Rain for Forlorn Lovers

Rain for Forlorn Lovers

A Poem by Patricia Wedel

On a Hot Dry Day 

All the Petals were drooping 

When the Rain Came by... 

A Cloud Burst appeared 

Blue Birds sang "Misty"  

A Song sung by Johnny Mathias... 

I get Misty just thinking of You ... 

© 2023 Patricia Wedel

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Rain is wonderful when it arrives after a period of sustained dryness. It weaves its magic spell and replenishes everything anew. It is no surprise that even the Bluebirds rejoice in its arrival and burst into song. Misty is a lovely song for them to sing, too.

Posted 9 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

9 Months Ago

dear Makhabat. so refreshing to read your Review… I really miss seeing a Rainbow 🌈 this Summer;.. read more
melvin james

9 Months Ago

nicely written and very touching;


I loved listening to Johnny Mathis many years ago, and i think Misty was one of my favourites .

a perfect choice of song to be sung by blue birds after the rain..

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

9 Months Ago

dearest Stella... I believe the Song Misty was a Gift to so many. I love the phrase... like a Kitte.. read more
Johnny Mathis is an all time favorite of mine .. such a beautiful voice and his songs all love songs .. i have a lilly plant whose leaves droop to the floor overnight when it needs that shower to pass overhead .. i water it and it responds almost instantly .. perking up and doing all right once again .. Johnny's songs can have the same effect for those forlorn and in love .. really enjoyed this one Pat. .. thanks for sharing

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

10 Months Ago

dear Gene… so Secisl to read your words. I have a Gladiolu with red flowers like Kisses in a Musi.. read more
Beautiful song it is.....
And how lucky I am to be a Persian Guy knows this much about western songs.
Enjoyed your brief and beautiful poem dear Pat.
How are you doing these days? I hope life is sweet for you and your dear husband.

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Patricia Wedel

9 Months Ago

dear Nima.Hope.... sorry for the confusion. I appreciate your Review. If flowers can be perennial .. read more
Rain, like tears from heaven, sharing our sorrows and washing our hopes clean; bringing fresh vision and life to everything green...lovely. F.

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Months Ago

Yes. That's my name. My other account here was hacked and I tried to close it but the site would not.. read more
Patricia Wedel

10 Months Ago

Thanks for explaining… Life seems Short and Poetry is a blessing. We just watched the Story about.. read more

10 Months Ago

I bought my daughter the movie, "The Star" and we watched it together. It's funny but it's about the.. read more
Dearest Pat, I know the song well but up I think your blue birds may have done a better job…. Or equally as well. Your words are warm like the sun after the cloudburst…..

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Betty Hermelee

10 Months Ago

Sounds beautiful....I have mixed flowers in pots to create a kaleidoscope of color...
Warmly,.. read more
Patricia Wedel

10 Months Ago

Love the word Kaleidoscope as the colors appear on Pillars in a Cathedral when the Sun shines throug.. read more
Betty Hermelee

10 Months Ago

keep going, i love it!
Warmly, B
Cleverly and musically written, dear lady. Our planet's weather is rebelling - flooding and heatwave: take your pick. But between it all are your delightfully comforting words. x

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

10 Months Ago

dear Emma…. You have added a tender touch to the Misty moments when lightening strikes like cymbal.. read more

10 Months Ago

Many thank yous to your and your family, dear lady.

By the way, 'Misty' is one of my .. read more
With the recent weather becoming more and more bizarre, we seem to be on a path that doesn't end anywhere nice. A path where people are dropping like flies because of the intense heat and just like the plants and flowers that have brought us so much joy in our lives, are looking less vibrant and hopefully the rains begin to fall before we and they do.
Of course, I'm in Scotland, where we did have quite a lovely summer of about two weeks, but are back in the path of normality of seeing just a tad too much of the wet stuff. I hear that we are soon to join the rest of the world in another heatwave, but they've being saying that since the pope was an altar boy and Mount everest was a pebble.
You should come to Scotland and see how the other half lives Pat, which is usually in waterproofs and in need of a kayak to go to the shops.
I'll try doing a raindance for you all and hope it doesn't backfire on me and I need to get ear height waders! 😊

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

10 Months Ago

dearest Lorry… I have heard the Bag Pipes 🎶 play when Misty rain becomes our refuge … my gra.. read more
We've had so much rain in Virginia this week. If Virginia is for lovers, they must be drowning! LOL! Last night, I did not see raindrops. It literally looked as if someone had a giant bucket and was just pouring water out. Anywho ... all this talk of rain ... without it, no flowers would grow; and nothing would be green. I think we can all be grateful for the blessings of the rain. Water is life.

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

10 Months Ago

dearest Linda Marie... I have been praying for Rain, and yesterday, Sunday, it was a soft rain that .. read more
I love that song! I love the simplicity of this heartfelt write. Well done!

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

10 Months Ago

dear Patricia… lovely to read your review… it is 96 degrees here in Fredericksburg, Virginia… .. read more

10 Months Ago

Thank you Patricia

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28 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 8, 2023
Last Updated on July 8, 2023


Patricia Wedel
Patricia Wedel

Keystone, WV

Life is like a River that includes the sound of Warblers among the trees laden with happiness and tears... Wings take us to places we discover and people who write the Music we love to hear... quietly.. more..


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