Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Specialized Time Waster

The city busy with people, all having places to go. Some people are walking to get away from those whom they have to be with. Some are going to get to their boring job to continue the cycle of their melancholy life. Some are even moving away to get a sense of adventure, far off from the city that they were most likely raised in. Meanwhile, there sits in a cafe a tired, spaced out man with a glass of water resting in his hands. This man looked to be in his 40s, having tired eyes and expression. His hair was a mess, and there wasn’t much difference in his facial hair either. In all, it looked like he had just given up on everything. It seemed the only thing he cared to keep nice looking were his clothes, but those only made him look shady.

He tapped his index finger on the cold glass, giving off the impression that he seemed to be getting impatient. Either that or he was on something, which is what the people around him believed. In all fairness, he would even say himself that it looked like he was doing some sort of drug, cocaine or heroine, something to that extent. He felt his eyelids get heavier, trying to force him to cover his red eyes. Sleep, something he had tried to avoid as much as he could, was beckoning him to visit. He looked around for  moment, seeing if anyone was walking towards him. When nothing was found he gave into temptation and closed his eyes, getting an instant feeling of relief that he hadn’t felt for a while. He stayed like that for a few moments, and he had almost fallen asleep too. But the very closer sounding of clicking in front of him abruptly woke him up, surprising him to the point where he gasped and had one hand grab the back of the chair. His eye widened when they were opened and moved sporadically, eventually landing on the person that sat in front of him, struggling to lit their cigarette with a clean silver lighter.

It was a young woman, possibly in her 20s, whose cheeks were dusted with light freckles that were just above her black tinted sunglasses that covered the woman’s entire eyes. Though, there was an obvious scar that went down from her forehead to her cheek, so it only seemed logical that it went through her right eye as well. Her fluffy, chocolate brown hair was to shoulder length, barely touching her red, button up, collared shirt and black vest that laid on top of said shirt. Her eyes glanced at the man, though he could not see it, realizing that he had finally opened his eyes. She paused from trying to turn her lighter on and took the cigarette out of her mouth.

“I get that your daughter has gone missing and all, but I still think it’s important for you to be well rested so you don’t exhaust yourself to the point where you can’t look for her anymore.” She stated, before going back to trying to light her cigarette.

A few more clicks from the lighter and the woman had successfully lit her cigarette, taking a drag of the cigarette. The man simply watched her with almost a sense of fascination. When the woman noticed the man in front of her staring, she stared back.

“What. Aren’t you the guy that wanted me.” She questioned, though with her emotionless tone it sounded more like a statement.

“Well, yes, but…”

“But what?”

“You’re just… I don’t know… Shorter than I imagined?” The man replied, trying to carefully piece his words.

“Were you expecting a giant or something?”

“No, no! It’s just that your image in the media-”

“I get it.” The woman interrupted, “The real ‘Corinne Whitbourne’ doesn’t exactly live up to the person others portray, does she?” ‘Corinne’ said, taking in another breath of smoke from her cigarette.

“My apologies for offending you…” the man bowed his head, intimidated by Corinne's intense stare.

He couldn't help himself, even if he couldn't see her eyes looking at him there was something that gave off a frightening feeling when she looked at the man.

“I don't mind it. If that simple statement bothered mean then I would probably be considered a villain by now-”

“Excuse me, ma'am?” A waiter interrupted, turning Corinne's attention to the boy. It looked like he hesitated for a moment, “u-uhm… you… you’re not allowed to smoke in here…” he stuttered, shrinking under her invisible gaze.

A small chuckled came from the older male in front of Corinne, feeling a bit better knowing he wasn't the only one that was intimated by her.

“Is that so? Sor-”

“No, nevermind!” The boy interrupted again, terrified that Corinne was going to do something due to her taking the cigarette out of her mouth and standing up, “Y-you can keep it! R-really it's fine! I'll, uh, go get your waitress!” He quickly announced, speed walking his way back to where he came from.

Corinne stood there for a second, “I was just gonna put it out outside.” She muttered, sitting back down and placing the cigarette in between her teeth again.

“Is it normal for people to act like that with you?” The man asked.

“I supposed you could think of it part of my power. Separates the strong from the weak.”

“That makes more sense then.” The older male stated under his breath.

“So are there any special orders you wanted to give me?” Corinne inquired, resting her elbow on the polished table and holding her burning cigarette in between her slender fingers.

“No, not really. I guess I'm just wanting someone to look for her other than me…” the man explained, “The cops blew it off, saying at this point she was either dead or out of state, meaning it wasn't their problem anymore. I just… I won't accept that. I can't. Not until I at least find a body… I-I can't let go of this that easily…” only when the man had finished did he realize the warm streams running down his cheeks, quickly wiping the tears away, “Sorry, I didn't realize… I'm truly sorry. I lost my wife the same way and I can't let this happen to my only child too. I promise, I'll pay whatever it takes, really I-!”

“Calm down.” Corinne stopped him, making his eyes snap back to the light skinned woman. “I get it. I'm not sure what happened but it's obvious that you're a caring father. And it seems to me like your kid is the only thing you have going for you. So, let's say that I'll work with your current budget.” Corinne offered, catching the man by surprise.

“But I don't have much-”

“Doesn't matter. It'd be cruel of me to take advantage of a vulnerable parent.” Corinne explained.

She stood up, reaching for her back pocket, “I'll take care of it. For now I suggest you get some sleep and not put so much stress on yourself.” Corinne took out her wallet, “You can transfer to me whatever you got, but I should say that it's a rule if mine to be paid up front so I won't start looking until I see that I got the payment.”

“Yes, of course.”

She opened the leather wallet in her hands and took out $20, placing it on the table and closing her wallet, “I heard this place is relatively cheap for the quality, so you should get something to eat while you're here.” she stated while placing her wallet back in its original spot. “I'll message you occasionally to alert you of progress and if it becomes a problem for me to satisfy my end of the deal, or you want to call the deal off entirely, you'll get a full refund with no questions asked.”

The man looked at Corinne, confused on why she had told him this information. “I'm legally required to inform you of everything this verbal contract has to offer.” Corinne replied, “I guess this is goodbye for now.” She waved halfheartedly, making her way to the door.

© 2017 Specialized Time Waster

Author's Note

Specialized Time Waster
Art by

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Featured Review

Really well written. You're grammar skills are excellent, and the structure of the story is well mapped out. I really enjoyed your descriptions the man and Corinne - Well thought out and well written - very vivid too. Your dialogue skills were - sharp, clear and flowed nicely.

Excellent piece of work.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Specialized Time Waster

7 Years Ago

Thank you very much for the review. It is greatly appreciated!


7 Years Ago

No problem. It was such a good structured read.



Really well written. You're grammar skills are excellent, and the structure of the story is well mapped out. I really enjoyed your descriptions the man and Corinne - Well thought out and well written - very vivid too. Your dialogue skills were - sharp, clear and flowed nicely.

Excellent piece of work.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Specialized Time Waster

7 Years Ago

Thank you very much for the review. It is greatly appreciated!


7 Years Ago

No problem. It was such a good structured read.


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1 Review
Added on February 3, 2017
Last Updated on February 11, 2017


Specialized Time Waster
Specialized Time Waster

Twitter: Youtube: Is any of this important? Probably not. more..
