Winter is Coming

Winter is Coming

A Poem by The Raven King

An ode to The Game of Thrones



Dark wings Dark words

Dark wings Dark words



Long summer is ending

Innocence must die

The wolf must hunt and the

raven must fly


Old bones remember

the sting and the bite

The Others come silent

in a blanket of night


The dragon is waking

with a molten gold crown

The northlands a gift

for the god that is drowned


The new gods are weak

The old gods are cruel

The power flows free

in the hands of a fool


Honor and kindness

the tools of the just

Betrayed like the rest

all ashes and dust


The young will now suffer

The old will regret

and all who survive

will never forget


dark wings dark words

dark wings dark words


The lion's ambition

the direwolf's pride

the stag's lamentation

the black crows now fly


the dead walk the halls

the living will join

whether master of secrets

or master of coin


dark wings dark words

dark wings dark words


Winter is coming

on castle and plain

Winter is coming

and with it comes pain


the messenger raven

the wise maester knows

dark wings bring dark words

and a great storm of woes


Winter is coming

the long summer gone

The gods fade away

with the light of the sun

© 2011 The Raven King

My Review

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Absolutely magnificent! I just don't know what else to say, this is an amazing piece!


Posted 13 Years Ago

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I am not familar with the series, but I love the way your words flow. I found myself wondering if you put alot of time and effort into making it flow so nicely because it just has an effortless feel to it. Easy Read...nice job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

the contrast of sources (the messenger the master/dead and living, young old) shows a constant theme throughout. even the idea of the loss of power and now is in the control of total f**k tards is evident. I'm not a huge fan of predicted rhyme but i'll bypass that for a message

Posted 13 Years Ago

a very compelling poem, the flow is fantastic great write

Posted 13 Years Ago

Simply stunning work R.K. It flowed beautifully and each carefully chosen word blended with the next, then the next to its completion. I really loved this....bravo!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I loved this writing. The imagery and rhymes are amazing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Glad to note I'm not the only one inspired by The Game of Thrones series. Now if only GRRM would actually finish it...

Fantastic writing, by the way. Completely in line with the mood of the books: dark and yet mesmerizing at the same time...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

you, sir, have a wonderful way with words! I can't even pick a fav because I am in love with all of the stanzas!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hello Raven, nice to have a chance to read some of your work. I liked this piece because it also read like a story and that's what drew me in. There's so much beautiful imagery in each stanza it's hard for me to choose the one I like best. Winter has always made me think of loss , darkness and loneliness. The flow of this poem was flawless , perfect title.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on December 8, 2010
Last Updated on July 17, 2011


The Raven King
The Raven King


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