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Chapter 12

Chapter 12

A Chapter by Kuroko Chigokoro

Kurai’s POV



            But should I go talk to him is the question. I can’t seem to fully trust him yet; I don’t know what to do.


            I know that he’s trying all he can to help me out of the deep, black, nothingness I dug myself into for the past couple years. But, I keep pushing him away.


            You know what? I’m going to go over to his house.


            I slip my sketchbook into my backpack and I walk downstairs trying to find my mom. Luckily I find her in the kitchen getting herself a late night cup of warm milk.


            “Mom?” I ask in barely a whisper.


            She jumps at the sound of my voice; I guess she expected me to be asleep again. “Oh hon, are you ok?”


            “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m going to go over to Alex’s house, I need to talk to him.”


            “Ok honey. Be safe.”


            “Thanks.” I slip my shoes on and I head out. It’s one in the morning so there aren’t any people around. After letting out a deep, long sigh, I start walking to his house.




            Finally after what felt like hours, I finally stand in front of his house. I walk up the driveway but decided against it knowing everybody is most likely asleep. So instead I walk around the side hoping to find the window to his room.


            Finally I find a window with a tree standing on the side of it. Is this his room and the trees there so he could sneak out? I hope it’s his room cause it’s the only one that I can climb into since it’s on second floor. There were windows on the first floor but I could see into them and I didn’t see him in any of those.


            Before I could think against it I start to climb the tree. But as soon as I start to pull myself up I let out a loud hiss from the pain shooting through my arms, the cuts from my almost suicide still fairly fresh. I’m going to half to be careful or I might tear the stitches.


            As I climb I try to keep all my weight on my feet to lessen the pain, finally I make it up and I quietly look into the open window.


            Luckily there was a bed in there with a person under the covers. I look closely and I can just barely see his blue hair on the pillow. Happy that I found his room without any trouble I slowly and quietly slip into his room. My wrist are constantly stinging though, I look down and I notice they’re bleeding again. I sigh, great he’s going to get all annoying so I pull the sleeves of my long sleeve shirt to try to hide the blood soaked bandages.


            I walk over to his bed and I quietly whisper his name, no response. I say it a little louder while nudging him. He just groans and turns over in his bed. I say his name once more shaking him a little. His eyes finally crack open and he looks at me not really seeing. Once he notices it’s me his eyes go wide open and he suddenly sits up straight.


            “Wha-what are you doing here?” He asks. I was expecting him to ask something like that.


            I look down avoiding his gaze and when I speak it’s barely a whisper. “I-I had a nightmare and what I did afterword’s kind of scared me.”


            “You didn’t cut yourself again did you?” He asks beginning to reach for my wrist but I pull away just in time.


            “No, I didn’t.”


            “Then what was it?”


            I sigh and sit down on the edge of the bed. “In the nightmare you were pointing a gun at me, I have no idea why but you had a crazy look in your face and you couldn’t control yourself. You shot me and as I was dying you pointed the gun at your head and shot yourself. I woke up after that.”


            “Oh my god.” He whispers.


            “Yeah, and after that I decided to get out my sketchbook and draw to calm myself down.” I choose that moment to get it out. “What I drew kind of scared me too.” I open it to the picture I drew not to long ago and hand it to him.


            “Oh my god Kurai.”  He says as he looks at the drawing. What will he do now? Put me into therapy? Put me in the crazy house? Or will he try to say that he will try to heal me himself. Maybe he’ll say ‘sorry I can’t help and decide to leave me.


            My eyes tear up at the thought of him leaving me. Did I really get that attached to him?

© 2012 Kuroko Chigokoro

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This story is building have me hooked.

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1 Review
Added on October 30, 2012
Last Updated on October 30, 2012


Kuroko Chigokoro
Kuroko Chigokoro

Peoria, AZ

Hello! I'm 19 and currently attending a state university studying Graphic Design! Though I love to do Illustration type art. :) I love to draw and I also love to write. I love yaoi which is what inspi.. more..
