Chapter 2: Vincent Nightray and the Lost Nii-san

Chapter 2: Vincent Nightray and the Lost Nii-san

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

Chapter 2: Vincent Nightray and the Lost Nii-San


Sarah could not believe what was happening. First of all, she was at home having a normal day like any other till Earl, Tyki and Neah came, almost kidnapping her, and then this angel man, with strange white hair and wings, came and took her to this new world.

     “Come, the king is waiting for you.” Calcifer said holding his hand out for Sarah to take like before.

     “No, I just want to go home!” Sarah said squeezing her eyes shut and holding her hands close to her chest.

   Calcifer sighed.

     “Princess, I do not make the rules, my king does and he wishes for an audience with you.”

     “What for?”

     “You can come with me to find out. Don’t worry darling, I don’t bite.” He said. She looked at his face, then his hand, then his face again, and then his hand once more before taking it.

     “Shall we?”

     “S-sure…then I can go home?” Sarah asked, but he did not respond and led her out of the room. They walked into a long hallway with pictures of previous or present royalty hung all over and a few servants looking at Sarah in complete awe, some looking at her strangely as if she was an alien. Sarah and Calcifer had finally come to the throne room where an old King figure sat in a large throne with two servants next to him, fanning him to keep himself cool from any heat.

     “My king, I have brought the Princess,” Calcifer began, going on one knee and bowing, “just as you asked me to do.”

     “Good job Calcifer, please leave us be.” The king said shooing the servants and Calcifer away. Once they all had left the room, Sarah was left all alone with the king.

     “U-uh…I-I’m sorry, but, I need to go home right now.” Sarah said after a minute of silence.

     “I’m sorry but you can’t return to your world yet.” The king said.

     “What? Why not?” She asked.

     “You are being hunted, and if you are to return home safely, you must stay here till Earl Taxidermy is stopped.” He said.

     “No! I wanna go home, now!” Sarah pleaded. “I feel like I’m being kidnapped and held hostage…Sure, I’ve had the strangest feeling I’d be kidnapped, but I never ever wanted that to come true!” The king rose from his throne and walked over to Sarah, ruffling her hair. Sarah flinched, but let him ruffle her hair, for who knows what this king would do if she were to do anything to upset him?

     “My step son would seem to like you a lot. You should meet him.” The King said and snapped his finger’s. Calcifer and the two servants came back in. “Calcifer, please take Sarah to Vincent’s special room. I want her to meet my step son. She may be able to help him with his, problem.”

     “Yes my king.” Calcifer said, bowing and taking Sarah’s wrist; he led her down the long halls till they came to a door with the name “Vincent Nightray” written in gold.

     “Why do I have to do this? What is the purpose for me to do this?” Sarah questioned.

     “I cannot tell you, you just have to meet with him. That is the kings wish.” Calcifer said. He opened Vincent’s door, pushing Sarah in and closed the door. The door then automatically locked its self.

     “Huh?! Hey! Let me out!” Sarah said pounding her fist against the door.

     “Are you another play mate for Vincent?” A voice asked. Sarah instantly froze; no longer pounding on the door for a terribly frightening feeling ran through her. “…Are you?” Sarah heard the snipping of scissors. The person was obviously ignoring her now, or waiting for an answer. Sarah turned around slowly with her heart beating rapidly to see a man sitting on a dark blue couch. He reminded her of Jack, but his golden hair was let down in his face and messy. He looked up for a brief glimpse, returning his attention back to cutting up the teddy bear. He had the strangest of eyes Sarah had ever seen; crimson red (right) and golden topaz (left) eyes. He moved a part of his hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear. He wore a pair of ruby earrings. There was a little light leaking through the dark and drafty black curtains slightly revealing he wore a jet black dress type outfit, black boots with golden lining, and his skin was very pale.

     “U-Ummm…N-no, the king forced me in here to…h-help you…” Sarah stuttered nervously.

     “That old geezer thinks I need help?” He scoffed.


     “I don’t have a problem! He thinks cutting up stuffed animals is a problem I have! He doesn’t know me!” Vincent bellowed with an angered, ready to kill, look on his face. He sighed and his face calmed. “I’m sorry, I just hate him. He keeps me isolated from the world, thinking I’d be a killer.”

     “I-I’m sorry…” Sarah said feeling a bit sorry for him and also scared at the same time.

     “What’s your name?” Vincent asked setting down the scissors.

     “Huh? O-oh, uh…S-Sarah Hollenbeck…” Sarah said shyly.

     “I am Vincent Nightray. It’s nice to meet you Sarah Hollenbeck.” Vincent said. He stood up and walked over to Sarah. “By one look at me, what do you first think?”

     “Hmm? Uh, you seem to be hiding some secret…?” Sarah guessed.

     “Really?” Vincent asked. He lifts up Sarah’s chin. “And what do you think I’d be hiding?” Sarah froze, not really sure what she should say, it was only a guess! He seemed so persistent to know why she thought he was hiding something. He probably was, or wasn’t hiding anything, but he wanted to know why she thought that of him. “Well?”

     “Uh, I-I don’t know, you just seem to be hiding something dark.” Sarah said pushing him away, but then he resorted by taking her wrist and pulling her close to his chest, and almost at a kissing distance making Sarah fluster madly with her face turning a bright tomato red. “W-what are-?!”

     “Please stay in here with me tonight. Please sleep in here with me.” Vincent said giving Sarah a puppy dog face she just couldn’t refuse.

     “I-I don’t mind not sleeping in a bed…” She said.

     “But then you’d be sleeping on the ground.” Vincent said.

     “I don’t mind.” Sarah said.

     “No, I will not allow you to do that. This floor is hard and you’ll have a terrible back pain and won’t be able to get up.” Vincent said.

     “But-” A white cloth was placed over Sarah’s mouth, her breathing becoming slow every time she struggled and her heart racing fast as she began to feel tired and limp.

     “You’re sleeping in a bed my dear.” Vincent said and before she knew it, her world went black and she fell into a deep slumber.


When Jack had awoken, he found himself in some sort of cell; as he got up, he was pulled down from the shackles on his wrist.

     “What is this?! Where am I?!” Jack bellowed as he attempted to struggle about.

     “Silly Jack,” Road’s voice echoed with giggles, making him flinch, “you’re back on our side as soon as Daddy gives you a curse!”

     “I never said I’d join him!” Jack bellowed.

     “True, but we’re evil and can force anyone to be a minion.” Road said.

     “Let me out of here! I need to find Sarah and return her home somehow!” Jack said getting angry.

     “Oh Jack, you see, Neah and Tyki are doing just that. But, they of course aren’t taking her to her original world.” Road said. “They’re bringing her here so you can perform an important role we are setting up. You’ll play the most important role, along with that girl.”

     “Wait, you mean to tell me she’s-”


     “NO! I will not go through with this!” Jack refused, trying even more to get free from the shackles.

     “Jack, you are the most stubborn man I have ever met.” Road said. “You’ll be forced to do whatever Daddy wishes if you want to ever see her again.”

   Jack gritted his teeth. He was being held hostage and would soon to be used for Earl’s evil purposes no matter how much he’d refuse. He needs to find a way out fast before it’s too late.


Sarah began to wake up, slowly realizing she was in a soft comfy bed that almost felt like a cloud. As she soon again woke up completely, she bolted herself out of the bed, falling onto the hard floor.

     “Morning~” Vincent greeted.

     “No! P-please tell me you-”

     “I didn’t. Don’t worry. I slept in the other bed. (Sarah gives him a surprised look) Let’s play~” Vincent said taking Sarah by the wrist to help her up and began spinning around in circles till she felt dizzy.

     “Gaaahaaa…s-stop…I-I’m getting dizzy…” Sarah said staggering once he stopped spinning her around.

     “But this is fun~” Vincent said childishly.

     “Not for me…” Sarah mumbled.

     “Aww! Then let’s think of something else to do then~” He said wrapping his arms around Sarah’s neck, the two plopping onto the bed and he snuggling up against her.

     “Ak! P-please get off me…” Sarah said gagging a bit.

     “...But, you’re the closest thing to Nii-san…” Vincent muttered.

     “Nii-san? What’s that mean?” Sarah asked, unfamiliar with the language Vincent was speaking in.

     “Older brother…you’re the closest thing to my Nii-san, Gilbert…” He said sadly.

     “Wait, you have a brother?” Sarah asked surprised.

     “Yes, but he was sent away by our step father, the king, to some faraway place.”

     “But why take it out on me?!”

     “Because, I miss him and you have the same aura he has…” Vincent said snuggling up even more.

     “Ag! Th-then why didn’t you go too?” Sarah asked feeling very uncomfortable.

     “I don’t know why and I have no clue where he was sent too…” Vincent said.

     “Why don’t I ask the king where he sent your brother?” Sarah asked.

     “YOU MUSN’T! He’d get mad and he’d most likely lock you away somewhere and I’d never see you again!” Vincent whined.

     “Then let’s sneak out of this place and find him.”

     “We’d be caught and sent back here!”

     “I’ll go do it alone then. I promise I’ll come back with him; you just have to let me go and trust me.” Sarah said. Vincent hid his face, hiding the possible tears that would over power him, giving her one last snuggling hug till he let her go.

     “Please…bring Nii-san back and be careful.”

     “I will, Vincent.” Sarah said and walked to the door, telling the guard on the other side Vincent was fine. The door opened and she took one last look at the depressed Vincent and then walked out of the room.


The Noah brothers came to a small village, run by a rich house and searched the area for any sign of Sarah, but with no luck.

     “Damn it! Why is it so hard to find her?!” Neah complained.

     “Let’s keep on looking, she’s gotta be here somewhere.” Tyki said. A girl with light baby blue hair put up into a bun with an ocean blue ribbon, pale skin and dark sapphire eyes walked by. Neah went up to her. She wore a long sleeved white shirt, jet black dress with a skirt attached and a big bow on the side, jet black tights, and boots.

     “Hello miss, have you seen a girl who is about your height and age, white skin, brown hair, blue eyes; someone you’ve never seen before?” Neah asked.

     “No, I’m sorry, I haven’t seen any new faces but you two.” The girl said.

     “Okay, thank you for your help…what’s your name by the way?”

     “Echo.” Said girl Echo replied.

     “Thank you for letting us know you haven’t seen who we’re looking for, Echo. If you do happen to meet someone like that, let me know.” Neah said. He walked back over to Tyki. “She hasn’t seen the girl.”

     “I have a feeling she’ll come here. For now, let’s wait.” Tyki said. Neah nodded and the two walked into a café.


Sarah was in her room, figuring out her plan to find Vincent’s brother, Gilbert. She also needed some type of cloak to hide her face in case the Noah brothers were to find her during her search. As she paced around the room, she noticed a white cloak with a hood and quickly grabbed it, throwing it on.

     “Perfect!” She said.

     “Princess, how was Vincent?” Calcifer said walking into the room without any warning.

     “GA! D-don’t you knock here?!” Sarah asked, taken by surprise.

     “I’m sorry; I just thought you weren’t doing anything.” He apologized.

     “……Vincent…Vincent is okay. He seems lonely though, why is that?” Sarah asked.

     “Lonely? Prince Vincent? Never!” Calcifer said.

     “Ummm…just a random thought, did he have an older brother or something?” Sarah asked, hopping Calcifer would tell her something about Gilbert.

     “…He…he has no brother…not anymore that is.” Calcifer said.

     “He did? What was his name?” Sarah asked, playing dumb.

     “Gilbert Nightray, but the King sent him away many years ago.”

     “Where did he send Gilbert?” Sarah asked acting interested to fool Calcifer.

     “The only person who knows where he may be would be Echo.” Calcifer said.

     “Echo? Who’s that?”

     “Hold it. You aren’t trying to go find Gilbert, are you?” Calcifer questioned back.

     “U-umm…” Sarah stammered. Oh no! He’s onto me! I need to think of something fast, or…I could tell him the truth? Sarah looked at Calcifer who looked to be waiting for his answer. He sent off strange vibes and that’s when she snapped. “Yes, yes! I’m trying to find Gilbert! Vincent was freaking me out and the only way he would stop is if I go find his brother again!”

     “There is no way you’ll be leaving here then. Earl is out looking for you.” Calcifer said.

     “Don’t you understand?! Vincent is acting this way cause he need’s his brother! I have to go find him!” Sarah shot back. It felt weird getting all upset with him

     “Princess! You cannot leave here! If you do, you will be captured and die. Earl would win and destroy this world and yours! Do you want that?!” He shot right back leaving Sarah with a frozen expression and speechless.

   Sarah’s eyes began to swell, tears running down her cheek.

     “Princess, I-”

     “I miss my family and Vincent misses his brother! We both have something in common! We share the same pain! We both long for something! Vincent wants his brother back and I want to go back home! Let me do this one thing, and I’ll do whatever you want! Just let me get Gilbert!” Sarah exclaimed with tears running down her cheeks. This was one of her rare moments where she would be overcome by a feeling and snap easily.

     “You leave me with no other choice then.” Calcifer said. He took a silver key from his pocket, closing the door and locking it from the other side. “This is for the best, Princess.”

     “N-no! No! You can’t do this! Y-you can’t do this to me! Let me out of here! I need…I-I need to…I need to…t-to find…Gilbert…” Sarah said banging her fist against the door while her tears overflowed.

     “Sarah?” A familiar voice said.

     “Vincent?” Sarah asked, wiping her tears away and turning to see Vincent crawl through a hidden passage. “H-how’d you get in here?”

     “Through the hidden passage; I came back here just in case you were to be locked up…I was right.” Vincent said.

     “I-I’m sorry…He somehow saw through me when I asked about who Echo was…I’m so sorry! I tried! I really did!” Sarah apologized, hiding her face in her knees. Vincent walked over to Sarah, pulling her chin up and began to kiss her cheeks, then her forehead, and then her neck.

     “W-what are you-” Sarah began trying to squirm away, her mouth covered by Vincent’s index finger.

     Don’t speak.” He whispered and slowly pressed his lips against hers while pinning her to the wall.


A searing pain ran through Jack’s head, waking him up from probably the best sleep he would have had if it hadn’t been for his rude awakening.

     “Ag! W-what is this!? It hurt’s…” He said clutching his throbbing head. He suddenly saw Sarah and Vincent who were kissing. “Sarah?!”

     “What are you jabbering about?” A Shadow guard asked.

     S-Sarah……AG! Stop! Stop! STOP!” Jack cried out again, the pain even stronger.

     “Master! I think he’s ready!” The guard called.

     “Really? Well then, bring him back here. I need to set my plan into motion as soon as possible.” Earl said and walked off.

     “Yes, sir!” The guard saluted and opened the cell doors, unlocked the shackles binding Jack, and he took him by the scruff of his shirt and dragged him out of his cell and into a nearby room.

     “Set him down on the table.” Earl said while choosing his knife. Jack was set onto a cold steal table, his arms and legs bound by more shackles.

     “Y-you’ll never get away…with this…Earl…” Jack muttered gritting his teeth.

     “Shut up. Ever since I took you in under my wing when you were just a boy, you never listened to me.” Earl said walking over with a knife and cloth in hand.

     “You aren’t my father!” Jack bellowed. A strange liquid was shoved into his mouth and instantly, his body and mind went numb and limp.

     “W-what was…that…?” He started as he gagged and choked.

     “Be quiet if you want to see her ever again.” Earl warned and began to carve in a detailed clock design into Jack’s left side of his chest with a small heart in the middle.

   Once the operation was over, Earl cleaned up the blood and had Jack tossed back into his cell, re-chained and left alone to get his strength back in time for Earl’s plan to take action.


“Mrph!” Sarah muffled over the deep kiss from Vincent, hardly able to escape. She would not return the kiss, so Vincent continued kissing her. “Mmmph! Stop!” She finally was able to push him away after the long and tiring struggling and she wiped her mouth with her hand.

     “I love you.” Vincent said.

     “What?!” Sarah squeaked. Vincent ran his hand through Sarah’s long smooth silky hair and lifted her up bridal style. “Put me down! Put me- No! Not the bed!” Sarah was tossed onto the bed, Vincent cuddling up next to her. Sarah tried to escape, but Vincent held onto her tightly.

     “If I can’t have my Nii-san, and you can’t return home-”

     “I said I’ll find him! Let me go and show me a way out of here!” Sarah exclaimed.

     “…Fine…” Vincent mumbled and got off the bed. Sarah did the same with a breath of relief. He walked over to the hidden passage way door and led her down the labyrinth till they came to a door that led outside the castle.

     “Follow this road and you’ll hopefully find where they took Nii-san.” Vincent said.

     “How do you know this is the way?” Sarah asked.

     “Because this is the road they took him away on.” He said.

     “I’ll find him Vincent, I promise.” Sarah said.

     “If you don’t mind…could you also bring this Echo girl back here too?” Vincent asked.

     “Sure.” She promised and walked off to find Gilbert and stay hidden away from Earl’s minions.

© 2013 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

I will be drawing an illistration sometime soon I hope.

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Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on May 6, 2013



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

Chap 1 Chap 1

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1