Mind Matters Most - Chapter Nine

Mind Matters Most - Chapter Nine

A Chapter by Tusitala Tom

MMM Nine

                                  Questions of God:  What is it that most people want?       

Below is the answer to the above question I asked of my Higher Self.  The answer came by way of Automatic Typing.   Automatic Writing, or Typing is something I’ve been gifted with for the past forty-five years.    Ghost Guidance and Automatic Writing,” written in 1974 deals more thoroughly with this.

Immediate Response

“Your question is important in that it shows what you want: an answer that is applicable to all people.  Such an answer won’t be forthcoming because all people want different things; they set up different sets of priorities.   Though this is so, there are certainly a number of commonalities.  Most people want security.  This can never be gained, for there really is no security in life.  The wealthiest can be tumbled from their high societal positions and rendered into poverty.  War can devastate, as can Nature; the very foundations of the greatest and most opulent of peoples anywhere on the planet on which human kind has its dwelling can fail.   So there is no security.

“That accepted, a certain peace comes into play.   It is a knowing that, deep down, everything is all right; everything is going along as it should.  Few people have this knowing.  You haven’t.  That is why you ask of Me this most basic of questions.  

“People wish and yearn to return to Me.  That is they want to rejoin the All that is Me.  Whilst people live upon the earth they are separated to a great extent from Me.   They live in flesh, and flesh is prone to decay as well as growth.   People know in their deepest being that they are only here on earth for the shortest of times and this is what troubles them.   Their ‘temporariness’ is at the heart of it all.   You will note that in youth and even in middle age most people live for a future.  In late old age they long for a past that never was.  Only in their imaginings did those days of early bliss and happiness have any reality for them.  

“So, people will not accept what is in their lives at the present moment but are always yearning and longing for what has gone before or what they expect will happen in their lives in the future.   This makes for a certain amount of unhappiness.   Yet, they are travelling towards something.  That something is deemed by them to be better.  Yet that moment of pure happiness in the now is so fleeting that even as it is upon them it is lost in analysis and introspection. 

“You cannot know peace in this world except by losing yourself temporarily in some sort of occupation where you disappear into the background and what you are involved in at that moment becomes you.   You and the action are one.   You and the thought are one.  But, the thought or the action need be one that brings pleasure to you and is at least aimed at bringing the same to others.   You need to remember that what you do is what you become.   This only refers to your personality and character upon the Earth Plane, of course.  Once you return to the dimension from which you emanated out into a human body, the character and personality are no longer as important.   It is the real you, that part of you which is Me that returns, and a glorious and wonderful return it is, too, to most of those who live upon your world. 

“Heaven exists.   It is as real as the Earth is real.  That is, it is made up of vibrations that are deemed to be solid.  Flowers and trees and grass and rocks and rivers and lakes are all there in the heaven you will go to, Tom.   You will love it.  But that is not the question you sought an answer to.   There is little or no fear in you about dying and passing over now.   No, you asked “What do most people want?” and in my roundabout way, via your subconscious and automated writing, I am telling you.

“What most people want is to return to Me.  I’ve already said that.   But the ego part, the artificial part of each human being, which has been built up almost since their time of birth, does not wish to be annihilated.  It does not want to go the way of all flesh - break down into what it was before it was formed.   The ego of each human being is, in its way, a life form of its own.  It is a life form that I have allowed each one of my myriad separate human souls to develop to enable them to experience both joy and sorrow, ecstasy and pain.   Without an ego-body, without an ego mind there is no experience upon Earth.   So what would be the point of a life if there were to be no experience?

“You and every human being chose �" whether you accept at the ego level this notion is neither here there �" chose to be born into the circumstances in which you and they were born.   You did.   You certainly did.   And every experience you’ve had from the time you were born was not so much ordained as ‘readied’ for you to make your impressions upon it �" and thereby on the world �"  so that you could move in any direction you wished.  Such is the freedom I have given you.   Whether you choose to be locked into a certain way of life or to break free of it is up to you entirely.   Only if you go completely against My larger pattern, my larger plans for the world and for the Universe �" which, incidentally, are laid down in my Natural Laws �" will I intervene and say ‘Nay.”

“You have had a tumultuous inner life.   The actual development of your skills has been phenomenal in this life time.  You have moved ahead in communication in particular, that of secular communication such as creative writing and speaking and storytelling, and also in your ability to communicate with Me at this high level.   So in that you have not failed to progress.

“Progress towards what?” you might ask.   Progress towards becoming what you know you are �" Me.   You have had that revealed to you and until this becomes your main goal in life �" the most magnificent vision of the most magnificent event of which you can conceive (in this case it was revealed via an epiphany) you will never be free of this uncertainty, this feeling that you are not pursuing your destiny.

“What do most people want?   They want to find the path.  They want to know they are traversing the path.  They want assurance that they are making progress.   Progress toward what?   Progress towards inner peace.  Anything less than this is a temporary escape and will not bring lasting happiness.   Moving towards Me is the prerequisite for happiness.   It has all been spelled out so many times:  Go with your heart.  Develop your intuition.  Move in grace towards a life which helps others.  Love your neighbor �" and those who are not your neighbors but who live far away �" as yourself.   Connect.  Be with.  Love one another.   All of these things have been said by Me through so many to so many.   The world’s people must listen.  They must listen to Me within them.  Until that happens the world overall will not know peace.  

“And it is peace which all seek.”

Thus ended this discourse.  It is one of the many I’ve been grateful to receive over the years.  I hope you, dear reader, appreciate its value.   

© 2014 Tusitala Tom

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Added on June 30, 2014
Last Updated on June 30, 2014


Tusitala Tom
Tusitala Tom

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

The word, Tusitala, means Storyteller in Polynesian. A friend gave me that title because I attended his club several times and presented stories there. I have told stories orally before audiences si.. more..
