.II.  Enigmatic Connection

.II. Enigmatic Connection

A Chapter by Aram Alexander

Imagine meeting a stranger who isn't.

When she first looked at me it was as if a star had fallen from the sky and impacted my heart. I was stunned, struck speechless. The funny thing is, even though our eyes met in that darkly lit room, I really don't think she actually noticed me. And yet it affected me tremendously. It wasn't her body or the smile hidden behind her lips or even the light in her eyes, it was... that's the thing, I don't know the word for it. I don't think this word yet exists, and I loathe to call it love. 
Love is common, a word so carelessly thrown around and overused to the point where it has all but lost its' deeper meaning. So no, I wouldn't say that it was love that I felt. This was something much more profound, something else entirely, completely different from any emotion I had thus far felt. Something so incomprehensible, so unquantifiable, so alien and yet so familiar that I can not help but be tempted to call it fate.

© 2014 Aram Alexander

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Added on March 14, 2014
Last Updated on April 23, 2014


Aram Alexander
Aram Alexander

Jogja, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia

I'm just a regular guy who does regular things. Meaning I enjoy pizza, the company of dogs, occasional inebriation, equal parts worthy literature and brainless Hollywood fare, and spontaneity of the .. more..
