The Puzzle that He Created

The Puzzle that He Created

A Story by StayAnchored

I’m a living oxymoron; that’s who I am. I am introverted, yet extroverted. I despise change, yet enjoy trying new things. I love hugs, yet have a fear of physical interaction. I am an open book, yet an extremely private person. I am not emotional, yet I feel things deeply. And all those seemingly contradictory facts about me, add up to who I am. God made me uniquely and I have come to terms with that- no one really understands me, because I’m a puzzle. However, one day I will meet someone who is interested in the long haul, not just a 48 piece puzzle, but a 5,000 piece one. And one day you will too, don't give up or settle. The wait will be worth it and will the completed puzzle.

© 2016 StayAnchored

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Wow...this is great! Such an encouragement to read, and definitely a very thought provoking piece! Thanks for sharing! Keep up the good work!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Jeremy Hiles

7 Years Ago

Haha no worries! Sorry my reply was so long in coming, I am horrible when it comes to being on here.. read more

7 Years Ago

As am I! I'm the worst at remembering to check! Thanks a bunch, dude!
Jeremy Hiles

7 Years Ago

Haha thanks! I know the feeling! You are welcome!

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1 Review
Added on August 8, 2016
Last Updated on August 8, 2016




Hey!! I'm not very good at the "About Me" thingys so I'll try my best. I am a girl who loves poetry, photography, and having a good time! I love my God whole-heartily, so most of my posts will be a.. more..
