My Greatest Fear

My Greatest Fear

A Poem by Shelby Baker

My Greatest Fear


My Greatest Fear





My fear  isnt about

 Being a lonely old hag nobody wants to be around

 Getting into a crash and not being able to walk

 Dying and being the devils little torture doll

Spiders crawling all over my body

Tight dark spaces that will crush me


Oh no


My fear is greater than that

It’s the fear of having my family judge my writing

Just think of what would be going through their minds


       That goes through her head?

        Is she really thinking about doing that?

              She really needs to see a therapist!


I don’t mind having the whole world

judge my writing

But when my family is reviewing it

I get tight knots in my stomach 

My Greatest Fear is..

If they think I’m going crazy..

© 2010 Shelby Baker

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The good and the bad.... I'm not very good at sugar-coating and I don't believe it helps.... I'll start with the bad.... Grammar is important, as is spelling. 'Toture', 'then' should be than and 'hole' should be 'whole' to name a couple. Little things really, but if you aspire to be published, those things could make the difference.

Okay, now the good, and there is good in it!! =) I think you give great insight into your inner thoughts and feelings. I really like the first paragraph. You portray yourself as being afraid, without being fearful.

Keep writing.... you've got something going on here =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Awesome poem, portrays a writers insecurity so well. Within writing we are capable of speaking are minds, even the deepest darkest depth is revealed in light. But what happens when someone who has never seen the glimpse of your mind begin to review and judge your thoughts? Some will never know or understand. But that is the exact reason we fear, because we don't know and we don't understand.

Posted 14 Years Ago

In my world, my first rule is, to write for myself. Nothing I've written was ever written to please someone else. If you like the flow of your writings, who cares what others think. For me, if I choose to share something I wrote, and if any critiques are given, I tend to slip them in the back of my mind, use what I need and then quickly move on. I don't know what software you use to write, but you should consider getting a word processor that has spelling and grammar checking. One good (and free) option is OpenOffice (website is, a very flexible Microsoft Office compatible suite. Even with the spelling and grammar checking, there will be times when you want the spelling or wording as is, but by seeing the options the checkers give, your spelling and grammar will improve. I promise.

Posted 14 Years Ago

oh, I'm with you . . . all the way . . .

the more private something is, I make myself post it that much quicker, there's a discipline to sharing

but to think that my friends and family might read it, scares the s**t out of me :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

"My fear isnt about": "isnt" should be "isn't"

"dying and being the devils little torture doll": "devils" should be "Devil's".

I like your writing because it's something that loads of folks can relate to, even if they don't admit it. I never show my family my writing anymore. in my opinion, depressing writes make all the more interesting reads, but unfortunately people who don't understand poetry will just say "are you depressed?"

Posted 14 Years Ago

Apostrophe missing from "isn't", in the first line and from "devil's" in the fourth.

Posted 14 Years Ago

i feel the exact same way about having my family read my writing!!
its crazy....

even though my mom is a writer too...

i can completelyyyy relate to this being your greatest fear

i think every teenage writer feels the same way... cause they cant completely open up to their family and they completely open up to the page and then its like "AHH!!" when the family wants to read it

Posted 14 Years Ago

very good work here. I just want to make note that many writers will experience fear when they are asking others to review their work. If your family and friends think your weird because of your writing, then embrace that, itu are makes you who you are. For example, My mom HATES my writing. She hates the darkness and evil i add into my work, however this pushes me to strive and do just embrace yourself. You may be weird, but so what? you are a damn good writer, and i can undoubtedly think you a damn good person.....

Posted 14 Years Ago

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wow this is so true! i can totally relate to these feelings..... no we dont think youre crazy in a bad way, were all insane in our own special ways... lol nice work

Posted 14 Years Ago

I can totally relate that's why I don't let my parents see my writings lol. =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

haha yeah everyone on this website can relate to this. really interesting and still so true...

Posted 14 Years Ago

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85 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on January 22, 2010
Last Updated on January 22, 2010
Tags: Family, Fear, Real, Writing, poems, stories


Shelby Baker
Shelby Baker

Ware, MA

center> [~]Shelby Ace Baker [~] May 21 [~] Massachusetts [~] Smart & Witty [~] Sarcastic on occasion more..
