidence. Great write and inspirational message KWP.


Posted 5 Years Ago

now that's some fine appreciation of all walks my friend! its all about balance ... a calm neutrality between the "norms' and the "not norms" ;)) but.......... is that too comfortable??? gotta love it right!? and you say it with such straight up language ..its nice not to be guessing about such things ... i never turn a hug down KWP ..especially from Australia ... or Tibet ... or Tanzania ..or where ever the hell you are today ;)))))))))))))))))

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

hey you :) well yesterday I was down it the beach with the Dodger ... end of a busy week. My boss is.. read more
Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

the pic i have of you and the Dodger lept out at me just the other day ... i was looking for somethi.. read more
This very much reminded me of this; In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Your piecec certainly makes the reader stop to ponder - great write ... :-)

Posted 5 Years Ago

Comfort zones are overrated. That's a good thing about this poem.

So are hugs and auto loving. That's a bad thing about this poem.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Nice balance there :-)

Now come here for a big squishy hug 😊

5 Years Ago

I've never wrestled a kangaroo.

5 Years Ago

Ah but today I’m a camel in the plains ...
We need safe planever fear
"normailty is always waiting
for a warm loving hug
from youces to land."
I liked the complete poem and the abobve lines. Real place to know. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 5 Years Ago

I love the way you play "normal" off the alternative, neither one really defined as much as compared to each other. There's a bit of flippant tone that makes it feel like your message is sassy & a little "in your face." I would gather that the overall sentiment is in favor of NOT being stuck in the rut of normalcy. I was the baby & the unconventional one in a family of nine kids. I found their adherence to tradition to be stifling, especially around the holidays! That's why I relate to your message so much! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 5 Years Ago

i guess we need a mixture of it all,it takes both to make a whole

Posted 5 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on November 25, 2018
Last Updated on November 25, 2018



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..

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