My life story

My life story

A Chapter by Kayla Marie

My name is Amy. When I was just 7 years old my mother died in a car accident, she was driving down the road when a trucker ran a red light. The trucker hit the side of my mothers car and ran her off the road. When I got home from school there were a bunch of police officers at my house, along with a lot of my neighbors. I remember walking into the house seeing my dad on the couch with his hand covering his face crying. The officer looked at me and told me that I should sit down for a few minutes, of course at the time I had no clue to what was going on at that moment but I was scared. I thought I had done something wrong and my father was upset about it. I was way off.  He told me about the truck driver hitting the side of my mothers car and not only did she get ran off the road, but she hit a tree and rolled down the hill and landed in the river. My mother couldn't open the car door or bust the window, the officer said he couldn't get to my mom in time. She had drowned in the car. Soon after my mothers death my dad started drinking every night. His drinking soon grew to the day time before and after work. Apparently it started affecting his job so they fired him. My father had become an alcoholic. He started blaming me for my mothers death. I have just now turned thirteen and my father has given me all of the house chores. If i don't finish in time or I do something wrong my dad teaches me a "lesson". He seems to think of it as a game, like the dishes chore, if I do not get it done before or on my fathers time limit I cannot eat supper. When I miss a spot while i'm scrubbing the floor, he kicks me in the stomach hard enough to make me puke. 

© 2012 Kayla Marie

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very good writen hard to believe someone ur age could write such an amazing peice though....I'm shocked and wonderfully impressed.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Kayla Marie

11 Years Ago

awe thank you Brooke! That means so much to me to hear, I try my best on my writing and hope that it.. read more

11 Years Ago

well I certanly enjoyed reading this...even read it outloud to my mom she told me to say "wow hard t.. read more
who is this from

Posted 11 Years Ago

Kayla Marie

11 Years Ago

This is a chapter in my book called seeing secrets. it's short because it is was happens in her life.. read more

11 Years Ago

oh I did not think u wrote's very simalar to my life at its worst by harry mentor

Posted 11 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on November 1, 2012
Last Updated on November 13, 2012


Kayla Marie
Kayla Marie

Canaan, ME

I was born june 9th 1999, Playing guitar and drawing is my life more..

Love <3 Love <3

A Poem by Kayla Marie