I Need

I Need

A Story by Lyndsay Castro

I don't have a description for this.


There’s no reason for me, I feel. I don’t think it would be so bad if I was numb-minded. If I didn’t know how magnificent I almost was, I would be mindlessly happy like the masses I’m surrounded by. Pacified by the glare and boom of a TV set, I’d perch on a couch, a child on each hip, grinning and folding laundry.

But I’d asked to be here, hadn’t I? If I hadn’t been raised so well, or if I had been raised better. Maybe it would be different if I hadn’t read so many books. If I hadn’t seen so many places, lived in so many cities and hamlets, if I hadn’t felt ecstasy, this wouldn’t hurt so much.
Worse of all, it wouldn’t be so bad if I hadn’t put myself here, blindly, deliberately. If I was happy being totally alone for weeks, even months, then I would be happy. But I’m not.
I need a myriad of blades of grass to sing me sonnets. I need my soul to connect with others on a level so deep that I cannot realize it half the time.
I told myself that my life would be worth living as long as I was at the side of the man I loved and who loved me. Why didn’t I think of the life where I was, not beside him, but behind?

© 2008 Lyndsay Castro

My Review

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This is beautiful and profound. I love it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

"I Need" is conceptually simple but profound in nature. To materialize these words into examples of thoughts and thought processes is to examine these same words under the glass of psychology. These thoughts are so expressively genuine and are delivered with grand, eloquent ingenuity. In fact, the entire story is an excerpt from a zealously active train of thought, which is a great idea. There is so much greatness to be gleaned from this poetic prose!

Posted 15 Years Ago

yeah i liked this too.... pretty cool.... interesting choice of words,,, but i liked every bit of it.....

Posted 15 Years Ago


Posted 15 Years Ago

I was expecting a longer story than this and was delighted to see such a short read....(my favorite)
Bitter how it ended though......makes one wonder why they were raised in such a way ...does it even matter when you realize where you ended up anyway? Ironic how deadly choices really are......

Posted 15 Years Ago

I really do love it!!! Its soo sooo detailed.... i hope you always get what you want to be happy... somtimes its the little things in life that make us the most happy!!
your lil sis,

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I won't pretend to understand all that you speak of here because I simply don't. I think I do recognize compitent writing when I see it, though, and this is.
"Myriad blades of grass to sing me sonnets" --that's beautiful.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on August 7, 2008


Lyndsay Castro
Lyndsay Castro

Houston, TX

I am a writer. My goal is to support myself financially through my writing. But the benefits will keep me going, no matter the monetary issues. I am looking for suggestions, tips, criticism, connectio.. more..


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