Goodbye My Love

Goodbye My Love

A Poem by Manda

It is time to let go and to let these new feelings emerge because at this moment it seems perfect and I don't want the chance to be happy to disappear.

It hurts so much
In fact more than it should

I loved you with all my heart
Making goodbye hurt even more

I never thought today would come
Where there was someone new on my mind

I never meant to hurt you
But I can't help this feeling

I have been unhappy for far too long
Which is why I stand here saying goodbye

At least for now...
All I ask is to let me go

Dont forget me
But do not dwell on the past

Don't think of what could have been
Because what we had was real

This may be the end for us
But new beginnings approach us

And who knows...
Maybe one day we will cross paths again

So for now lets say our goodbyes
And remember what we shared

Untl we meet again
Goodbye my love

© 2015 Manda

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it been a long time since i've read your work but like always you know love give or take your words capture everything in the true meaning. great job

Posted 8 Years Ago

A very sad poem. No goodbye is easy.
"So for now lets say our goodbyes
And remember what we shared"
I like the emotion and the hopeful ending. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Very nice write Missy, love is a confusing thing, many don't even have real love till years older, I was like 25 myself, Keep your head up the best is yet to come :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on October 20, 2015
Last Updated on October 20, 2015




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