Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by SylphXanas

Rose opened the adjoining door and found four women already sitting around the room. It always narked her that they would just enter her private rooms if she was not there and make themselves at home. She has told them many times she didn’t want them to do this but they still treated her like a five year old that needed their guidance. Rose loved the look of confusion on their faces when she entered from this door, but wasn’t happy about the looks Petra received.

‘Princess Rose, you look wonderful this morning.’ A tall dark haired woman rose slowly to her feet before looking back to the woman beside her princess.

‘Thank you, Petra this tall woman is Sharni, the first lady my parents made my companion.’

‘Sharni.’ She nodded her head politely but received a cold look in return.

‘The ladies still sitting on the sofa, from left are Minsha, Louisa and Rene.’

Petra watch as no one of the three rose when their princess spoke to them. She couldn’t believe the rudeness they all displayed. If they had been her ladies in waiting this behaviour would never have happened. These women believed they were better than Rose . . . she would do something about them. But not right now.

Rose took Petra's hand as the other women at last rose to their feet. ‘Ladies this is Petra Malka and she is now one of my companions.’

‘Oh that is . . . sweet Princess Rose; I always thought you needed to pick up someone from the town. For the . . . common people to see that you know they are there.’ Sharni said with a false smile as her eyes ran over the intruder.

Petra smiled at the attempt at an insult, this was something she has never experienced before and found it rather amusing.

‘I have decided that Petra will be my First.’ Rose said walking over to her seat and watched the others reaction as she sat down.

Without blinking, Louisa was walking around Petra looking at her with a critical eye. She touched straight long pale blonde hair and finds it softer than anything she has ever felt, her eyes are a lilac colour that she found hard to look at, and her skin, well . . . it was flawless and paler than even those people who lived their lives working in the mines.

‘You are from a long line of prisoners.’

‘No.’ Instantly she sent a light pulse to Rose so she wouldn’t interrupt.

‘It is the only way to have skin this pale. The sun has never touched it.’ Louisa sneered with her back to Rose.

‘Louisa, I would suggest not talking about something you know nothing about.’

‘I know you type.’

‘What is my type?’ she asked with genuine interest.

‘Ladder climbers.’

‘Would you explain that . . . you know . . . for us common people?’

‘You try to pretend to be what you are not, you will be found out before too long.’

‘I’m sure I will.’ Petra smiled at this woman’s attempt to scare her away.

‘You do realise she is not from here princess. Her hair, eyes and skin scream loudly of her foreignness.’ Louisa turned to Rose.

‘I do.’

‘Then you will also understand the King would never permit her to be . . .’

‘He has already said it was a great idea. Petra come over here, sit beside me.’ Rose said. Every companion looked at the princess in shock; Louisa was the first to recover.

‘Princess, does that mean she will be using the First Companion suite?’ Trying but failing to hide her contempt of Petra.

‘Yes.’ She turned to Petra hoping she was all right; to her surprise, she found her fighting to hide a smile, the eyes that looked back at her shone with amusement. ‘Would you like a coffee Petra?’

‘I would love one, thank you.’ She looked around and found no tray for the princess. ‘How do you like yours?’

‘White and one ball of sugar.’ Rose smiled when she realised what she was going to do. A small flourish of her hands and two cups appeared. The two were made of such delicate, iridescent white that the coffee could be seen to darken it. The companions gasped as one.

 ‘One of yours?’ She examined the cup in her hand, the steam of the coffee said it was hot but the cup was cool to the touch. She took a sip; her eyes grew a little at the new flavours that exploded in her mouth before taking another sip. ‘This is amazing.’

‘Yes, that cup belonged to my mother, and this one was my fathers.’ She took a sip from her cup. She had always loved these cups, but this was the first time she had used them in a long time.

‘Would you ladies care for a cup?’ Rose looked at them; each stared at the newest who looked all too comfortable.

‘No. Princess Rose I think I should take . . . Petra and fill her in on what her duties will be.’ Louisa glared at Petra. ‘And inform her about correct behaviour and what is expected in your presence.’

‘I have already done that Louisa, as I have already told you all about not caring about the use of magic, there is nothing else to inform Petra of.’

‘It is no excuse for . . . flaunting her strength in front of you Princess Rose.’

‘Petra is doing nothing of the sort, I wanted a coffee and seeing there was no tray, she produced one for me. And I must say, it is the best I have ever tasted.’

‘I would have called for the maid Princess Rose.’ Sharni said sharply.

‘But now I have the perfect cup in my hands.’

‘But young lady, it is our place to correct any new . . . companions you, however unwisely, take into your service.’ Louisa didn’t bother hiding how she felt.

Petra placed her cup on the table then stood tall and looked at her with eyes that showed power beyond her comprehension. Her every movement called for their complete attention. Princess Rose watched her in wonder even as the door opened and Skylar silently entered.

‘May I ask you all a question?’ She received nods from each companion.

Skylar stopped and watched her, waiting.

‘You do realise that as Princess of this castle, Rose is the one that lays down the rules for her Ladies in waiting . . . Companions?’ Again all nodded their heads. ‘I was taught as a very young child, that anything a person of title did was beyond reproach by those in her service. And companions always show their respect of the position they hold, one they were given.’ She looked from one to the other with such authority they actually bowed their heads as she met their eyes. ‘And I think from now on, it would be best if you wait for Rose to be in her rooms before you enter and make yourselves at home.’

‘It is not your place to talk to me like this . . .’ Minsha said, determined not to take orders from the newest.

‘As my First, it is. I have asked you before to not just walk into my private rooms, and maybe now you will listen.’

‘Where were you raised that would give you this kind of information about your betters.’ Sharni all but snarled, forgetting her breeding. Petra stepped close to her and looked down into her eyes.

‘Another lesson Lady. Never ask a question before you know the answer.’ A small smile graced her lips. ‘It will help you avoid acting the fool in the long run . . . And that is one question I don’t think you will ever want an answer to.’ She stepped away knowing that she would never again try that with her. Petra looked to Rose with a small smile. ‘Remember, your Princess is the one that give the orders you are to follow. I highly doubt if Rose would ever ask anything of you that is not within your powers to do. Short of wanting us to take a life, or something silly like that.’

‘True Petra, very true.’ She let a laugh out.

‘Like I said, things taught to the very young.’ She took her seat.

‘Are we going to have our walk after lunch Princess Rose?’ Rene asked in an all too silky voice as she and the others resumed their seats.

Skylar had not been able to move until now, but waited a little longer watching the four companions, they were threatened and that worried him.

‘Not today, I will be spending some more time with Petra.’

The four ladies sat there watching Rose and Petra chatting as if they had known each other for years. Each disliked this new companion that took their princess’s attention from them.

Skylar at last made his presence known with a slight cough as he walked over to his sister. When Petra saw the other companions rise and curtsy, she followed suit. The king actually stopped and watched her every movement until she stood up again.

‘So who told you?’ He gave her a warm smile.

‘I will admit Sire, it did take a while, but I caught on when people kept moving aside for your sister.’ She smiled at him and heard muttering beside her, with a quick glance she found Louisa watching her and the king closely.

‘Ladies.’ He looked at the other four and gave a tight smile. ‘I would like a word with my sister in private. You can have the rest of the day to yourselves.’ Petra started to move to the door with the others. ‘Petra, please stay.’ His voice becoming warm again.

‘Thank you Your Majesty.’ She stayed on her feet until he indicated for her to take her seat the other side of Rose. When the door closed, he turned to his sister.

‘So do you think they took it well?’

‘Not even a little Skylar, but I don't care.’ Rose picked up Petra's hand and gave it a squeeze. ‘They tried doing their over ruling bit again.’

‘I know, I entered just as Petra started . . .’ He didn’t know how to continue.

‘Petra, as my First, did a marvellous job. Don’t you think Skylar?’

‘Yes, I don’t need to worry about them anymore I see.’ He looked to Petra who took a sip from a cup that caught his attention.

Petra noticed his attention. ‘Would you care for a coffee Sire?’

‘Yes please. Strong and black.’ As he watched she waved her hand at the table and a third cup sat on the table. ‘Wow that is beautiful.’ He picked up a gold cup that depicted a castle on one side and a silhouette of a king on the other. ‘It looks and feels like gold but it is far too light for it to be.’

‘It is gold; there is a spell that . . . cancels the weight. That was also my fathers; the coffee is from my homeland. Tell me if it is too strong.’ She watched him sip the black liquid that steamed. A smile grew on his lips.

‘That is why it tastes a little different?’ Rose asked.

‘Yes, I think it has a hint of honey . . . no, not honey . . . maybe . . . I don’t know what it is.’ Skylar took another sip.

‘The coffee plant was grown in the centre of an orchid of wild sweet fruits. There is a crossing of the flavours while they grow.’

‘I have to find a way to buy this.’ Skylar closed his eyes as he took in the aroma that filled his senses and calmed his mind.

‘It is no longer produced.’

‘Then how did you make these?’

‘I hold the original and just copy it. That way I will always be able to share it.’ She didn’t look at the pair that watched her. She frowned a little as she thought about the way the others had referred to Rose. ‘As you know, I’m unaccustomed to some of the traditions of this land, am I meant to call you princess with every sentence?’ She looked back at the pair that could not help laughing.

‘Don't you dare, I honestly think they have a bet on who can say it more than the rest.’ Rose reached over and placed her hand on Petra’s arm. ‘If I had the ability, they would not be my . . .’ she sighed softly as she picked up her cup.

‘Rose is unable to completely dismiss the others because our parents hired them. She allows them a couple of hours every week or so, if she can handle them. You saw for yourself what they are like, not even I could get them to . . . but I think you have managed it beautify.’

‘Would you like to try some of the food from my land?’ She didn’t know why she suddenly felt the urge to share things from home, but she didn’t fight it.

‘Yes please.’ Skylar placed his cup down reluctantly as he has never has such a wonderful cup before. On the table appeared an ornate white platter filled with strange coloured fruits, some looked almost glass like. He reached for a strange black globe the size of a small fingers nail, with small spikes protruding all over it. ‘What is this one?’

‘That is the fruit of the Joslin tree; it fruits only once every ten years. On the morning that the fruit ripens, the aroma fills the air for miles around. It draws birds and other animals to eat them. They only take half of the berries and we take the other half.’ She watched as he started to peal it. ‘You don’t need to worry about the spikes; don’t bite into it, just lay it on you tongue and it will melt away.’ Rose picked one up but waited until Skylar put his in his mouth.

‘Oh my god, that is amazing.’ He nodded to Rose who quickly put hers on her tongue.

‘Now try eating this one . . .’ she plucked a small red berry, ‘and this one at the same time.’ She placed them in her mouth and closed her eyes to enjoy the flavours that combined and blended perfectly in the mouth.

Petra enjoyed watching them trying the fruits from her home; each new one brought them more pleasure. Suddenly Rose turned to Skylar as she remembered something.

‘I can’t believe I forgot. Skylar, Petra is going to try showing me a piece of magic I have never seen before.’ She beamed at her brother.

‘Your dearest dream comes true . . . and what is this spell?’ He looked at Petra as she wiped her mouth on one of the purest white napkins.

‘It’s not really a spell; it’s just opening the void enough to place items into it and drawing them out, I used it for these.’ She indicated the food and drinks.

‘The void?’ Skylar frowned. ‘I’ve never heard of it.’

‘I’m not sure how to explain it; it’s the space between here and there, time and space. Anything you place into the void will never age or change in anyway.’ She watched the pair only to find them even more confused. ‘How do you make something with magic?’

‘If we need to make things we use the appropriate spell. Like if I want to make a pair of gloves . . .’ He closed his eyes and said the spell, a pair of gloves appeared before her. He watched her reach out and take them with a soft frown, she close her eyes and place the gloves between her hands.

‘Do you have a spell for calling something you already have to you?’


‘How about finding lost things?’

‘No, though . . . I wouldn’t mind something like that.’ He smiled.

‘The way I do it is different. For a start, I am not making them but just calling them back or copying them.’ She turned to Rose. ‘Hold my hand while I call something out.’ She held out her hand and when ready she called out a perfect miniature of a winged white horse in the same white luminescent stone from the unit in her rooms. ‘Are you able to sense anything?’

‘I think so, is it like there’s a crack that opens and closes in . . .’ She frowned deeply. ‘It's not inside me but it feels like it is around me, but . . .’ internally she struggles for the words to describe what she felt. ‘I did feel you use it before.’

‘Yes, that is the void, and with you able to feel it, I will be able to teach you how to use it.’ She wondered at anyone from this land being able to feel the void. ‘I have never met anyone that could sense without touching, well not in this land.’ She didn’t tell them that.

‘Try Skylar.’

‘Do you want to know if you can reach the void?’

‘I wouldn't mind trying, but I will admit that Rose's grasp of magic has always been stronger than mine.’ He held out his hand and gently closed it around hers. He glanced at hers, he would have sworn that she had silk gloves on. He waited as she again called out another item. ‘I did feel it.’ He said surprised as he slowly released her hand.

‘Yes, the two of you will be able to use the void.’ She stopped and looked at the second item, a perfect working copy of the original light sphere.

‘What are they Petra?’ Skylar asked not game to touch them in case he damaged them. The second one got his attention, its round top sparkled a rainbow of colours for a moment.

‘This is a rather entertaining . . . toy that was given to me by my father before he died.’ She looked at it with a smile, and then looked to Rose as an idea came to her. ‘Pass your hand over the top without touching it.’ She said. Rose slowly reached out her hand and moved it over the top. Its white surface shimmered and became clear, soft music began to emanate from it, filling the room with its melody, followed by rainbows floating through the air.

‘Petra.’ Rose whispered as she stood up smiling. ‘It’s beautiful.’

Petra passed her hand over the sphere, the music changed to a lively melody, rainbows turning into butterflies in a multitude of colours. She let them enjoy the music for a few minutes and quietly made her way to the window, looking at the cliffs. A sigh escapes as she remembers the day her father had given the sphere to her. He had taken her to the city centre and they had watched to original gift of the Great Mother come to life just as the sun set. They had stayed there for hours just watching and listening before he had produced this one for her. She knew from experience that no other from this land had been able to activate it, again she wondered at the two behind her, it was a little like bringing a little of her home to life.

© 2012 SylphXanas

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Added on October 27, 2012
Last Updated on October 27, 2012
Tags: Fantasy, magic, cliff, death, lonely, love, Great Mother, fear




I am a wannabe writer who needs reviews on my stories. I love fantasy more than any other, but will read other books. more..

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by SylphXanas

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A Chapter by SylphXanas