Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Specialized Time Waster

It was a rather nice day to be outside, especially in the park. It was a cool temperature with a slight breeze, perfect when sitting under the shade of one of the many healthy and green trees that resided in the park. Which was of a considerably big size. Corinne was one of the people who happened to have the same opinion as her about the nice cloudless day. She sat on a bench, a phone in one hand and her unoccupied arm resting behind the back of the bench as an ankle rested on her knee. She was mainly distracted with her phone, doing things from texting her boss just fiddling with some code of some sort. This place, which was almost always filled with noise of some kind, was a perfect spot for her. Currently, she wasn’t too pumped about going back to her home, which was filled with nothing but silence. And that left her alone with the “thoughts”. That was something she dealt with regularly, sometimes even in the noisy places and when that happens, that’s all she can focus on. Like a person, standing right next to her ear and talking to her. More often than not though, the “thoughts” stay quiet if Corinne can’t give her full, undivided attention to it.

“Haha! I bet I got more cards then you /now/!” A boy’s voice exclaimed, very proud of what he would consider his accomplishment.

“Nu-uh!” The girl he was talking to denied, “I got lots of ‘em! There’s no way you can have more Hero Cards than me!”

“That’s what you think.” The boy replied, shuffling the cards in his hands to look through his set.

The girl pouted as she looked at her own cards, “W-well, it doesn’t matter anyway! All that matters is how many rare and cool cards you have.” She pointed out. “I’ve got Firestarter, Utter Chaos, a-nd Mad King.” The little girl bragged, showing off the three cards she had listed off.

The boy didn’t seem discouraged though, “Hmmm…” He looked through the cards he had, “Killjoy!”

“Psssh, she uses cheap tricks.” the boy stuck his tongue out at the girl for her comment.

“Fine, well, I have… ah! Wild Beast.”

“He's too common.” The girl argued.

“Ugh, fine! Then… then…” the boy gasped, getting a big grin on his face, “Then what about Silver Ghost! Is /she/ too cool for you?” the boy's statement made the girl's eyes widen in disbelief.

“N-no way you have Silver Ghost!” The girl denied.

The boy lifted up the card to show it to her, “I do too, lo-” the boy stopped as he looked up past the girl and noticed a familiar person sitting behind his friend. His mouth was agape, which confused his friend.

“What?” She questioned, tilting her head and block his view of the woman he was staring at.

The boy quickly grabbed the girl and turned her around, “Look!” He urged, pushing her gently.

“Look at what?!” She asked, frantically looking from side to side.

The boy moved so that he could see the person he was looking at, but all his eyes spotted was an empty bench where Corinne used to be. “But, she was… right there…” the boy trailed off.

“She? Who's she?”

“Silver Ghost!” He exclaimed with frustration.

“Quit lying.” The girl crossed her arms as she turned around to face her friend.

“I swear I'm not lying! She was sitting right behind you! Of course, /you/ probably wouldn't have noticed anyway.” He mumbled, expecting a comeback of some sort.

But no words came out of the girl's mouth. Instead, she was looking up at something with wide eyes, making the boy realize the feeling of a person behind him. He spun around as soon as the feeling hit him and looked up, his green orbs suddenly sparkling with excitement as he saw Corinne's face. A big smile formed on his face.

“I told you!” He said, turning back to his friend and standing tall, having a sense of pride in being able to notice Corinne.

“You're Silver Ghost…?” The girl questioned, still looking up at Corinne with awe. It wasn't that she recognized Corinne by her face, but it was just something about her aura that assured the fact that she was the rarely seen hero.

“Of course she is!” The brown haired boy stated before twirling around, “Right?” he looked at Corinne, getting a nod in response.

“Sure am. To be honest, I'm surprised you were able to notice.”

“Well, as your biggest fan it would be rude not to recognize you!” The boy pointed out.

“Did we bother you?” The little girl joined in timidly.

“No, actually-”

“You just came over here because you heard us talking about you and you're super nice like that, didn't you?” The boy interrupted, making the girl tug on his sleeve as an indicator to stop.

“It's rude to interrupt people!” She whispered to him.

Corinne opened her mouth to speak.

“oh, you're right… Sorry!” the boy apologized.

“Ah! but while you're here can I ask you to sign my card?” He inquired, holding his card out for a second before pulling his arms back and looking at the card with disappointment, “Wait, I don't have a pen… do you?” He turned to the girl, who shook her head. “Aw…” the boy looked down at the ground.

“Could I see.” Corinne asked, kneeling in front of the green eyed child. He looked up again, simply handing the card to Corinne once again.

She carefully took the card in between her thumb and the knuckle of her index finger, inspecting the plastic card. Although the top was labelled “Hero” the card didn't give the appearance that she was one. The background was red, with a black silhouette of what looked like city buildings. On top of the background was an outline of, from what Corinne could guess, was a “silver” filled figure of her--evident by her fluffy hair that was part of the outline--that cut off at the end of the torso. The only things of the figure that wasn't filled in were a big red smile, the same color as the background, one light blue circle to represent the eye and another circle, only colored yellow with a jagged line going through the circle, seemingly merging with the circle in the middle due to it also being the same bright yellow color. Lastly, there was one arm shown in the frame, which was the left arm. It was bent with her hands looking as if it was presenting something, though only silver lines came out of the fingertips that could be shown. Corinne flipped the card over and placed her hand over it so that the card was now held between her two palms. She paused for a second before lifting her hand and presenting the card to the boy who was staring at her. There on the back if the card was a lightly scratched, but still visible, signature that read 'Silver Ghost'.

The green eyed boy gasped before taking back the card with excitement and a smile, “You're so awesome!” He praised.

“... I don't have a card, but… could you take a picture with us?” The girl asked, taking out a small red camera from the side pocket of her long, purple skirt.


“When'd you get that?” The boy questioned, leaning towards the girl to look at the new camera.

“I've had it forever, you just don't see when I use it.” She explained, shoving the camera in the boy's hands, “It's an easy one to use, so you take the picture.” She ordered.

“What? Why?!”

“Because you already have her signature on your Hero Card.” The girl stuck her tongue out, quickly making her way over to Corinne, “Oh… would it be too much to ask if you could take off your sunglasses?” The girl inquired.

“I don't see why not.” Corinne replied as she removed the black glasses off of her face.

This not only revealed the bright yellow scarred eye, but also the color of her other eye. A beautiful shade of milky light blue that was somehow also vibrant with her white skin.

© 2017 Specialized Time Waster

Author's Note

Specialized Time Waster
Art is by my friend, I don't know if she has any social media accounts she'd want me to share... soooo....


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Added on February 11, 2017
Last Updated on February 11, 2017


Specialized Time Waster
Specialized Time Waster

Twitter: Youtube: Is any of this important? Probably not. more..
