Chapter II

Chapter II

A Chapter by Qbjik

Chapter II

The sun was down and group of barbarians and elves made a camp for the night. Mernion was sitting at the campfire among other barbarians, but his mind was somewhere else. He was thinking about sudden change in minotaur behaviour and calling his name. How did he know him? Was it demon influence? What does he want from him?

- You seem bothered - suddenly young man’s thoughts got interrupted by Exoriss voice - I would be too. But isn’t that an interesting start of the new adventure?

- I just don’t understand what happened… Why did he call my name?

- Well… The answer is most likely in the past.

- But… demons were locked away right? There is no way he got to know me.

- Yes, or so we believe. We might be wrong though, one Ifar knows…

- So what should I do now? I don’t know anything about this…

- Well, you can’t really do anything, so just wait for what future brings to you.

- That’s… That’s what I’m afraid of…

Exoriss didn’t answer. After a moment of silence, he pulled out a book from his pocket. It was covered in old, a bit destroyed leather. He took out a long purple feather, which he then used to write in the book. End of feather was shining with a soft pink light as he wrote the words.

- What is this? - asked Mernion, curious about the magical item.

- Ohh, I’m just… I like to write about adventures… I hope you don’t mind being in one?

- I meant the feather, magic?

- Ahh yes, I use magic instead of ink. It’s easier and doesn’t mess your clothes at most inconvenient moment - elf kept writing while talking.

- That’s… I never saw anybody do that before.

- It’s not my own magic, it’s this feather. I just control it. Otherwise I could die while writing - he laughed.

- So it’s like Shabal’s sword?

- Yes, although that sword is much stronger. Unless of course, I start a rebellion with my words.

Mernion laughed, then continued with his questions.

- Hmm, don’t tell Shabal but I once tried to use his sword and I just couldn’t activate it. How does it work?

- You had his sword in your hand and you are still sitting here? That’s impressive - smiled elf - As for your question… It takes a time to learn to control magic items - we like to call them artifacts. Each of them is different. Did Shabal tell you where he got that sword?

- No, he didn’t.

- Secretive as always. His sword is an old artifact, made about three hundred years ago. Since then it was in Shabal’s family. It’s bound to his bloodline. I’m pretty sure that right now he is only person in the world who can activate its true power.

- That’s fascinating - nodded barbarian - So what about your feather?

- Oh it’s just a simple feather, I’m sure you could control it as well. Want to try?

- Uhm, sure.

Exoriss handed the feather to Mernion, then opened the book on an empty page.

- Just feel the magic inside it.

Barbarian focused on the feather, on its shape and other physical features. Tried to make a line with it, but nothing happened.

- Don’t be so focused. Just accept the magic that’s inside it and use it.

- I’m no mage, I know nothing about the magic - answered disappointed Mernion.

- Then here is a short lesson about the magic for you - started Exoriss - We are surrounded by the magic. It’s everywhere. In the air, in the earth, in the plants. It’s the magic that makes your body alive.

- Isn’t that the soul?

- No, that’s a basic mistake. Soul… is “us”. And “we”, as the soul, control the magic inside our physical bodies. You can say that every living being is a mage like that, but only some can use that magic to cast spells.

- I heard of people who died while using magic, did they… Used all of the magic inside them on spells?

- Hmm yes, although we learn to use our magic in a smart way. Want to make the fire? Order magic in the air to move so fast it creates it. But of course, not everything can be done like this. Then we need to use our magic in a pure form and that can lead to… well, getting killed.

- How does one start though? I heard people that use magic have sort of natural talent to it.

- That’s a lot of truth in it. Not everybody is able to release the magic outside the body. Most of us get sudden outbursts of magic as kids, then we are sent to more experienced mages to learn to control it and use as spells.

- So I doubt I can become a mage.

- Maybe you can’t. I’m sure you can use this feather though.

Mernion looked down at the feather again. This time he tried to feel what’s inside it. He closed his eyes and focused thoughts on the item as a simple thing, without details about its shape. In his imagination, he saw a pink mist moving inside the feather. He opened his eyes, and end of feather started shining with a soft light. He made a line on the paper.

- I… I did it - he said - That’s… Truly amazing, thank you Exoriss.

- Haha, you did good, student - elf smiled at him - I want to show you one more thing. Can I have my feather back?

Barbarian handed feather back to its owner. Exoriss took it, then pointed it up. A pink light appeared at the end of the feather. Then the colour of light changed into blue.

- We can “adapt” artifact’s magic to our own. Use it to strengthen up the artifact or the mage. Of course that transfer can destroy either of those two if we aren’t cautious.

Mernion stared at the blue light with curiosity.

- Well it seems pretty useless with a feather, right? - said elf - You see, years ago I was writing in my book, just like today. Then suddenly I got attacked by two minotaurs.

The light on feather brightened up and started to cover entire feather, making it look like a little shiny blue dagger.

- That’s how I killed them.

Barbarian was standing there with a slightly opened mouth. Elf just laughed and took his book back. After a longer moment of silence, Mernion asked:

- How minotaurs became a threat to our civilization back then?

- Hmm good question - said Exoriss - I think Sythaeryn could answer that question better, he is a specialist, but… Well there are various types of monsters, and they all have different social behaviour. Some are living alone, some living in group. Some are dumb, some are intelligent. And minotaurs… Their society structure is very advanced, comparable with humans or elves.

- I never met any other monsters though.

- We don’t have to deal with them too often in this part of the island. Here biggest monsters are other people. In the east however, there is a place called Dark Forest. It’s a dead land, full of monsters coming out of the underground. That’s also how minotaurs started. But, as opposite to most of the monsters, they didn’t stick to their homeland. Instead, they marched out, to kill as many humans as they can. They are not just hunters that are trying to survive, they are warriors that want to die in the glory.

- You know a lot.

- I just say what I heard from Sythaeryn. And there is much more behind it. But it’s really late and we should go to sleep.

- You are right, thank you for your stories.

Exoriss smiled at Mernion, then hid his book and feather back into his pocket. He went to lay down on his improvised bed made out of moss. Mernion was sitting there for a while, thinking about all the new things he learned.

*  * *

Sun was high up, when army of Avergard arrived to the fields of Blindrun. The city was well aware of their presence, having their archers on the walls and soldiers near main plaza prepared for fight. Avergard’s general looked at the southern gate from the distance.

- This should be easy - he said - prepare the catapult.

A group of soldiers started taking out materials from the nearby cart, then putting them together.

- How close should we get for effective shot? - general asked one of his assistants.

- Uhm… The land is a bit of slope. Six hundreds meters should be good, sir.

- Alright then. Mages! Can you shield us from archers?

One of mages stepped forward.

- We should be able to. What about their swordsmen?

- They won’t go out. They know it’s a lost cause here.

As general finished sorting last bits of his plan, the catapult got ready to move out. At the order of general, a group of five mages and seven soldiers moved out with a catapult and few giant stones. Moving slowly through the open field, they secretly prayed to the Ifar for this plan to work.

At the sound of released arrows, mages formed up a shield surrounding the unit. As hundreds of arrows hit it, casters shaked. The shield slightly flashed, making them vulnerable.

- We are halfway through! Keep it up! - screamed leader of the group.

Mages focused again, preparing for next strikes. As next wave of arrows hit the shield, one of them fell to the ground.

- Stand up! We need you!

- I… I can’t, I can’t keep it up anymore.

- If you don’t do that, we will all die here!

Mage stood up and continued to uphold the shield. At that time his walk was slow, like someone who haven’t slept in a week. Third wave striked, and the mage felt on the ground, unconscious.

- We are in position - said commander - prepare to shot.

Soldiers put one of stones on the catapult, while one of the mages tried to help his friend.

- Aim… Get ready to drop shield…

- Wait - one of the soldiers interrupted - The archers. They are just waiting for it.

Indeed the commander of Eshangard’s archers was waiting for them to drop the shield, so he can order a successful strike.

- We will need to be fast then.

- We are just four now, the chances are… low.

- So we need to destroy this gate with just one shoot. It’s a weak construction, aim in the middle.

Soldiers prepared to fire the catapult. On the count of commander, mages dropped the shield, and catapult got fired. Boulder fled in the direction of the gate. Mages tried to instantly cast the barrier again, but they were too slow. Some of the arrows went in, other managed to hit the shield, making casters drop it. Everybody panicked and started running back in the direction of Avergard’s army, but within next three waves they were all dead. The gate however, got destroyed.

- It was worth the sacrifice. They will be remembered as a heroes - said general - Aidan, it’s time to attack.

- Yes sir. Soldiers, let’s go. Keep your shields up. Mages, move to the front, protect from the arrows. Archers, look for opportunity, fire at will, but don’t waste your arrows! Take the roofs around the plaza once we are inside.

About two hundreds of men marched through the field. Getting inside the city wasn’t really hard for them, as most of enemy archers moved back to the center of the city. Those who stayed behind got killed by the Avergard’s archers or started running away.

As they passed the destroyed city gate, they saw a wide street leading straight to the necromancer’s palace. Buildings on both sides of the streets were built from stone, with fancy shaped columns and wooden decorative supports. From the marble arch on other end of the street, Eshangard’s soldiers started marching to face their enemy.

- Archers, to the roofs! - ordered Aidan.

With support from the roofs, army of Avergard pushed the enemy into the big plaza. Behind the uncounted army of Eshangard, there was a big palace made out of stone and dark marble. On balconies on both sides and the grand stairs leading to the entrance, groups of necromancers were waiting, ready to cast their spells.

Avergard’s soldiers quickly got aware of the real power of necromancers. As they killed first of enemies, they came back to live as undead bodies.

- Push stronger! - yelled Aidan - Our only chance here is Matrik.

They got in the middle of the plaza, surrounded by both living and dead enemies, when they heard horses coming. Matrik and his people rushed through the field, killing some of Eshangard’s soldiers on the way. As they got to the palace, archers quickly took down necromancers on the balconies, while Matrik and few other soldiers attacked ones on the stairs. Officer ordered his people to go inside and take over balconies and front door so that necromancers, who were hiding inside their house, wouldn’t be able to help in the battle outside. Then he took four of his men and started clearing out rooms.

Most of necromancers weren’t a good fighters in direct fight. Their power was mostly focused on using magic from dead bodies, so in combat against soldiers they had no chance for victory. Matrik didn’t feel bad about it. He hated necromancers with the passion and he enjoyed that slaughter.

At some point he entered the basement of palace. A long corridor full of the doors seemed like a prison to him. On the wall near entrance he found the keys. Then he heard the voice.

- My saviour arrived.

Voice was echoing through the corridor, with a bit of darkness in the way it sounded.

- Who is this? - asked Matrik.

- Someone you want to kill.

Fact of being called “saviour” earlier didn’t make sense to soldier, so he kept asking questions.

- A necromancer?

- More than that.

The voice seemed to come from the last doors.

- More than that?

- More than that - repeated the voice.

- Let me guess, you went mad from your magic and they closed you here for their own safety?

- You are both wrong and right.

- Why did you call me a saviour? I’m about to kill you! - Matrik got closer to the doors from where the dark voice was coming.

- You are about to, but you won’t. You will open this door and I will be free.

Matrik wasn’t sure what to think about it. On one hand the voice seemed so dark and deep that it made him scared and leaving the door closed was an option too. On the other hand, his orders were to kill every single necromancer in the area. That included ones who were imprisoned.

As he opened the door, a big shadow appeared in front of him. Suddenly he started feeling weak, like he was about to fell asleep. Prisoner moved closer to him. In the light that came from outside the cell, Matrik saw his face, which looked horrifying. Half of the skin was missing, while rest of it was pale with dark stains over it. One of the eyes was rolling around on the skinless bones. Necromancer was wearing long and wide brown coat and a pointy round hat on his head.

Matrik wanted to instantly strike the creature in front of him, but he couldn’t move.

- Now you see more. Just like I do.

- Will you… Kill me? - asked soldier while being unable to move his body.

- No. You are needed in future.

- Future? What are you?

- Name was… Kalas.

Necromancer passed Matrik and moved in direction of the exit. When soldier got back his ability to move, enemy was gone. Matrik tried to search for him in the palace, but every room was empty. When he got out, the battle was over and Avergard’s soldiers were cheering over the victory.

- Matrik! Where were you hiding? - asked Aidan.

- Did you see the tall necromancer? Brown coat… - Matrik talked slowly with weak voice.

- Huh? Nobody like that. Every necromancer is dead!

- This one… was more than… just a necromancer…

- I think you got a hit in the head my friend - laughed Aidan - We should go home and have a drink, it will surely help you!

Matrik was full of thoughts about what happened in the basement, but he knew his friend won’t believe him, so he didn’t share the story. Army of Avergard took over Blindrun that day and that’s what mattered the most.

* * *

Forest was getting thinner and the road had more of little stones lying around as group of barbarians and elves was getting closer to the mountain Berver.

- We are getting close - said Shabal - Let’s make a camp here and try to reach one of my scouts.

As he said these words, in far distance appeared a man on the horse, that soon turned out to be one of the scouts. He was wearing a brown leather armor, with a gray fur around the neck. By his sides he had two iron axes. His bald head was decorated by warpaints around the eyes.

- You arrived - said barbarian.

- Indeed. Did you find anything interesting?

- Hah, you will be happy. There was a lot of minotaurs activity around here. Lots of small groups moving here and there.

- Continue.

- We followed one of them and found an entrance in the side of the mountain. Seems to be an old one.

- Did you look inside?

- Yes and what we found was most interesting. There is a big cave inside with sort of a… town.

- A town?

- Yes, there are some buildings inside. Looks like a little village.

- Minotaurs building a town… Inside the mountain…

- I couldn’t believe myself.

- Is that everything?

- Yes, we didn’t go any closer, there are many of them.

- Thank you. I should have a look myself before we decide on the attack. Give me a few moments to prepare and we should go there.

Shabal asked few of his men, including Mernion and elves, to come with him. Scout was leading them through the forest, to the mountain slopes. Berver was a giant and mostly steep mountain, but it had a few walkable passages. Here and there were trees and other little plants, that managed to grow up against the stony ground.

- I will show you a safe way - said scout - We can’t let them see us like this.

He led them up the mountain passage. Soon the big trees in the forest became small and travelers could watch a beautiful view of the endless green. As they stopped on the cliff, Mernion took a deep breath of cold mountain air. He never been so high up, so it all was a new experience to him.

- The entrance is down there - scout pointed to the gully next to them - We can get there safely by going down this slope here.

The gate in the wall below them looked ancient. It was carved in the stone, with sculptures representing monsters and other little creatures fighting against them. As Shabal and others looked over it, the gate opened and a group of minotaurs went out and through the gully.

- They are sticking to a schedule with their patrols - said scout - We have enough time to go in now.

Barbarians and elves proceeded down the slope, getting close to the gate. From the outside it seemed heavy, but Shabal managed to open it without a struggle. Exoriss analyzed the sculptures on the gate and walls.

- These are obviously the monsters, right Sythaeryn? But who are they fighting against?

- Hmm, I can see a troll here - he answered, pointing at sculpture of giant creature - But these tiny creatures… Never seen anything like that.

- Did you notice they all use magic? Not a single weapon in their hands.

- Maybe they are monsters with some territorial instinct, similar to minotaurs? That’s why they fight against others. I never heard of race that uses only magic.

- I did, but it didn’t end well for them. They looked different though.

- We might find more informations inside.

All of the heroes went in. Going through the stony corridor, decorated with reliefs representing battles of unknown race against monsters, they reached a giant cave. Right in front of them, there was a big valley with the village that was mentioned by the scout. In the middle, surrounded by smaller buildings, there was a tall tower, with a shining blue crystal on the top of it, which was giving the light to the cave. From the cliff they were standing on, they could observe minotaurs, walking around the buildings.

Shabal analyzed the area.

- It’s well hidden, but not so well protected. But looking at the amount of minotaurs… We are outnumbered.

- We can surprise them like before - said Exoriss - Avenlight, what do you think of these buildings?

- If they are same quality as the gate, it might take two or three arrows to get through.

- Yes, yes. And we don’t need to get inside them anyway. What about the slope under that tower - he pointed at the tower in the middle of town.

- Unfortunate place for a tower. One arrow will make it fall down.

- Minotaurs don’t like the darkness - said Sythaeryn - We can make them panic and kill them in darkness!

- But how will we see them? - asked Shabal with a doubt in his voice.

- The eyes!

- Of course… Still, I think this plan is a bit crazy.

- Hah, barbarian leader Shabal, avenger in dark armor, saying that something is crazy - laughed Exoriss - Someone is getting old.

- It’s just… Ah screw it, let’s bring the rest of us here.

While others were busy talking, Mernion looked over the town. Suddenly, he noticed that minotaurs are taking out a young elven girl from one of the buildings. She was bound by thick chains all over her body, having only head with long orange hairs out. Minotaurs were pulling her over the ground, to one of the side streets where they disappeared.

- Look! - Mernion drew attention of the rest - They took some elven woman.

- In that case, we can’t wait for the army - said Exoriss - Avenlight.

- Wait, that’s a suicide - said Shabal, but gold-haired elf was already standing with his bow prepared.

- Let’s go! - screamed Exoriss, and all of the elves took their weapons out, then started running down the slope, to the occupied village. Avenlight released the arrow.

- Bloody elves - whispered Shabal as the area became dark.

At beginning, the plan worked well. Elves ran to the village and started killing panicking minotaurs. They spread across the village’s border, just so they don’t stab each other accidently. Shabal sent the scout to bring rest of the army and he joined the fight himself, with Mernion and other barbarians at his side.

As they killed first waves of monsters, enemy came with torches, making the earlier advantage gone. In front of Shabal and Mernion, appeared a giant minotaur with even bigger axe. Young barbarian rushed ahead, making fast slash through the chest of the beast. Minotaur answered with a hit of hilt of axe, just to continue with a big slash of the bladed side. Attack got blocked by Shabal, who jumped in with his shield. Axe went deep into the shield. So deep, that minotaur managed to shake old barbarian a few times, before it finally let go. Mernion managed to stab the beast in his side. Minotaur didn’t wait long with riposte. With another giant slash, he made both barbarians jump back to evade the deadly attack.

- Shabal! - screamed Panwarel, running towards the beast with his axe prepared for heavy attack. Barbarian quickly kneeled with his shield up in front of minotaur, letting giant elf jump up on it and hit the enemy. Giant corpse lied down on the floor, with its head split in half.

- Nice one - said Shabal, but elf just rushed to the next enemy, ignoring the compliment. Both barbarians stared at him for a moment, as he cut in half two of minotaurs.

- Someone should find the captive - said Shabal - Let’s split and search in this direction. Elves should be fine until help arrives.

Mernion nodded and took the path where elven girl and minotaurs disappeared. Older barbarian took way around, in hope to surround the enemy.

Young barbarian walked dark and narrow street. He felt a bit scared of what might be waiting ahead. He wasn’t too experienced, almost every fight he got into ended on being saved by somebody else. On the other hand, he felt an odd strength deep inside him, that was forcing him to overcome the fears. He knew that at that very moment he had to do everything to save the elf prisoner.

As he got near the building that looked like a big warehouse, he heard a scream for help. He quickly ran to the door, which was opened. Inside, in the light of torch, he saw elven girl bound to one of massive stone columns. Shabal would smell the obvious ambush that was waiting ahead, but Mernion wasn’t that cautious. After he entered the room, door closed behind him and he got surrounded by a group of minotaurs. Two of them were outstanding in the crowd of poorly armored beasts. One of them was wearing heavy armor and helmet. In his hands he held two sharp iron axes. Other one was holding a big stone plaque, covered in cloth. His eyes were glowing yellow. Mernion looked at elven girl. Her face wasn’t moving, surrounded by aura of floating yellow dust.

- Hello again - said minotaur with yellow eyes - I’m glad we can speak in… peace.

- Who are you? How do you know my name?

- Everything in time. First, I need to make sure you are the one I was looking for - he pointed at young barbarian with his hand and armored minotaur took a step forward.

Mernion quickly took his sword out, prepared for attack. Bull ran at him, jumped up and tried to strike with both of his axes. Barbarian jumped to the side, avoiding the attack, then made a cut on the arm of the beast. Minotaur didn’t react. Instead, he turned to his enemy and started rapidly attacking from one or another side. Mernion blocked or avoided most of the strikes, but one of them made a cut on his chest, making him kneel in pain.

It was first time he got truly hurt and getting beating during training with older barbarians didn’t really prepare him for it. He held his wound trying to stop the bleeding. Then he felt sudden burst of anger. He stood up and all he wanted at that moment was to kill that minotaur.

He started swinging his sword at the beast, that now tried to block his attacks. With one of the hits, Mernion managed to make the bull drop one of his axes. Soon after that, he managed to thrust through the chest of the beast, making it fall on the ground. He pulled his sword out of the dead body, while breathing heavily and pressing his wound with other hand.

- Impressive. Indeed you have the power that is waiting inside you.

- Who… are… you… - said Mernion while trying to catch the breath.

- I’m the archdemon, second that walks this land.

- But demons… were banished… how did you…

- Ohh yes, by one you like to call “Ifar”. Well he isn’t the smartest being. You see, I was the human once. I died. Then I came back as a demon, with a new purpose.

- Chaos?

- Oh no, no, no. Chaos is just a tool. A good tool that let me get you here. Although I was hoping to meet you earlier…

- Whyy…

- Why you? It’s about the power you are supposed to have. I need it to… bring back the order.

- The order?

- Ifar’s time is about to end for good. I need you to help me with it. Imagine the power you can get...

- N… Never. Faith in Ifar is the power.

- I expected as much - archdemon pulled the cloth from plaque he held and it started to float. On the stone, there were various symbols, that now were glowing with different colours.

- I couldn’t come personally, so I made this - said demon - Don’t worry, won’t hurt much.

A light beam from the stone shoot to the Mernion’s face. He felt pain, stronger than pain from wound on his chest or any other pain he felt in his life. Archdemon looked at his face, as the dark round symbol appeared on his left cheek. After that, another symbol started to appear. This time it was red. Demon seemed to not expect that to happen. When the light beam disappeared, runic stone broke into small pieces.

- What is this? - commented demon on the red symbol - This shouldn’t be there. Someone messed with my stone! I got betrayed! - he was talking, while walking nervously around.

Mernion didn’t hear that. Everything around him seemed dull. The surrounding, the sounds, all felt like being in some dream to him.

And then, in front of him, appeared a short human in brown robes and hood.

- Hello. Seems it has worked. Now you will do what I tell you to do!

Voice of mysterious human was soft and Mernion thought it’s very weak as for somebody who wants to order him around.

- I can hear your thoughts. I am in your head right now. Don’t be rude.

- Who are you?

- Doesn’t matter. I want you to kill Shabal. I don’t care about your power and all these lunatic legends. I want Shabal dead.

- No! I will never do that!

- Ohh… You think you have a choice? Ah well, we will see about that. Now I need to free you before old man takes my toy away - he laughed with a bit maniacal voice.

Dullness of Mernion’s perception stopped and now he saw a demon-minotaur, walking around and complaining.

- What is happening? - asked barbarian.

- Seems that certain someone added a bit of his own magic to my stone. I am sorry for that, it should be me who is now in your head, not him.

- Get it off me!

- I could. I could indeed. But that would mean all my effort would go to waste - demon stopped for a moment - I need to speak with him… You are free to go, won’t be long until you hear me again.

- Free the elven girl.

- Oh, her… No, I can’t do that, she is… - he stopped as he felt the pain in his chest. It was Mernion’s blade that thrusted through his heart. Eyes of minotaur stopped glowing, but the demon took control over other one.

- You want to be a hero? Let’s have it your way then! - said archdemon before he disappeared.

All of minotaurs understood that as an order to attack. Paralyzing spell from chained girl was now gone, letting her move and scream. She noticed barbarian, fighting against two minotaurs.

- Help me! Break the chains! - while she yelled, a light green energy was bursting under the massive chains.

Mernion quickly jumped to one of two beasts next to elven girl and hit it with a hilt of the sword, then kicked minotaur on the other side. He looked at the chains on the back of massive column and slashed through the binding. Chains became loose and he noticed the energy that was about to burst from elven body. He managed to hide behind column, before rest of chains exploded, hurting every nearby minotaur in the room.

Elven girl was now standing free. Her hands were shining with green energy and some of the minotaurs were clearly scared of it.

- You bullfuckers…

She started running in direction of group of minotaurs. On her right hand, the energy formed into ball, just to explode soon after it. Mernion tried to stand on his legs as the ground shaked under impact of explosion. Soon after it, she turned around and started shooting magic missiles that hurted enemies on other side, but also destroyed the walls. As result, the entire building started moving down the steep slope that was next to it. Mernion fell on ground, and started sliding down into the chasm, when he felt his hand being grabbed. It was the elven girl’s hand.

- This might hurt - she said, and used a burst of energy to bounce off the slope, right into the hole in the wall.

They fell outside the building, down into the dark depths of the cave.

* * *

A great tiger noticed his enemy. Usually a hunter, this time he fought not for food, but for his own life. Both hunters prepared to attack, waiting for other’s move. They looked into each other eyes, before tiger jumped onto his enemy.

It didn’t work well for him as the spear of hunter went through his throat.

- You died like a warrior - said hunter, while patting head of dead tiger that was now standing, supported by a spear.

He was a tall, muscular man. He had long dark dreadlocks, covered by white headkerchief. Tall black boots and white cloth pants covered his legs, while chest had dark tattoos presenting tigers and jungle flora. His hands were decorated by gold bracelets. On bottom of his back he had two old, used machetes.

While he was looking at his prey, he heard some noise behind him. He turned around, to see familiar person appear in front of him.

- Kanvan! What brings you here? - said the hunter.

- Hello Aryn. Glad I found you. Well uhh… how to start…

- Just say it.

- Our old leader died and after long talks, elders decided that… You are new leader of the tribe.

Aryn stared at his companion for a moment.

- You must be kidding, who suggested me?

- Well… I did.

- You… You made the old stubborns listen to you and pick me as new leader? - he laughed, then turned to dead tiger - Did you hear that?

Kanvan looked at older friend. Maybe the elder was right about the madness.

- We need someone like you, the giant lizard beasts are…

- Giant lizard beasts, ye ye, I know - interrupted Aryn - I fought one of them. Tough enemies, aren’t they?

- I didn’t have a chance myself.

- Ohh… Your loss. Well then, lead the way - he pulled spear from under the tiger, making his dead body fall on the ground - I’m sorry, you can’t go with us.

Aryn continued to talk about his fights with lizard monsters and hunts of other wild animals. Kanvan started to understand why everybody thinks of his companion as if he was crazy, but couldn’t deny his initial point - Aryn is the person they need.

* * *

A smell of fish and alcohol could been felt from hundred of meters. It was smell of Grasshost at this time of evening. Echar was getting closer to it and soon he arrived at place from where he could see entire town. It was a typical port town in this part of the land - full of warehouses, workshops and rather poor-looking houses, where often lived more than one family. It wasn’t a safe place, especially for elf in fancy clothes, so Echar kept his hand on the hilt of his sword.

First thing he did after arriving to the town, was checking on his ship. It was guarded by old one-eyed man who sensed the profit weeks ago. Of course, at this time of day this man was sleeping drunk, so ship owner had to wake him up.

- What what, what ya want? - asked old man after getting poked with tip of the elven boot.

- My ship. You were supposed to protect it while I’m away.

- Ohh it’s you, mister elf. I was protecting it, look, it’s here - he pointed at the ship - Yes, yes. I was protecting it all the time!

- You are drunk.

- Well of course, man has to eat and drink and… I’m a honest worker sir.

- I’m leaving today.

- Ohh of course, of course. But… You are alone! Can’t go alone!

- I’m about to sort that out. Meanwhile can you please clean my ship? I will pay extra gold for that.

- Of course, it will be shiny as… shiny as…

- As elven gold?

- As elven gold! Yes, yes.

Old man moved onto the ship and elf started looking for a crew. Best place to find it was one of many taverns in the town. They were all equally bad, so Echar went to the closest one.

As he opened the massive wooden door, a drunk disgusting man bumped into him, making them both almost fall on the ground. Elf helped the human in standing straight, then proceeded inside the tavern.

Room was crowded. So crowded, that it was hard to breath inside. Here and there were sleeping people, who clearly had more than one drink too much. Colourful elven clothes were drawing attention in crowd of gray and brown, often destroyed, shirts.

Echar headed to the barkeeper, but got interrupted by a woman that joined him near the bar. She was wearing a black dress with a cleavage that in elven taste showed a bit too much. Her face was partially covered by long dark curly hairs, that were in messy state.

- You don’t look like you are from here - she said.

- Correct. My ship is stationing here and…

- Ohh you have a ship? Must be one of rich captains…

- and I look for people who want to work.

- I want to work if you need my talents…

- Hmm… are you good with hands?

- I am good with everything - she slightly bended to him.

- Good then, you should be fine sailing on my ship.

- That’s not what I meant... - she started, but got interrupted by a man behind them.

- Elf! - he screamed. Echar turned around and saw four men who looked like pirates. One that was talking was tallest in the group and had a long gray beard.

- I heard what you said. Where is work, there is gold. And we need gold.

- Then join me on my ship.

- No, no. We don’t need work. We need gold - he said and pulled a dagger from his jacket.

- I see - said elf, then quickly took out his sword, hitting the man in face with a hilt. After that he pulled him to the bar table and taking hand with dagger, he stabbed man in other hand. Everything happened so fast, that companions of bandit didn’t manage to take their weapons out, before Echar was pointing at them with his sword.

- Anybody else? - he asked. They were too scared to make a move, so elf just walked out of the tavern, followed by a woman in black dress.

- Why are you following me? I don’t want your… talents.

- I know people you are looking for. But I want to come with you. I need to get out from here - she whispered.

- I’m going to Jafnore, I don’t think that’s a place for you.

- Now you are rude, elf. Think I won’t fit among all classy elven ladies? Pfff… I’ve been in better places!

Echar feared of his opinion on Jafnore, but at same time he didn’t have much choice. He knew that person that tried to rob him will soon seek revenge and that he is alone in this town, against a crowd of gold-hungry drunk humans.

- Alright then. On my ship, in one hour.

- Which one is that?

- A pretty one, hard to miss it.

- Ohh, alright. By the way I’m… - she stopped for a moment - Kayna.

- Echar.

Woman kept her promise and in an hour, they were on their way to elven island. Echar was a bit surprised, because she changed the clothes to more classy blue dress. He didn’t ask about it. He was just happy that he got a crew and that soon he will visit his home again.

© 2018 Qbjik

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Added on December 28, 2018
Last Updated on December 28, 2018
Tags: minotaurs, barbarians, fantasy, fighting, adventure, demon, war, magic




Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Qbjik

Chapter I Chapter I

A Chapter by Qbjik

Chapter III Chapter III

A Chapter by Qbjik