

A Chapter by Brooklyn

Just as a reminder or information- this is a magic book like Harry Potter. I just wanted to let you know, so you don't waste your time and read something you don't want to read.

I wake up in a white room.
When I mean white, I mean everything is white. The bed is white, the blanket and sheets are white, the dresser is white, the walls are white, and it's all just white.
The room was a perfect square shape. It looked like a standard hotel room.
The bed was placed in the middle of the room and pushed against the wall. The dresser was sitting to the left side of the bed and two doors in front of the bed, which I assumed led to the closet. There was a window in the farthest corner of the left wall with a desk in front of it.
I observed all of this from my spot on the bed.
As I come out of my daze, the past events come flashing back into my head. Before I can go screaming, the door opens.
A girl walks in. She had curly black hair that fell mid back. She had sea green eyes that held an amount of sadness, like someone had kicked her puppy. Her skin held a heavily tanned color, like she spent all day in the sun. She looked my age, wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt.
"Are you feeling well?", she asked, worry clear on her face.
I didn't know, but I had looked green and was profusely sweating.
I opened my mouth to reply, but shut it because I didn't trust myself say something kind.
When she saw the hesitation on my face, she said, "I know you're confused, but you have to trust me, please. It all be explained soon. Ok?".
I slowly nod my head, still not trusting my mouth.
I can see a small smile bloom on her face.
"So, I'll just get you something to dress in because what you're wearing isn't something you'd want to walk out in." she said.
I look at myself to see that I was dressed in plain, white slip.
"Wait!" I call out, finally speaking. "What's your name?".
"Oh, its Zoe" Zoe said with a hesitant expression as if she didn't know whether or not to trust me with her name.
An awkward silence enveloped us until Zoe cleared her throat.
"So, those two doors lead to the closet, find something to wear, and meet me outside your bedroom when you finish."
She walks out the room and closes the door behind her. She didn't seem to remember that she was going to help choose what to wear. But I didn't call her back to help me pick what to dress because it seemed childish.
I open the doors that opened up to the biggest walk-in closet that I'll probably ever see in my entire life. It seemed the size of the bedroom, only it was occupied with row upon row of clothing.
Not wanting to spend an hour choosing what to wear, I pick the first thing I see- blue jeans, a brown t-shirt, and black hiking boots.
After getting dressed, I meet Zoe outside of my room. We were in a hallway with four doors. My door, a door to the right of mine, a door in front of mine, and a door to the right of the door in front of mine.
The hallway held a peculiar style.
One of the walls were a red color. Not a bold red, but the shades of red you would see during a bonfire.
Another wall was a blue-green color. The way it looked was like rolling waves during a calm day at the beach.
Another was a sky-blue color that held wisps of white, like clouds I noted.
The last wall was brown and green . The top part of the wall was green and as it went down, it turned brown. Looking very much like soil and grass.
"Follow me".
I look to see Zoe heading down a hallway. I had to jog to keep up with her. I was hoping for her to talk and I can get information on where we were and what was happening, but she stayed silent.
After going down various maze-like hallways, we made it to a tall wooden door.
We opened it to a circular room that was covered ceiling to floor with books. From where I was facing, a desk sat in front of a giant bay window.
And sitting at the desk was Scarlett and Mr. Edward Jones.

© 2017 Brooklyn

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What were they arguing? When are you going to break the suspense and where were you guys taken ?
what happened? dude publish it soon. I would like to know the answers.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

All will be explained in the next chapter. Seriously it will. Don't get your parties in a twist. Th.. read more
This is a slightly more boring chapter, but I just wanted to make it one. I didn't feel like starting out boring and ending with a bbbbiiiiggggg bang. That's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy either way.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 18, 2017
Last Updated on February 18, 2017



Fayetteville, NC

I am very creative, music loving, and lazy. But I love to read and write.😀😀 more..

Yourself Yourself

A Chapter by Brooklyn

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A Chapter by Brooklyn